mattdeboard / python-usdol

Python wrapper for US Dept. of Labor API
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============== Python-USDOL

Python wrapper for the US Dept. of Labor's developer API <>_.


Usage is straightforward::

import python_usdol

conn = python_usdol.Connection(token='mytoken', secret='mysharedsecret')

data = conn.fetch_data('FAQ', 'Topic')

Where 'FAQ' and 'Topic' are the names of the targeted dataset and table within the dataset, respectively. For a full list of datasets and tables, please consult the Dept. of Labor's developer website, linked above.

fetch_data returns a dictionary, with a key for each column on the database you've specified, with an additional __metadata key.

Some datasets have "multipart" names, e.g. the Consumer Expenditure Survey Dataset <>_. In this case, since the base url is, vice e.g. .../V1/FORMS, for the first argument to fetch data, you would pass the "multipart" Agency name::

data = conn.fetch_data('Statistics/ConsumerExpenditure', '')


Python-USDOL has support for the following methods outlined in the DOL's API Access Guide <>_:


Using the filter method goes thusly::

data = conn.fetchdata("FAQ", "Topic", filter="TopicID eq 5")

Since filter is a keyword in Python, Python-USDOL uses filter_ in its place.


Please help make this API better for everyone by reporting bugs, forking and submitting patches.