matluca / app_basce

App Bascé
GNU General Public License v3.0
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App Bascé

The App Bascé is the unofficial app for the Chattina Bascé. The App is developed as a Flutter application, and could be released for Android, iOS and as web application.

Build app for Android

For building the app and creating APK releases for Android, go to the project root and run

flutter build apk --split-per-abi

This produced three APK files and stores them in ./build/app/outputs/apk/release. In order to create a fat APK, remove the --split-per-abi flag. The right APK for a 64bit device is app-arm64-v8a-release.apk.

See Build and release an Android app for further details.

Build web app

For building the app for a web version release, go to the project root and run

flutter build web

This generates all the necessary files in ./build/web. To test locally, launch a web server. For example, navigate to ./build/web and run python -m http.server 8080, which makes the web version available under localhost:8080.

See Build and release a web app for further details.


firebase serve

to launch a browser running the app locally. To deploy the App to Firebase hosting, run

firebase deploy --only hosting

The app will then be available at To specify a different target, run

firebase deploy --only hosting:appbasce

which will make the app available at