matheusccastroo / vscode-meteor-toolbox

Meteor Toolbox extension for vscode
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Add language configuration for .meteor/packages #13

Open zodern opened 1 year ago

zodern commented 1 year ago

vscode sets the language for .meteor/packages to markdown by default. It would be nice to have a simple language for .meteor/packages so the keyboard shortcut for comments and basic syntax highlighting works correctly.

It's not necessary, but a nice to have would be for it to highlight package versions that end with !.

matheusccastroo commented 1 year ago

Hello, @zodern! Nice to see you here.

That's a really good suggestion! Will keep track of it here.

It shouldn't be hard to implement this, as we would need to just create a new language configuration/syntax file for it (all of that on the client, not on the LS).