mattaylor / emoosc

OSC (Open sound control) proxy to Emotiv's cortex service
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OSC Sound Control Proxy For Emotiv


Install latest version of Emotiv cortex SDK (available from Config.js should be updated with acconut and licence details avialable at

$ npm install emoosc $ cd emoosc $ npm run -- config.js


Param Description Default
streams List of streams to publish 'dev,eeg,pow,cog,mot,fac'
username NA
password NA
port 7777

OSC Routes

Route Frequency Description
/emotiv/dev 2 Hz Device Contact Quality Stream (2 Hz)
/emotiv/dev/IEE_AF3 Contact Qualtity for AF3 Sensor
/emotiv/eeg Raw EEG Values
/emotiv/mot Motion Sensors
/emotiv/fac Facial Expressions
/emotiv/pow Band Powers
/emotiv/pow/af3 Band Powers for af3
/emotiv/pow/af3/betaH High Beta for af3 sensor
/emotiv/pow/af3/betaL Low Beta for af3 sensor
/emotiv/pow/af3/theta Theta for af3 sensor
/emotiv/pow/af3/gamma Gamma for af3 sensor
/emotiv/cog Cognitiv PErformance Metrics (0.1 Hz)
/emotiv/cog/fru Frustration
/emotiv/cog/int Interest
/emotiv/cog/val Valence
/emotiv/cog/exc Excitment
/emotiv/cog/eng Engagement
/emotiv/cog/rel Relaxation
/emotiv/cog/med Medititation