DSBridge is a small wrapper application that redirects the DirectSound API (only basic DirectSound currently) and exposes the playing stream as an MP3 stream with metadata.
Drop dsound.dll along with listed dependencies in the same folder as the program you want to wrap and start it. After music playback has been initiated, point your MP3 playback software to http://localhost:8124/ and hopefully you should hear music playing.
To assist you, when you start playing a small icon will appear in the systray. This icon will be either blue (server is idle), green (somebody is connected), yellow (warning) or red (error). It also displays the URL to listen in the tooltip text.
If you cannot get your software to connect to the stream, you might have to specify your IP address explicitly (this behaviour has been seen with SqueezeCenter even when you are running it locally). Then just specify http://ip.add.re.ss:8124/ and it should play happily.
MP3 stream does not support multiple listeners, so connecting more than one listener will sound... strange.
Currently no format conversion takes place, so if the wrapped software plays using something else than 44.1kHz stereo the encoder will not output a proper stream.