mathieu-benoit / myakscluster

How to setup a secure Kubernetes cluster on Azure
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acr aks azure azure-cli azure-monitor cloud-security devops devsecops gitops k8s kubernetes kured security terraform

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To properly setup and secure your AKS cluster, there is a couple of features and components to enable in order to properly setup your Security Posture, here is the list:

Basic - without cost:

Advanced - with cost:

Complementary Azure services to leverage:

Architecture diagram



Configuration pre-provisioning

az login
#az account list -o table
#az account set -s <subscriptionId>

export LOCATION='canadacentral'
export NODES_COUNT=3
export NODE_SIZE='Standard_DS2_v2'
export ZONES=false


randomSuffix=$(shuf -i 1000-9999 -n 1)
export AKS=FIXME$randomSuffix
export K8S_VERSION=$(az aks get-versions \
  -l $LOCATION \
  --query "orchestrators[?isPreview==null].orchestratorVersion | [-1]" \
  -o tsv)

Provisioning Option 1: Azure CLI

cd cli

FYI, current issues/workarounds with Azure CLI:

Provisioning Option 2: Terraform

cd tf
sudo terraform init
terraform plan \
  -var aks_name=$AKS \
  -var k8s_version=$K8S_VERSION \
  -var location=$LOCATION \
  -var aks_node_count=$NODES_COUNT \
  -var aks_node_size=$NODE_SIZE
terraform apply \
  -auto-approve \
  -var aks_name=$AKS \
  -var k8s_version=$K8S_VERSION \
  -var location=$LOCATION \
  -var aks_node_count=$NODES_COUNT \
  -var aks_node_size=$NODE_SIZE

Configuration post-provisioning

You need to connect to the Jumpbox VM via the Bastion host and run the commands below:

az login \
  --service-principal \
  -u FIXME \
  -p FIXME \
  --tenant-id FIXME
az aks get-credentials \
  -g $RG \
  -n $RG

Pricing estimation

Other considerations:
