This repo provides a sample code that analyses raw data from a real wind farm and estimates some useful performance parameters. A simple Machine Learning model is built to predict wind turbine power output. ENGIE open dataset is used as a practice sample.
git clone
The code is meant to work with windfarm open data provided by ENGIE and available at the following URL, but you can easily adapt it to any similar dataset from a real wind farm.
To download data, click on EXPORT panel on the upper side of the page, and select CSV as preferred data format. The code expects CSV file in input, but it can be easily adapted to read any kind of database format (SQL, json, Excel...).
Once you have downloaded the dataset, create a data folder inside the cloned repo folder and paste the CSV file inside it.
Launch Jupyter from your Anaconda terminal (or equivalent command line tool):
Open the notebook wind_turbine.ipynb contained in the repo. Run it cell by cell to understand what is going on. Markdown and comments will help you understand each line of code and the most relevant conclusions you can make from every section of the notebook.
We use Git for versioning. Look for new available versions, check the list of commits.