matrix-org / matrix-appservice-tg

Matrix<->Telegram user-puppeting portal
Apache License 2.0
37 stars 15 forks source link


This project is not actively developed, maintained or supported at the moment. It is not recommended for production use.

For a working Telegram bridge, please check out



$ git clone ...
$ cd matrix-appservice-tg
$ npm install


  1. Create a new Matrix room to act as the administration control room. Note its internal room ID.

  2. Create a telegram-config.yaml file for global configuration. There is a sample one to begin with in config/telegram-config-sample.yaml you may wish to copy and edit as appropriate. This needs the following keys:

    matrix_homeserver: "http URL pointing at the homeserver"
    matrix_user_domain: "domain part of the homeserver's name. Used for
                        ghost username generation"
    username_template: "template for virtual users, e.g. telegram_${USER}"
    matrix_admin_room: "the ID of the room created in step 2"
    auth_key_password: "a random string used to obfuscate authentication keys
                       stored in the user database"
  3. Pick/decide on a spare local TCP port number to run the application service on. This needs to be visible to the homeserver - take care to configure firewalls correctly if that is on another machine to the bridge. The port number will be noted as $PORT in the remaining instructions.

  4. Generate the appservice registration file (if the application service runs on the same server you can use localhost as $URL):

    $ node index.js --generate-registration -f telegram-registration.yaml  -u $URL:$PORT
  5. Start the actual application service. You can use forever

    $ forever start index.js --config telegram-config.yaml --port $PORT

    or node

    $ node index.js --config telegram-config.yaml --port $PORT
  6. Copy the newly-generated telegram-registration.yaml file to the homeserver. Add the registration file to your homeserver config (default homeserver.yaml):

      - ...
      - "/path/to/telegram-registration.yaml"

    Don't forget - it has to be a YAML list of strings, not just a single string.

    Restart your homeserver to have it reread the config file and establish a connection to the bridge.

  7. Invite the newly-created @telegrambot:DOMAIN user into the admin control room created at step 1.

The bridge should now be running.