masyahook / scGRN

Gene regulatory network inference and analysis based on scRNA-sequencing data
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scGRN - Gene regulatory network inference and analysis based on scRNA-sequencing data

This repository contains the computational pipeline of the GRN-inference analysis based on expression of single cells. scRNA-sequencing datasets capture rich information about the transciptomic gene levels across thousands of cells and thus could be used to describe the gene interaction. All gene interactions could be depicted as gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that summarize genetic communication and regulation as a graph network. The focus of this repository is to provide an end-to-end pipeline to infer and analyze the GRNs that were computed based on scRNA-sequencing data.

As a case study, we focus on the COVID-19 patient dataset (Liao et al., 2020). The data is available on GEO (GSE145926) and contains 10xGenomics pipeline samples from the lung immune microenvironment in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from 6 severe and 3 moderate COVID-19 patients and 3 healthy controls (look below).

Key features

Types of inferred networks

We will work with two types of networks:

Main pipeline


General structure of the package

The source code is available in the scGRN folder which consists of the following submodules:

Script-based modules

The work is heavily based on the Marenostrum supercomputer, thus the code is optimized for working in the HPC environment (i.e. Slurm). The single_cell_processing pipeline is implemented in R, while network_inference and network_analysis are implemented in Python. Both pipelines are wrapped in bash scripts for easy execution. Some scripts are tailored to the Marenostrum file system (file names conventions, Slurm-based workload commands), but could be easily adapted to other HPC environments. The community analysis provided in network_analysis could be also run at scale using Slurm manager. You can see the examples of the sbatch and greasy commands in the notebooks/Generate_sbatch_commands.ipynb notebook. For more details of the pipeline usage, please look in the corresponding files in the submodules.

Jupyter-based modules

The network_analysis pipeline is implemented as a Python package that the user can use to analyze the inferred networks. It includes utilities for I/O operations, graph analysis, data aggregation and visualization. As an example, to read the patient sample metadata:

import scGRN

# Setting file system, also defined in
_FMETA = (
_DATA_HOME = f"{_PROJ_HOME}/Data_home/res/covid_19"

# Loading full metadata for all patients
full_meta = scGRN.ana.get_meta(_DATA_HOME, _FMETA)

(12, 4)
Index(['group', 'file', 'num_cells', 'Macrophage', 'T_cells', 'DC',
       'Pre-B_cell_CD34-', 'Monocyte', 'NK_cell', 'B_cell', 'Epithelial_cells',
       'BM', 'Pro-B_cell_CD34+', 'HSC_-G-CSF', 'CMP', 'Neutrophils', 'GMP',
       'Erythroblast', 'Gametocytes', 'Neurons', 'Fibroblasts',
       'Smooth_muscle_cells', 'Hepatocytes', 'Keratinocytes', 'Pro-Myelocyte'],

Let's display some patient samples and their cell type composition:



id group file num_cells Macrophage T_cells DC Pre-B_cell_CD34- Monocyte NK_cell B_cell Epithelial_cells BM Pro-B_cell_CD34+ HSC_-G-CSF CMP Neutrophils GMP Erythroblast Gametocytes Neurons Fibroblasts Smooth_muscle_cells Hepatocytes Keratinocytes Pro-Myelocyte
C51 C /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4475048_C51_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 9431 8348 608 215 98 70 68 9 7 4 3 1 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
C52 C /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4475049_C52_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 8696 8611 13 23 3 14 5 2 25 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
C100 C /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4475050_C100_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 907 338 411 45 5 51 20 12 18 nan 2 nan 5 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
C141 M /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4339769_C141_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 1449 197 932 48 5 86 96 33 37 nan nan nan 3 11 1 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
C142 M /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4339770_C142_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 1790 482 996 39 13 67 113 20 38 1 1 2 3 14 1 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
C144 M /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4339772_C144_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 452 37 181 41 8 73 34 14 54 2 1 1 1 3 nan 2 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
C143 S /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4339771_C143_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 14933 2048 1394 154 33 7489 562 72 145 nan 1 24 1 3005 2 nan 2 1 nan nan nan nan nan
C145 S /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4339773_C145_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 15550 6960 719 859 46 5616 421 58 207 nan 1 26 nan 635 2 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
C146 S /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4339774_C146_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 2545 247 61 36 nan 127 14 3 417 nan nan 2 nan 1632 nan nan 1 nan 2 1 1 1 nan
C148 S /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4475051_C148_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 1165 98 122 24 nan 641 36 8 52 nan 1 nan 3 178 1 nan 1 nan nan nan nan nan nan
C149 S /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4475052_C149_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 1936 176 681 80 1 691 59 38 41 nan nan 5 nan 164 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
C152 S /gpfs/projects/bsc08/shared_projects/scGRN_analysis/Data_home/data/GSE145926_RAW/GSM4475053_C152_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 2557 466 397 41 176 795 74 317 201 6 40 nan nan 30 13 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan 1

You can also visualize the cell count for different patients and cell types using various visualization utilities:


Cell count distribution among patients and cell types

For more examples of use look into examples and notebooks.


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