match4everyone / match4healthcare

Helping hospitals find qualified medicine students (Hackathon #wirvsvirus). A more flexibel version is currently in development under match4everyone/match4everything,
17 stars 10 forks source link
covid-19 hospital hospital-management-system volunteer-management volunteers




File changes in python files trigger an auto-reload of the server. Migrations have to be executed with docker exec backend python3 migrate.

After changes to the Docker configuration, you have to restart and build the containers with docker-compose -f up --build.

In order to run pre-commit checks every time, please run pre-commit install once in the repository. Pay attention when using git commit -a, because then the automatic code formatting will be added irreversably to your changes. The recommended workflow would be to use git add first, resulting in staged changes and unstaged codeformatting that you can double-check if you wish. You can of course always run pre-commit run to manually check all staged files before attempting a commit.


Reverse Proxy

We recommend running the gunicorn server behind a reverse proxy to provide ssl and possibly run multiple services on one server. The default configuration will make the docker container reachable on port 8000 only on

A sample nginx configuration can be found at ./tools/nginx-sample-site.


Set SECRET_KEY, SENDGRID_API_KEY and MAPBOX_TOKENin for Django POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD inside for postgres on your host machine. Also add a SLACK_LOG_WEBHOOK to enable slack logging.

To run a container in production and in a new environment execute the script which builds the containers, runs all configurations and starts the web service.

If you want to deploy manually follow these steps closly:

  1. Build the containers (Run export CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) if you want to run the backend as non-root) docker-compose -f -f up -d --build
  2. Make messages docker exec --env PYTHONPATH="/match4healthcare-backend:$PYTHONPATH" backend django-admin makemessages --no-location
  3. Compile messages docker exec --env PYTHONPATH="/match4healthcare-backend:$PYTHONPATH" backend django-admin compilemessages
  4. Collect static docker exec backend python3 collectstatic --no-input
  5. Migrate docker exec backend python3 migrate
  6. Check if all the variables are correct docker exec backend python3 check
  7. Restart the backend container (important, whitenoise does not reload static files after it has started) docker-compose -f -f down && docker-compose -f -f up -d




For executing the tests use python3 test.

In case you add more required environment variables for productions, please check for their existance in backend/apps/


Logging should always use the following pattern if possible:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'message',extra={ 'request': request })

If the request is not logged as an extra parameter, the log entry will NOT be messaged to slack!

Adding the request as extra parameter will automatically extract logged on user information as well as POST variables and take care of removing sensitive information from the logs, respecting the @method_decorator(sensitive_post_parameters()). For example in user sign in, this will prevent logging of passwords.

Warning: Special care must be taken to avoid errors from circular references. The extra parameters are written to the log file and serialized as JSON. Circular references will cause logging failure. One example would be adding the student to the extra dict:

Student has an attribute for the user, user has an attribute for the student, ...

These circular references will prevent the log entry from being written. Including request is always safe, because the logging formatter contains dedicated code for request logging.

Creating fake data

You can create and delete random fake students and hospitals using createfakeusers --add-students 1000 --add-hospitals 50. Use the --help flag to check out all the options. For creating a staff user, please use the builtin createsuperuser command.


Thanks for forking our repository. Pay attention that Travis CI doesn't test your code with sendgrid. If you want to use sendgrid for your tests, add your repository name to the list in the if statement for NOT_FORK in backend/match4healthcare/settings/ and specify the SENDGRID_API_KEY environment variable in the Travis run settings.