matheusccastroo / vscode-meteor-toolbox

Meteor Toolbox extension for vscode
17 stars 2 forks source link

Meteor Toolbox

Extension to enable intelisense for Meteor core, added packages and custom packages. Also adds launch configurations for the browser (run/debug).

The packages watcher is inspired on meteor-package-intellisense.

The extension is available on VS Code Marketplace and on Open VSX Registry.


Just install the extension and it will add the needed configuration for you.

Note: this extensions changes the jsconfig.json and .vscode/launch.json. Remember to not include those changes to your version control system, as they are scoped to your environment.

Blaze Support

Meteor Toolbox is the only extension implementing a Blaze completion/definition provider. Check it in action:




Go to Definition and References




And much more...

Available commands

Toggle Meteor Toolbox Auto Run -> Toggle file watcher for packages folders.

Run Meteor Toolbox set up manually -> Run the extension manually, only one time (if autorun is not enabled).

Run clear meteor build cache -> Clear meteor build cache.

Re-create Meteor Toolbox run options -> Re-create launch.json file. Usefull when you change the port settings.


This extension only runs inside a Meteor project.

Extension Settings


Matheus Castro

Renan Castro