massmux / lightstack

Automagic Selfcustodial Cloud Lightning Stack
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bitcoin lightning lnbits phoenixd

Full Phoenixd Stack

Just run your own self-custodial cloud Lightning node on your VPS, from your domain name, with this stack. You immediately get a LNBits instance on your own node and the phoenixd endpoint available on a SSL connection


Get the repo

cd ~
git clone
cd lightstack

Choose domain and cnames

choose two subdomains on your domain, where you have the DNS management. They must point the A record to the host server IP and this must be already propagated when you are going to invoke initialization script. In my example they are

n1 will be the endpoint for phoenixd APIs lb1 will be the lnbits install


cd lightstack

The interactive init script makes possible to choose beween using PostgreSQL or SQLite as database support, and choose self-signed certificates (for testing purposes) or Letsencrypt ones. You will be asked during install.

PostgreSQL is better when thinking to large amount of users installs.

In case you need to start inizialization from the beginning, you need to clear existing configuration (if the case) by issuing:

./ clear

Please note that this will clear all data, configuration files and database in existing directory. If you had funds in that node, you will loose them all, so be careful and check it before


Access LNBITS instance at:

Access phoenixd API endpoint with:

in case you want to tune your configuration you can always setup the .env file as you prefer.