matomo-org / matomo-dev-environment

Matomo Development Environment (Vagrant)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Piwik Development Environment

This configuration makes it very easy to start with Piwik development or to give Piwik a try in your local environment. It'll setup a virtual machine including everything you need to run Piwik. The Piwik project itself will be cloned into a shared/synced folder www/piwik which makes it easy to change files within your host IDE. You even do not need to run the VM to change something.

Need more information? Have a look here:


This is work in progress

Available boxes


  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone this repository including all submodules (git clone --recursive
  3. Build docker build -t piwikdev .
  4. Run docker run -d piwikdev


Available boxes


  1. Install Vagrant
  2. Clone this repository including all submodules (git clone --recursive
  3. This step is optional. If you want any changes of the defaults, you can make changes in a local vagrant configuration. Have a look at vagrantconfig.yaml for a list of possible settings.

    cp vagrantconfig_local.yaml-dist vagrantconfig_local.yaml

With VirtualBox
  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Execute the command vagrant up within the root folder
  3. That's it. It'll take some time when executing this command the first time. It'll download the Vagrant base box once and install all required packages.
  4. Don't forget to update your local hosts file. You have to add "apache.piwik" as well as "nginx.piwik".
With Amazon AWS
  1. vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
  2. Provide AWS keyname, access key & secret key in vagrantconfig_local.yaml
  3. vagrant up --provider=aws
  4. Execute puppet/files/ once (we should add this to Puppet)


Open "http://apache.piwik" or "http://nginx.piwik:8080" after installation. You'll see the Piwik installation screen. XHProf is available under "http://xhprof.piwik".

MySQL listens to the external IP address. Use for instance when trying to install Piwik.

Installed Packages


You'll find Piwik here: /home/vagrant/www/piwik