matsengrp / larch

Inference and manipulation of history DAGs
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Getting started


For Ubuntu 18.04 LTS the following commands installs the requirements:

sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git cmake make g++ mpi-default-dev libprotobuf-dev libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-date-time-dev protobuf-compiler automake autoconf libtool nasm

To get a recent cmake, download from, for example:


Build Environments

Larch can be built utilizing a Singularity container or a Conda environment.

To build Singularity image, use the definition provided:

singularity build larch-singularity.sif larch-singularity.def
singularity shell larch-singularity.sif --net

To setup a conda environment capable of building Larch, use:

conda create -n larch
conda activate larch
conda install --channel "conda-forge" --update-deps --override-channels cmake make cxx-compiler openmpi openmpi-mpicc openmpi-mpicxx boost-cpp automake autoconf libtool yasm ucx zlib

To setup a conda environment capable of building Larch including development tools, create larch-dev using the environment file provided:

conda env create -f environment.yml


There are 4 executables that are built automatically as part of the larch package and provide various methods for exploring tree space and manipulating DAGs/trees:

Note: If you run against memory limitations during the cmake step, you can regulate number of parallel threads with export CMAKE_NUM_THREADS="8" (reduce number as necessary).

To build all from larch/ directory, run:

git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
make -j16

Cmake build options:



From the larch/build/ directory:

ln -s ../data

Passing nocatch to the tests executable will allow exceptions to escape, which is useful for debugging. A gdb session can be started with gdb --args build/larch-test nocatch.

larch-test options:

file formats

For all tools in this suite, a number of file formats are supported for loading and storing MATs and MADAGs. When passing filepaths as arguments, the file format can be explicitly specified with --input-format/--output-format options. Alternatively, the program can infer the file format when filepath contains a recognized file extension.

File format options:


From the larch/build/ directory:

./larch-usher -i ../data/testcase/tree_1.pb.gz -o output_dag.pb -c 10

This command runs 10 iterations of larch-usher on the provided tree, and writes the final result to the file output_dag.pb

larch-usher options:


From the larch/build/ directory:

./dag-util -i ../data/testcase/tree_1.pb.gz -i ../data/testcase/tree_2.pb.gz -o merged_trees.pb

This executable takes a list of protobuf files and merges the resulting DAGs together into one.

dag-util options:


From the larch/build/ directory:

./dag2dot -i ../data/testcase/full_dag.pb

This command writes the provided DAG in dot format to stdout.

dag2dot options:
