mattdoiron / idfplus

IDF+ is an enhanced, cross-platform editor for EnergyPlus input files.
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 1 forks source link

IDF+ Editor

IDF+ is an enhanced editor for idf files—the text-based, simulation input files for EnergyPlus. In creating the tool, I've attempted to embrace the concepts and ideas that I find most useful in my every-day building energy modelling. I've written these ideas in a "manifesto" (rather, I discovered and developed the concepts as I created the tool and used others). I use the official IDF Editor that comes with EnergyPlus every day—it is the primary tool I use for interacting with IDF files. I have come to respect it and think it is probably the best tool out there right now for working with IDF files, however, it also has some significant limitations that I decided to address. The working name I've chosen is IDF+, but I am hoping to find something a bit more original as development progresses (suggestions are welcome!).

.. _EnergyPlus: .. _written these ideas in a "manifesto":

See the Releases_ section for installers. I'm currently working on deb and msi files for Ubuntu and Windows respectively. You can run the editor in its uncompiled form on any machine that has Python v3.7.x and the appropriate dependencies. See the Doc folder for more info.

.. image:: resources/idfplusscreenshot.png :width: 300 :target: screenshot_

.. _Releases: .. _screenshot: resources/idfplusscreenshot.png

Open Source and Cross Platform

The tool is written in Python (v3.7.x) using PySide2 5.13.1 for a graphical library, and the source code is available under the GPLv3 open source licence. It is currently working on both Ubuntu 18.04+ and Windows 10, but should work on Mac OSX as well.

.. _Python: .. _PySide2:

Lightweight Editor

The tool continues in the spirit of the official editor in that it's a lightweight tool that interacts as directly as possible with the contents of the IDF files.

Full Undo Support

All primary editing features will support undo. There are bugs at the moment, but cut, copy, paste, delete and duplicate will be 'undoable'. The undo history can be navigated allowing a user to return to previous points in the model's recent history (within the given editing session).

Filter and Transpose

Both the list of classes and objects are search/filterable. This means a user can show only objects or classes containing arbitrary bits of text. The editing actions can then be performed on this subset of objects. The object list can also be transposed (rows/columns reversed) to show a more traditional spreadsheet-like view.

Highly Flexible Interface

Each of the main interface elements, such as the class list or comments box, can be moved around and resized as a user prefers, or even "undocked" from the main interface altogether to be positioned on a secondary monitor.

Helpful But Not Annoying

I've tried, and continue, to build-in useful features like autocomplete in fields that display a large number of items in the dropdown box. Common features and help items will also be available from the context menu.

Future Development

On the roadmap are features such as search and replace, visualization of relationships between objects, enhanced contextual menus and help, as well as improvements to speed and visual appearance. Behind the scenes, I intend to implement a more offical development process based on test-driven development and automate testing and the installer building process.

Please Note!

This software is at an alpha stage! This means that it is for testing purposes only and should not be used for real projects! I would, however, appreciate any feedback and suggestions on how the editor can be improved. Please submit an issue_ if you find any bugs.

.. _an issue: