When bringing up the load order, it displays the DEL packages further down the list than the plugins that require them as masters. For instance: anything relying on ArmorKeywords.esp which, in turn relies on a number of DLC packages, will fail to be loaded at all because ArmorKeywords.esp is being loaded before the DLC files. My load order is set up correctly under NMM and xEdit also loads them up properly. None of the ESP/ESM files are set to read only and the game loads them perfectly fine too. Only this utility has issues with it.
When bringing up the load order, it displays the DEL packages further down the list than the plugins that require them as masters. For instance: anything relying on ArmorKeywords.esp which, in turn relies on a number of DLC packages, will fail to be loaded at all because ArmorKeywords.esp is being loaded before the DLC files. My load order is set up correctly under NMM and xEdit also loads them up properly. None of the ESP/ESM files are set to read only and the game loads them perfectly fine too. Only this utility has issues with it.