Matthew L. Fidler
Library Information
nsis-mode.el --- NSIS-mode
- Filename -- nsis-mode.el
- Description -- NSIS mode
- Author -- Matthew L. Fidler
- Maintainer -- Matthew L. Fidler
- Created -- Tue Nov 16 15:48:02 2010 (-0600)
- Version -- 0.45
- Last-Updated -- Wed May 23 10:15:50 2013 (+0100)
- By -- Jan T. Sott
- Update # -- 1479
- URL -- http:__github.com_mlf176f2_nsis-mode
- Keywords -- NSIS
- Compatibility -- Emacs 23.2
Possible Dependencies
A major mode for editing nsis files
If you're using use-package you can
add this to your init file:
(use-package nsis-mode)
That's all!
Else you can install nsis-mode
from Melpa via M-x package-install
, then
add the following to your Emacs:
(autoload 'nsis-mode "nsis-mode" "NSIS mode" t)
(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\.[Nn][Ss][HhIi]\'" .
nsis-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
- 23-May-2018 -- Added new commands added since NSIS 3.0, added missing control keywords. (Jan T. Sott)
- 08-Jul-2013 -- Added new NSIS 3.0a0 commands, sorted command list. (Jan T. Sott)
- 20-Aug-2012 -- Added nsis-indent-level to allow customization of indentation. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 08-Jun-2012 -- Changed _ to syntax class (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2012 -- Added label indentation support for labels of the form "label_${ONE}:" (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2012 -- Fixed random hang (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2012 -- Attempted to fix random hangs. It could be due to indentation infinite loop, so made sure (bobp) is always checked at the beginning of the line. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 01-Mar-2012 -- Added website. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 01-Mar-2012 -- Bug fix for syntax table. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 19-Dec-2011 -- Looks for makensis if can't find in program files. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 19-Dec-2011 -- Added .nsi and .nsh autoload (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 07-Feb-2011 -- Added check to make sure compile went OK before launching executable. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 25-Jan-2011 -- Added more explicit setup instructions (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 06-Dec-2010 -- Changed comment start and comment stop to single line semi-colons (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 06-Dec-2010 -- Made nsis-yas-description not depend on finding MUI
FUNCTION<_ul>DESCRIPTIONBEGIN. If MUI<_ul>DESCRIPTION_TEXT is found, insert there. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 06-Dec-2010 -- Updated indentation line function (bug-fix) (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 23-Nov-2010 -- Macros that end with END or BEGIN are indentation keywords. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 23-Nov-2010 -- Changed indentation routine (bugfix) ()