mattheu / MinQueue

WordPress Plugin: Minify and concatenate enqueued scripts and styles
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=== MinQueue === Contributors: mattheu Tags: minify, script, style, concatenate Requires at least: 3.4 Tested up to: 3.5 Stable tag: 1.1.2

Minify & Concatenate Enqueued Scripts & Styles.

== Description ==

Minification & concatenation of JS and CSS files can reduce the file size of your assets, and reduce the number of HTTP requests, helping improve page load times.

The plugin takes a manually defined list of script/style handles, and minifies and concatenates them into a single file which is then cached for future use.


== Installation ==

Install & Activate the plugin.

Basic Use

Advanced use

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Fatal error: Allowed memory size...

You have probably created an infinite loop when working out the order of depencies.

Example: Files 1, 2 and 3 are enqueued. File 1 is a dependency of 2, which is a dependency of 3. If only scripts 1 and 3 are minified and concatenated into 1 file, it will fail. This is because the processed file is now a dependency of file 2, but file 2 is also a dependency of it.

Solution: You must either process all files together, or process 1 and 3 in separately.

== Changelog ==

= 1.1.1 =

= 1.1 =