matthew-e-brown / AC-Dataparse

Scripts for datamining dialogue files from Animal Crossing: New Horizons
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AC DataParse

This is a series of scripts with the goal of extracting several files from Animal Crossing: New Horizons and formatting them.

This repository is a set of tools that I'm using to develop another project of mine. These tools have been pulled out of that project into their own repository in the hopes that this code will be used, or, more likely, studied by other aspiring dataminers.

For help understanding some of the scripts, check out Kinnay's Wiki on Nintendo's custom file formats, here.

See for a rundown of how the 00 0e escape sequences work in the .msbt files.


This file expects to be given a path to the romfs folder, extracted from the .XCI of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. How you get that romfs is up to your own discretion.

This script will create a folder within the dataparse folder called extracted. In here, you will find App.msbp, the file that holds all of the text-colour information, as well as folders for each of the languages from the game's files. Inside each language-subfolder, there are dialogue, ".msbt", files that contain all of the dialogue relating to each of the items you can give to Blathers, as well as the dialogue files that label each of the item's names.

This file will take the output of and read through the .msbt files to grab all of the dialogue. They are exported to a folder called parsed.

This file, like, takes a path to the romfs folder and dumps to the extracted subfolder.

By default, this script will extract a collection of .bfres files for the items in the museum. These can be passed to Switch-Toolbox's Tools → Batch Export Models option to get .dae/COLLADA models.


This is where I got all of the files in vendor:

Aside from linking to their respective original repositories, no changes have been made to any vendored files.