matrix-org / matrix-appservice-irc

Node.js IRC bridge for Matrix
Apache License 2.0
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The official network wishlist for / Element #208

Open ara4n opened 7 years ago

ara4n commented 7 years ago


Right now we're not letting people bridge to arbitrary networks of their choice, but curating the bridges we set up (in order to ensure that we connect at scale to those networks in a way that doesn't upset them, and get permission first, setup I:lines etc, add the networks to Riot's official config.json etc).

So let's have an official backlog here for the networks that folks want to be connected to. Ones i've already heard about are:

Room alias format is listed here for non-Riot clients which don't support the new room directory API.

⚡️ indicates the network has IPv6 support (or at least advertising on IPv6 addresses). This makes it much easier for us to connect to because we don't need to maintain separate ident servers, so they will get chosen first.

No planned support / previously supported but not anymore:

Folks: if you have particular networks you want bridged, please add them here.

Edit by @Kegsay : If your comment has a party popper then congrats! It's on The List.

2017-01-11 status update by @Kegsay : Over the past few months we've encountered various fun and exciting failure modes with our existing set of IRC bridges. For example, we got invite spammed from IRC which resulted in , we need to resolve the issue of idle users on the matrix side ( , ), we needed to scale our startup times ( ), allow people to persist NickServ passwords ( ), prevent NickServ/ChanServ/etc from being rate-limited on the matrix-side ( ), etc. As a result, we're still ironing out the UX on the IRC bridge. Once this has stabilised, we'll be consulting this list to work out how to proceed expanding the set of IRC networks we offer. Thank you for your patience.

2017-03-02 status update by @Kegsay : We are now bridging GIMPNet and have removed W3C support due to them dropping their IPv6-enabled IRCd.

2017-05-22 status update by @Kegsay:

Cadair commented 7 years ago

@drewleonard42 is the one you wanted on this list?

SolarDrew commented 7 years ago

No, I think it was synirc.

eternaleye commented 7 years ago

I'd like Lunarnet, AKA Svartalfheim - there's a pair of rooms I was in pretty much constantly, but since the bridge running on went down a while ago I've been offline there :(

TheCapsLock commented 7 years ago

It would be sweet to have Geeknode ( in supported servers list for IRC integration

Mikaela commented 7 years ago

I would like to see a bridge for PirateIRC.

Please note that despite the name this is an IRC network for political parties and this IRC network does NOT advocate "pirating" software. This network is for legal discussions and chat only. If you wish to contact the network administrators to report any illegal activity please email:

I heard that Pirate Party Australia (they are PPAU, aren't they) are looking into it, but I never heard anything further and have no idea whom to contact (even if I haven't investigated their channels and asked around).

Ralith commented 7 years ago

I'd like to see synirc and EsperNet.

sbts commented 7 years ago

It would be good to add to the list

neurocis commented 7 years ago

FYI I have setup a GeekShed bridge for the Jupiter Broadcasting channel. If there is enough interest I would be willing to expand it to all geekshed channels and move it to a more permanent home:

Also thanks to @lukebarnard1 for his help during setup.

aakord commented 7 years ago

Well, EFnet was there in internet back to '90 (about ~8 before google); so I guess they won't get easily upset if you add them :+1:

They saw lot of stuff in 26 years

pztrn commented 7 years ago

Quakenet, please? :)

I think getting "trust" from them is required, here what they demand:

vext01 commented 7 years ago

I'd really appreciate a link to the blitzed IRC network. Thanks.

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 7 years ago

Here is a comprehensive list, alphabetical:

That page contains a link within the same site, which ranks it's "Top 100" IRC networks that are "competitive". Freenode, for example, is NOT ranked there. So, the Alphabetical list is a better reference.

Anyway, the "top" 10, not already listed here, that have MANY users: Undernet, Rizon, ChLame, IRC-Hispano, DALnet, OltreIrc, ExplosionIRC, Abjects, P2P-NET, GameSurge

The more people connected via Matrix, the better. One "selling point" is that if they come over to the Matrix side, they do NOT need a "bouncer" (BNC/ZNC)!!!

I suggest the O.P. post in alphanumeric order, first already bridged, then the hopefuls, which should be easier for all, as the list grows.

Also, maybe some IRCOps/SysAdmins might like control of their own Matrix server instance, or not.


locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 7 years ago

I would like to see Undernet & DALnet


jjardon commented 7 years ago

GIMPNet ( please?

albfan commented 7 years ago

Missing GIMPNet too.

fuzzy76 commented 7 years ago

Those already implemented should really be in the repo wiki or the readme. I have been searching for a list of them for a long time. :-/

Mikaela commented 7 years ago

Those already implemented should really be in the repo wiki

It's a wiki so feel free to edit it :)

It would be nice if in addition to the name and prefix the appservice name was listed so the end-user FAQ could refer there.

albfan commented 7 years ago

What would be the roadmap to integrate gimpnet ( can be help in any way?

elnygren commented 7 years ago

According to wikipedia, IRCnet is the #2 largest network. Missing it is currently a bit of a dealbreaker for me (and probably other people as well).

What could be done to get it ASAP? Could I help in some way?

fuloating commented 7 years ago

I have been asking about IRCnet aswell. I'm not that apt with the technicalities, but I'll share this slightly edited log from some months back when I was investigating. Nothing special there but could be something of relevance. (I shared it back then too somewhere after asking if it was ok) It's from IRCnet #ircnet.

The (ipv6 only) operator uepsie can be contacted on ircnet, and (ipv4 and ipv6 support) operator BR likewise. They both also idle on IRCnet #ircnet.

And with IRCnet you can just have a deal with one of the server operators, preferably one of above that allow users from anywhere around the world.

Also IRCnet does not have/support any ChanServ's or NickServ's, so setting the bridge with IRCnet is probably less hassle than with some other networks.

(edited to add some extra info)

Powersource commented 7 years ago

Btw thanks for all of this, I love the IRC communities but the clients have always been horrible (at least from my perspective).

kegsay commented 7 years ago

Filed a status update on the OP.

vext01 commented 7 years ago

For the record, Blitzed IRC have said they are happy to have their network bridged to matrix. The person to speak to is dg in #blitzed on blitzed IRC. He requests that we let them know when a bridge has connected so that they can identify it (and presumably review the connection limits).

leethax666 commented 7 years ago

I would like to see Indymedia IRC and 2600 IRC

Croydon commented 7 years ago would be nice

lub commented 7 years ago

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 7 years ago

According to their websites, as of 2013, both DALnet and Undernet offer ipv6 connectivity.

fladd commented 7 years ago would be nice to have.

heftig commented 7 years ago

I'd like to see IRCHighWay bridged, too.

Mikaela commented 7 years ago


it's ok to add new gateways as long as a) they don't affect security and b) they can be banned if there are problems like mass spamming channels etc..

Can you send me the IP of gateway, I'll add it some rights to have enough connections thru single IP address.

Mikaela commented 7 years ago

Furnet / (or would also be nice to have bridged to Matrix.

Mikaela commented 7 years ago

PirateIRC has been bridged a few days ago and the details can be found from the wiki (

I have been trying to request the issue to be edited at Matrix, but as no one ever did it, I think it's best that I add this comment.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

EFnet :


Today in irc:// I asked:

Random question (if it has been asked before, sorry): ever thought of moving this channel from EFnet to freenode?

The reply:

nope, most of the bsd channels (#bsdports, #bsddev, #bsdcode, #bsdmips, etc) are on EFnet. #kde-freebsd is the odd one out on freenode

Not just one, other BSD-related channels on freenode include:

Still, there's my vote for a bridge to EFnet becuase I doubt that there'll be a shift away (to freenode) for the five channels of which I'm aware:

kegsay commented 7 years ago

I have been trying to request the issue to be edited at Matrix, but as no one ever did it, I think it's best that I add this comment.

Done. Thanks @Mikaela

turt2live commented 7 years ago

Bridging would be nice. Their terms of use do not support the bridge, however they may be willing to negotiate a bridge. They also have IPv6 support :)

Xe commented 7 years ago

Please set up

vext01 commented 7 years ago

I tried to bridge blitzed under my own steam tonight, but I was scared off by lots of scary C++ errors when running npm. I think I'd prefer the experts to do the bridging, since it seems to be quite involved and sensitive to software versions :(

static-void commented 7 years ago

Registering interest in bridging blitzed here

jwflory commented 7 years ago

I would like to see the SpigotMC IRC network added. All servers use IPv4 and IPv6, and you can see the full server list here. Generally, @md-5 is the point of contact there, but you can drop an email to staff [at] spigotmc [dot] org too.

wakest commented 7 years ago

just commenting to bump the bridging of EFnet. Been really wanting to follow the ArchiveTeam's room from riot.

14mRh4X0r commented 7 years ago

IRCNet has several open servers listening on IPv6, as can be seen by resolving servers on this list. That said, we at SNT (the organisation behind are going to host our own Matrix bridge, but probably only once Dendrite is production-ready.

elouin commented 7 years ago

To have Quakenet would be awesome, since its one of the biggest IRC Networks(If not the biggest)...

kegsay commented 7 years ago

QuakeNet appears to have some ipv6 support

$ host has address has address has address has address has address has address has address

Though it looks like there is a solitary IPv6 server on:

$ host has IPv6 address 2001:16d8:aaaa:2::1337

Will update accordingly.

kegsay commented 7 years ago

Updated OP. General status update:

I'm generally happy with the state the IRC bridge is in currently. It's not perfect by any means (as the 100 open issues will attest), but I'm not aware of any critical bridge-destroying bugs out there anymore. Previously, we encountered problems for very large networks (ala Freenode) whereby performance became a real problem. After a lot of profiling and bug fixes, this doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

That being said, we are encountering occasional performance issues on the main homeserver which is affecting our ability to deploy new IRC networks. Coupled with that, we're quickly approaching the point where we bridge so many IRC networks that our existing ops setup isn't working that great for us (deploying new versions, allocating ports / IPv6 blocks, metrics, logs etc become a pain when you have to do it N times). We're going to need to think about how to resolve these issues so we can scale out networks in a sustainable way.

It's not all bad news though. We recently enabled Rizon and EsperNet.

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 7 years ago

i wanted rizon so thanks

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 7 years ago

butt also dalnet and undernet are kinda large with ipv6 like i showed so can they at least be on the wishlist with the lightening bolt

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 7 years ago

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 7 years ago

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 7 years ago

that links shows that there might be 500 ponychat users but here in #208 they seem to matter more than the 20000 concurrent on undernet or 7000 concurrent on dalnet

ara4n commented 7 years ago

a) ponychat is bridged by the community, not by us. b) we have limited capacity on the HS, which is precisely why we haven't bridged many larger networks like undernet yet.