matthewarmand / arsenal-america-pub-scraper

Automated extraction of Arsenal America pubs list for export.
MIT License
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arsenal python scraping-websites scrapy web-scraping

Arsenal America Pub Scraper

Code style: black

This is the source code which can regularly scrape and export the official Arsenal America Pubs page.

This data is used to populate this Google My Maps Layer. Find me on Google Maps!

The icon used in the Maps layer can be found here

About the Code

This program uses Scrapy to scrape and extract the list of official Arsenal America Pubs from the site.

Running this locally is simple from the project root:

scrapy crawl arsenal_america_pubs

Per Scrapy docs, an easy way to perform a test run and try out new functionality is to run this command from the project root:

scrapy shell

Currently, this is only a scraper which extracts the data as a CSV. Future plans would include deployment somewhere so this could be regularly run on a schedule. Ideally, we'd also be able to programatically update the Google My Maps Layer. However, there currently is no API exposed for My Maps, so this may not be possible at this time.

Notes / Known Issues

Unfortunately the Arsenal America Pubs page doesn't have a great DOM structure for reliably and easily extracting pub data. Lacking the convenience of CSS classes pointing us to the DOM elements containing the data we care about, we're forced to do some validation to ensure we're pulling the correct <p> tags. Currently, that's accomplished by ensuring we have a link to the pub's website, with the pub name as the text, as well as a phone number to the pub. That decision does exclude one of the pubs which doesn't have a phone number on the page. This is a known and documented issue in this repository.