matham / pi_waveshare_adc

A performant Python library to read the RPi Waveshare ADC expansion board.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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A performant Python library to read the Raspberry Pi Waveshare ADC expansion board.

Complete documentation is here <>_

.. image:: :target: :alt: Supported Python versions

.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest Version on PyPI

.. image:: :target: :alt: Coverage status

.. image:: :target: :alt: Github action status


pi_waveshare_adc is a Python 3+ library for controlling and sampling the Raspberry Pi Waveshare High-Precision AD/DA Expansion Board <> built around the 8-channel 24 bit 30Khz ADS1256 <> ADC.

It is based on the PiPyADC <> library, but has been internally converted to Cython for C performance to achieve full 30Khz sampling. Additionally, it supports either the WiringPi <> or a new PiGPIO <>_ backend, now that WiringPi has been deprecated. Finally, it has a more Pythonic API and has been better proofed against reading corrupted samples (although it's still impossible to fully guarantee since the RPi is not a real-time system).

This library has been tested on the RPi4 and should similarly work on the RPi3. It relies on the multiple cores to be able to sample at full 30kHz. Because at sustained 30kHz, one core is fully engaged. So on older RPis will less cores it may not function well. However, sampling at lower frequencies (< 1kHz) is much gentler on the CPU (see class docs for CPU sleep details).



There are two backends pigpio or wiringpi selected by instantiating the WiringPiADS1256 or PiGPIOADS1256 class, respectively.

In testing on the RPI4, the pigpio was significantly faster than the wiringpi backend (more than 3x faster on SPI, slightly slower reading the GPIO). Consequently, it is able to sample at higher frequencies and more consistently achieve 30kHz.

Unfortunately, to use pigpio, Python needs to be run with sudo permissions because we use pigpio directly for better performance rather than the daemon. If you get the following error::

2020-09-02 01:44:41 initCheckPermitted:
|Sorry, you don't have permission to run this program.    |
|Try running as root, e.g. precede the command with sudo. |

It means you forgot to use sudo. So use e.g.::

sudo python3


Hardware pin configuration must be set up before initialization phase and can not be changed later.

Register/Configuration Flag settings are initialized, but these can be changed during runtime via class properties.

Higher performance chunked sampling


Performance and Data Corruption Considerations

Data could be corrupt if it's taking too long to read e.g. if the pi
hiccups and sampling rate is too large and we read while data is updated.
This is especially the case when muxing.

Our sleep has minimum about 100 us resolution. So e.g. at 30kHz, we can't
afford to sleep while waiting for the input to change, because the time
between samples is 1 / 30kHz = 33us so if we sleep we'll miss samples.
Even at 1kHz sampling, we only have 1000us between samples or about 8-9
sleep cycles. So if we sleep too long, by the time we finish reading the
sample the next sample may already be converted and our read value would be

Consequently, we only sleep if the sampling rate is less than 500Hz.
Because with 2000 us between samples we have 15-20 sleep cycles available,
so the risk is much much less.

The consequence is that when sampling above 500Hz, the CPU will not get
any sleep if we do e.g. chunked reading. This is not a problem on e.g. a pi
4 with 4 cores. :attr:`do_data_ready_delay` controls this behavior.
If the rate is less than or equal to 500Hz and :attr:`do_data_ready_delay`
is True (the default) then we do a minimum sleep while waiting. Otherwise,
we never sleep.