libmateweather is a libgnomeweather fork.
libmateweather is a library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations.
libmateweather isn't supported in the devel platform, which means OS vendors won't guarantee the API/ABI long-term, but authors of open source apps should feel free to use libmateweather as users can always recompile against a new version.
To use libmateweather in your code, you need to define the MATEWEATHER_I_KNOW_THIS_IS_UNSTABLE preprecessor symbol, e.g. by adding -DMATEWEATHER_I_KNOW_THIS_IS_UNSTABLE to your CFLAGS.
To translate the default location, enter the data for the largest city on your locale as follows: (Location Data for en_US.UTF-8: «Washington, D.C. US»)
msgstr "'Washington'"
msgid "'DEFAULT_CODE'"
msgstr "'KOCW'"
msgid "'DEFAULT_ZONE'"
msgstr "'America/New_York'"
msgstr "' '"
msgstr "'35.570557 -77.049721'"
You can retrieve the required data if you have set your location on the clock panel applet:
$ dconf read /org/mate/panel/objects/clock/prefs/cities
['<location name="" city="Washington" timezone="America/New_York"
latitude="35.570557" longitude="-77.049721" code="KOCW" current="false"/>']