matentzn / trait-phenotype-ontology-patterns

The goal of this repo is to reconcile our discussions on trait & phenotype modelling patterns, including measurements and other entities.
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Modelling patterns for trait and phenotype data

Phenotype data in the broad sense - observations about organisms in a lab or populations of organisms - are recorded/curated using a wide variety of different systems, for example:

The problem is aggrevated by the fact that there is no clear distinctions between phenotype, trait, measurement and similar terms, even within the various ontologies, which makes analysis across resources extremely difficult. Furthermore, specific resources, such as Monarch, MGI, IMPC, FlyBase or RGD may use terms and record them together with contextual modifiers that change their meaning - contextual information that no other source understands. This may be information such as negation (NOT "Abnormally Increased Tail Length"), normalisation (normal "Abnormally Increased Tail length") and normal variation ("Abnormally Increased Tail Length" as in "consistently increased tail length, but within normal range") to more complex contextual information such as non-wild comparators ("Abnormally Increased Tail Length" compared to control rather than wild) or measurement protocols ("We checked for Abnormally Increased Tail Length but didnt record the outcome").

The goal of this community effort is to reconcile our discussions on trait and phenotype modelling patterns, including quantitative (phenotypic) measurements. Specifically we set out to do the following:

  1. Design a semantic modelling framework that enables the comparative analysis of phenotypic abnormalities ("Abnormally Increased Tail Length"), traits ("Tail Length"), and quantitative (phenotypic) measurements ("Tail Length of 4cm").
  2. Specify a set of modelling patterns that can be used for phenotype, trait and measurement ontologies to logically define terms compatible with the proposed framework.
  3. Specify a data-model compatible with phenopackets and biolinkml into which databases can map their data to become compatible with the proposed framework.

We are losely organised through bi-monthly meetings and discussions on this GitHub repostory. If you want to join the discussion, please open a ticket in the issue tracker.

Current members of the effort:

Name Github Institution Role
David Osumi-Sutherland @dosumis EMBL-EBI, Monarch Initiative Coordinator, semantics specialist
Susan Bello @sbello JAX, MGI, Alliance of Genome Resources Coordinator, ontology engineer, bio-curator
Nicolas Matentzoglu @matentzn EMBL-EBI, Monarch Initiative Coordinator, semantic engineer
Anna Anagnostopoulos @anna-anagnostop JAX, MGI, Alliance of Genome Resources ontology engineer, bio-curator
Nicole Vasilevsky @nicolevasilevsky OHSU, Monarch Initiative ontology engineer, bio-curator
Leigh Carmody @LCCarmody JAX, Monarch Initiative ontology engineer, bio-curator
Anna Anagnostopoulos @anna-anagnostop JAX, MGI, Alliance of Genome Resources ontology engineer, bio-curator
Violeta Munoz Fuentes @viomunoz EMBL-EBI, IMPC
Meghan Balk
Jim Balhoff @balhoff
Chris Mungall @cmungall LBNL
Cari Park
Elliot Sollis
Elissa Chesler
Jeremy Mason
Kalliope Panoutsopoulou
Laura Harris
Randi Vita
Zoe Pendlington
Laura Harris
Kent Shefchek
Stan Laulederkind
Jennifer Smith
Ramona Walls @ramonawalls Critical Path Institute, U. of Arizoan Coordinator, ontology engineer, data scientist