matt-dray / tide

:ocean::pencil: R package: edit a data.frame in a spreadsheet-like editor, get code to reproduce it
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Project Status: Concept – Minimal or no implementation has been done yet, or the repository is only intended to be a limited example, demo, or proof-of-concept. R-CMD-check Blog

Turn the tide on R's edit() function by making it reproducible.


Adjust a data.frame manually with R's built-in spreadsheet-like data editor and have R code returned that reproduces the changes.

This R package is a limited concept with no guarantees. It was built out of curiosity and prompted by a tweet. You can read more about the package's development.


Install from GitHub using the {remotes} package:


The package depends on {clipr}, which you'll need if you want to copy generated code to your clipboard.


Create a demo data.frame

Let's say we have a demo data.frame with lots of different data types in it:

n <- 4; n_seq <- 1:n; let <- LETTERS[n_seq]

(dat <- data.frame(
  var_dbl = runif(n),
  var_int = n_seq,
  var_lgl = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 4, TRUE),
  var_char = let,
  var_fct_num = as.factor(n_seq),
  var_fct_char = as.factor(let)
#     var_dbl var_int var_lgl var_char var_fct_num var_fct_char
# 1 0.2875775       1    TRUE        A           1            A
# 2 0.7883051       2   FALSE        B           2            B
# 3 0.4089769       3   FALSE        C           3            C
# 4 0.8830174       4   FALSE        D           4            D

# 'data.frame': 4 obs. of  6 variables:
#  $ var_dbl     : num  0.288 0.788 0.409 0.883
#  $ var_int     : int  1 2 3 4
#  $ var_lgl     : logi  TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE
#  $ var_char    : chr  "A" "B" "C" "D"
#  $ var_fct_num : Factor w/ 4 levels "1","2","3","4": 1 2 3 4
#  $ var_fct_char: Factor w/ 4 levels "A","B","C","D": 1 2 3 4

What if we want to update some of these values? One way is to use utils::edit() to open a minimal spreadsheet-like data editor and make the changes manually. This isn't reproducible, however, because no code was stored to show how to get from the old to the new version of the edited object.

Use tide() to edit data

The {tide} package's only function, tide(), seeks to improve on edit() by generating code snippets that reproduce the changes you made.

If we pass the data.frame to tide() it will behave in the same way as if we passed it to edit(): a spreadsheet-like editor will open in a separate window for editing. Let's say we change one value per column: numeric 0.4089769 to 0.1, integer 2 to 5, logical TRUE to FALSE, character "C" to "E", factor "3" to "5" and factor "A" to "E".

new_dat <- tide::tide(
  copy_to_clipboard = TRUE,  # add snippets to the clipboard?
  write_path = "~/Documents/dat-edited.R"  # path to write R script
# Wrote reproducible code snippets to the clipboard.
# Wrote reproducible code snippets to ~/Documents/dat-edited.R
# Warning messages:
# 1: In : added factor levels in 'var_fct_num'
# 2: In : added factor levels in 'var_fct_char'

We get a couple of expected warnings: we've added new levels to the factors in a couple of our factor columns. We also are given a couple of messages: tide() generated some code snippets then copied them to the clipboard and wrote them to an R script.

Let's take a look at the returned new_dat data.frame, which contains our edits:

#     var_dbl var_int var_lgl var_char var_fct_num var_fct_char
# 1 0.2875775       1   FALSE        A           1            E
# 2 0.7883051       5   FALSE        B           2            B
# 3 0.1000000       3   FALSE        E           5            C
# 4 0.8830174       4   FALSE        D           4            D

'data.frame':   4 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ var_dbl     : num  0.288 0.788 0.1 0.883
 $ var_int     : num  1 5 3 4
 $ var_lgl     : logi  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
 $ var_char    : chr  "A" "B" "E" "D"
 $ var_fct_num : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 5 4
 $ var_fct_char: Factor w/ 5 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 5 2 3 4

Retrieve reproducible code snippets

The code snippets, which are now in our clipboard and written to disk, are designed to take the original dat data.frame and recreate new_dat. Here's what was copied to the clipboard:

dat[3, 1] <- 0.1
dat[2, 2] <- 5
dat[1, 3] <- FALSE
dat[3, 4] <- "E"
levels(dat[, 5]) <- c(levels(dat[, 5]), "5")
dat[3, 5] <- "5"
levels(dat[, 6]) <- c(levels(dat[, 6]), "E")
dat[1, 6] <- "E"

If you execute these snippets, then the original dat data.frame will be updated to match new_dat:

all(dat == new_dat)
# [1] TRUE


This is really just a concept made for fun.

If you find any unexpected behaviour or would like to request a feature, please leave an issue or make a pull request.