matthewb66 / bd_scan_yocto

Synopsys Black Duck Yocto scan utility
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 8 forks source link

Synopsys Scan Yocto Script - - BETA v1.0.19


This script is provided under the Apache v2 OSS license (see LICENSE file).

It does not represent any extension of licensed functionality of Synopsys software itself and is provided as-is, without warranty or liability.

If you have comments or issues, please raise a GitHub issue here. Synopsys support is not able to respond to support tickets for this OSS utility. Users of this pilot project commit to engage properly with the authors to address any identified issues.



This script is a utility intended to scan Yocto projects in Synopsys Black Duck. It examines the Yocto project and environment and then uses Synopsys Detect to perform multiple scans, with additional actions to optimise the scan result to produce a more comprehensive scan than previous methods.

Synopsys Detect is the default scan utility for Black Duck and includes support for Yocto projects. However, Synopsys Detect Yocto scans will only identify standard recipes obtained from, and will not cover modified or custom recipes, recipes moved to new layers or where package versions or revisions have been changed. Copyright and deep license data is also not supported for Synopsys Detect Yocto scans, as well as snippet or other scanning of code within custom recipes.

This script combines Synopsys Detect default Yocto project scanning with Black Duck Signature scanning of downloaded sources and packages to create a more complete list of original, modified OSS and OSS embedded within custom packages. It also optionally supports snippet and copyright/license scanning of recipes in specific layers, and deep license data for identified components.

Bd_scan_yocto can also optionally identify the list of locally patched CVEs within a Yocto build which can then be marked as patched in the Black Duck project.


As described above, the standard, supported method of scanning a Yocto project into Black Duck is provided by Synopsys Detect (see Synopsys Detect - scanning Yocto).

To perform a standard Yocto scan using Synopsys Detect:

However, Synopsys Detect can only identify unmodified, original recipes obtained from, meaning that many Yocto recipes which have been modified and custom recipes will not be identified.

Components in the resulting BOM will also not have copyrights or deep license data associated, and it is not possible to use local snippet or license/copyright scanning to supplement license and copyright data.


This bd_scan_yocto script provides a multifactor scan for Yocto projects combining the default Synopsys Detect Bitbake scan with other techniques to produce a more complete Bill of Materials including modified OSS packages and OSS within custom recipes.

It should be considered in the following scenarios:

The script operates on a built Yocto project, by identifying the build (license) manifest containing only the recipes which are within the built image as opposed to the superset of all recipes used to build the distribution (including build tools etc.).

The script also Signature scans the downloaded origin packages (before they are modified by local patching) to identify modified or custom recipes, with the option to expand archived sources and optionally perform Snippet scans and local copyright/license searches for recipes in specified layers.

This script also optionally supports extracting a list of locally patched CVEs from Bitbake via the cve_check class and marking them as patched in the Black Duck project.

The script must be executed on a Linux workstation where Yocto has been installed and after a successful Bitbake build and requires access to a Black Duck server via the API (see Prerequisites below).


The automatic scan behaviour of bd_scan_yocto is described below:

  1. Locate the OE initialization script in the invocation folder (bypass if --no_init_script used).
  2. Extract information from the Bitbake environment (by running bitbake -e and optionally bitbake-layers show-recipes if layer specific options are specified)
  3. Run Synopsys Detect in Bitbake dependency scan mode to extract the standard OE recipes/dependencies (skipped if --skip_detect_for_bitbake option is used) to create the specified Black Duck project & version
  4. Locate the software components and rpm/ipk/deb packages downloaded during the build, and copy those matching the recipes in license.manifest to a temporary folder (if the option --exclude_layers layer1,layer2 is applied then skip recipes within the specified layers)
  5. If the option --extended_scan_layers layer1,layer2 is specified with a list of layers, then expand (decompress) the archives for the recipes in the listed layers.
  6. Run a Signature scan using Synopsys Detect on the copied/expanded and rpm/ipk/deb packages and append to the specified Black Duck project. If --snippet is specified then add snippet scanning, adding other Detect scan options with the --detect_opts option (for example, local copyright and license scanning with the option --detect_opts '')
  7. Wait for scan completion, and then post-process the project version BOM to remove identified subcomponents from the unexpanded archives and rpm packages only. This step is required because Signature scanning can sometimes match a complete package, but continue to scan at lower levels to find embedded OSS components which can lead to false-positive matches, although this behaviour is useful for custom recipes (hence why expanded archives are excluded from this process)
  8. Optionally identify locally patched CVEs and apply to BD project


An alternate script import_yocto_bm has been available for some time to address limitations of Synopsys Detect for Yocto, however it requires the list of known OpenEmbedded recipes from the Black Duck KB to be maintained and updated regularly within the project, potentially leading to inaccurate results if the data is out of date.

Furthermore, import_yocto_bm does not support scanning non-OpenEmbedded recipes or custom recipes, providing only a partial Bill of Materials and also uses a deprecated method of creating projects.

Components matched from import_yocto_bm have no copyright or deep license data, and snippet or local license/copyright scanning is not supported (as there is no package source to scan).

This script should be used in place of import_yocto_bm.



This script is designed to support Yocto versions 2.0 up to 4.4 (other versions may also be supported).


  1. Script must be run on Linux.

  2. Python 3.9 or greater must be installed.

  3. A Yocto build environment is required.

  4. The Yocto project must have been pre-built with a license.manifest file generated by the build and the downloaded original package archives available in the download folder (usually poky/build/downloads) and rpm packages in the rpm cache folder.

  5. Black Duck server credentials (URL and API token) are required.

  6. Ensure that the Bitbake project is valid and commands can be executed including bitbake -g and bitbake-layers show-recipes.

  7. OPTIONAL: For patched CVE remediation in the Black Duck project, you will need to add the cve_check bbclass to the Yocto build configuration to generate the CVE check log output. Add the following line to the build/conf/local.conf file:

    INHERIT += "cve-check"

    Then rebuild the project (using for example bitbake core-image-sato) to run the CVE check action and generate the required CVE log files without a full rebuild.


Install using pip3 install bd-scan-yocto

To upgrade to the latest version use pip3 install bd-scan-yocto --upgrade

Alternatively the project can be built locally:

  1. Download or clone this repository
  2. Create a virtual environment (optional)
  3. Run 'python3 install' to install dependencies
  4. Run the script using 'python3 / OPTIONS'


If installed as a pip package, simply run:

   bd-scan-yocto OPTIONS

If bd-scan-yocto is not found on the PATH, note the messages when the package was installed and add the install location for the script to the PATH.

To use the utility, change to the poky folder where the OE initialization script exists.

The minimum data required to run the script is:

Alternatively, if you wish to run the code directly without pip installation, use python to run the script bd_scan_yocto/, for example (where SCRIPT_DIR is the folder where the script has been installed):

python3 SCRIPT_DIR/bd_scan_yocto/ OPTIONS


The Black Duck project will probably end up with duplicated components shown in the BOM from the Yocto scan and the Signature scan because they have different origins. All Yocto (OpenEmbedded) components have no origin source code so cannot be matched by Signature scanning. It is therefore possible to compare origins/licenses/vulnerabilities etc. between the similar components matched for each scan type.

Use the option --exclude_layers layer1,layer2 to skip Signature scan on specific layers if required. You could consider using this for layers where recipes are identified by the Detect Bitbake scan (e.g. the meta layer) to remove duplication (same component shown twice).

Use the option --extended_scan_layers layer1,layer2 to automatically extract the package archives used by recipes within the specified layers before Signature scanning if required. Extracted package archives can also be Snippet scanned (see below), and you could configure additional Signature scan options for these expanded packages if desired.

Add the option --snippets to run snippet scans on the downloaded packages, but note that this will slow the scan process considerably so should be used with caution.

Add the option --no_ignore to skip ignoring partially matched components from the Signature scan. The ignore process ignores any matches not at the root folder of scanned packages.

Note that the first Synopsys Detect scan for Yocto has the option --detect.project.codelocation.unmap=true configured to remove previously mapped scans.

Note also that the script identifies subcomponents within packages, and unless --extended_scan_layers is specified, these are ignored in the project. By default, components ignored in 1 project version will also be ignored in the other versions in the same project. It is theoretically possible that a component may be ignored in a project version as it is a subcomponent, but should not be ignored in another version because it is used in a custom recipe for example. In this case, disable Component Adjustments under the Project-->Settings page to stop propagating changes across versions.

Note that the Signature scan process can take some time (several minutes) related to the size of the project and the package files to scan.

Black Duck Signature scanning should not be used for an entire Yocto project because it contains a large number of project and configuration files, including the development packages needed to build the image. Furthermore, OSS package code can be modified locally by change/diff files meaning Signature scans of entire Yocto projects will consume large volumes of server resources and produce a Bill of Materials with a lot of additional components which are not deployed in the Yocto image.


The bd_scan_yocto parameters for command line usage are shown below:

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --blackduck_url BLACKDUCK_URL
                       Black Duck server URL (REQUIRED)
 --blackduck_api_token BLACKDUCK_API_TOKEN
                       Black Duck API token (REQUIRED)
                       Black Duck trust server cert
 --detect-jar-path DETECT_JAR_PATH
                       Synopsys Detect jar path
 -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                       Black Duck project to create (REQUIRED)
 -v VERSION, --version VERSION
                       Black Duck project version to create (REQUIRED)
 --oe_build_env OE_BUILD_ENV
                       Yocto build environment config file (default 'oe-init-
                       build-env' - must exist in invocation folder not full PATH)
 -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                       Yocto target (e.g. core-image-sato - REQUIRED)
 -m MANIFEST, --manifest MANIFEST
                       Built license.manifest file
 --build_dir BUILD_DIR
                       Alternative build folder (default is poky/build)
 --machine MACHINE     Machine Architecture (for example 'qemux86-64')
                       Skip running Detect for Bitbake dependencies
 --detect_opts DETECT_OPTS
                       Additional Synopsys Detect options for scanning
 --cve_check_only      Only check for patched CVEs from cve_check and update 
                       existing project (skipping scans)
 --no_cve_check        Skip checking/updating patched CVEs
 --cve_check_file CVE_CHECK_FILE
                       CVE check output file (if not specified will be
                       determined from environment)

 --extended_scan_layers EXTENDED_SCAN_LAYERS
                       Specify a comma-delimited list of layers where
                       packages within recipes will be expanded and Snippet
 --snippets            Run snippet scanning on downloaded package files
 --exclude_layers EXCLUDE_LAYERS
                       Specify a command-delimited list of layers where
                       packages within recipes will not be Signature scanned
 --download_dir DOWNLOAD_DIR
                       Download directory where original software archives are
                       downloaded (usually poky/build/downloads)
 --package_dir PKG_DIR Download directory where packages are downloaded
                       (usually poky/build/tmp/deploy/rpm/<ARCH>)
 --image_package_type rpm|deb|ipk
                       Type of packages installed (rpm, deb or ipk - default 'rpm')
 --no_ignore           Do not ignore partially matched components from Signature scan
 --binary_scan         Run an additional binary (BDBA) scan on the downloaded package files (Requires BDBA license)
 --no_init_script      Bypass using the OE init script, taking environment from current shell
                       (requires --skip_detect_for_bitbake to be specified)
 --detect_fix          Add extra logic to process license_manifest to ignore build dependencies
                       (required where Detect option --detect.bitbake.dependency.types.excluded=BUILD is
                       not operating correctly) - see section 
 --debug               DEBUG mode - add debug messages to the console log
 --logfile LOGFILE     Specify LOGFILE to store logging messages (will also be sent to the console)
 --no_unmap            Do not unmap existing scans from the project on rescan

The script needs to be executed in the Yocto project folder (e.g. yocto_zeus/poky) where the OE initialisation script is located (for example oe-init-build-env).

The --project and --version options are required to define the Black Duck project and version names as well as the Black Duck server URL and API key to upload results.

The Yocto target must also be specified using for example --target core-image-sato.

The machine (architecture) will be extracted from the Bitbake environment automatically, but the --machine option can be used to specify manually.

The most recent Bitbake output manifest file (usually the file build/tmp/deploy/licenses/<image>-<target>-<datetime>/license.manifest) will be located automatically. Use the --manifest option to specify the manifest file manually.

The most recent cve_check log file build/tmp/deploy/images/<arch>/<image>-<target>.cve will be located automatically if it exists. Use the --cve_check_file option to specify the cve_check log file location manually (for example to use an older copy).

Use the --cve_check_only option to skip the scanning and creation of a project, only looking for a CVE check output log file to identify and patch matched CVEs within an existing Black Duck project (which must have been created previously).

Use the --no_cve_check option to skip the patched CVE identification and update of CVE status in the Black Duck project if the cve_check output file exists.


You will need to specify the Black Duck server URL, API_TOKEN, project and version using command line options - the minimum set of options is shown below:

  --blackduck_url https://SERVER_URL
  --blackduck_api_token TOKEN
  --blackduck_trust_cert (specify if untrusted CA certificate used for BD server)
  --project PROJECT_NAME
  --version VERSION_NAME
  --target core-image-minimal
  --oe-build-env oe-init-build-env

You can also assign the URL and API Token by setting environment variables:


Where SERVER_URL is the Black Duck server URL and TOKEN is the Black Duck API token.


Use the following command to scan a Yocto project (with default oe-build-env 'oe-init-build-env' and target 'core-image-sato', latest license.manifest file), create Black Duck project myproject and version v1.0, then update CVE patch status for identified CVEs if cve_patch data available (where SCRIPT_DIR is the location where the script has been installed):

bd-scan-yocto \
  --blackduck_url https://SERVER_URL \
  --blackduck_api_token TOKEN \
  --blackduck_trust_cert \
  -t core-image-minimal \
  --oe-build-env custom-oe-init \
  -p myproject -v v1.0

To scan a Yocto project with a custom oe-init script, specified target 'core-image-minimal' and a different license manifest as opposed to the most recent one:

bd-scan-yocto \
  --blackduck_url https://SERVER_URL \
  --blackduck_api_token TOKEN \
  --blackduck_trust_cert \
  -p myproject -v v1.0 \
  --oe-build-env custom-oe-init \
  -t core-image-minimal \
  -m tmp/deploy/licenses/core-image-sato-qemux86-64-20220728105751/package.manifest

To skip the Synopsys Detect Yocto scan and Signature scan the downloaded package archives only with default target and latest license manifest file:

bd-scan-yocto \
  --blackduck_url https://SERVER_URL \
  --blackduck_api_token TOKEN \
  --blackduck_trust_cert \
  -p myproject -v v1.0 \
  -t core-image-minimal \
  --oe-build-env custom-oe-init \

To perform a CVE check patch analysis ONLY (to update an existing Black Duck project created previously by the script with patched vulnerabilities) use the command:

bd-scan-yocto \
  --blackduck_url https://SERVER_URL \
  --blackduck_api_token TOKEN \
  --blackduck_trust_cert \
  -p myproject -v v1.0 \
  -t core-image-minimal \
  --oe-build-env custom-oe-init \



The Yocto cve_check class works on the Bitbake dependencies within the dev environment, and produces a list of CVEs identified from the NVD for ALL packages in the development environment.

This script can extract the packages from the build manifest (which will be a subset of those in the full Bitbake dependencies for build environment) and creates a Black Duck project.

The list of CVEs reported by cve_check will therefore be considerably larger than seen in the Black Duck project (which is the expected situation).

See the Prerequisites section above for details on how to configure this script to use the cve_check data.


The Binary scan option (requires separate licensed Binary scan module to be enabled) can be used to run additional scans on the origin package installed in the image.

For a custom C/C++ recipe, or where other languages and package managers are used to build custom recipes, other types of scan could be considered in addition to the techniques used in this script.

For C/C++ recipes, the advanced blackduck_c_cpp utility could be used as part of the build to identify the compiled sources, system includes and operating system dependencies. You would need to modify the build command for the recipe to call the blackduck-c-cpp utility as part of a scanning cycle after it had been configured to connect to the Black Duck server.

For recipes where a package manager is used, then a standard Synopsys Detect scan in DETECTOR mode could be utilised to analyse the project dependencies separately.

Multiple scans can be combined into the same Black Duck project (ensure to use the Synopsys Detect option --detect.project.codelocation.unmap=false to stop previous scans from being unmapped).


A recent bug in Synopsys Detect can cause a project to have no dependencies because the option --detect.bitbake.dependency.types.excluded=BUILD cannot locate the license.manifest file when Detect is run on the Bitbake project. To determine whether this option should be used, look for the message No license.manifest file found for target image core-image-sato; every dependency will be considered a BUILD dependency. in the Detect log, or a project where no dependencies are reported. Add the option '--detect_fix' to remove the build dependency parameter from the Detect run, and then ignore recipes not found in the license.manifest within this script.


The identification of the Linux Kernel version from the Bitbake recipes and association with the upstream component in the KB has not been completed yet. Until an automatic identification is possible, the required Linux Kernel component can be added manually to the Black Duck project.


  1. Why couldn't I just use the license data provided by Yocto in the license.manifest?

    The licenses reported by Bitbake come straight from the recipe files used to build the project. However, the applicable license for each package is the actual declared license reported in the origin repository, which may not match the license name in the recipe used to build/install the package. Furthermore, the obligations of most OSS licenses require that the full license text is included in the distribution along with any relevant copyrights. Another concern is that most OSS packages use or encapsulate other OSS which can have different licenses to the declared license in the main package, and in some cases re-licensing is not allowed meaning that the declared license of the main is not applicable. Black Duck uses the licenses from the origin packages (not the Yocto recipe), supports full license text and copyrights as well as optional deep license analysis to identify embedded licenses within packages.

  2. Can this utility be used on a Yocto image without access to the build environment?

    No - this utility needs access to the Yocto build environment including the cache of downloaded components and rpm packages to perform scans.

  3. Why couldn't I simply use the cve-check class provided by Yocto to determine unpatched vulnerabilities?

    The cve-check class processes all recipes in the build and then looks up packages in the NVD to try to associate CVEs. The script reports all packages including build dependencies as opposed to the packages only in the distributed image which is usually not useful. The CVE association uses CPE (package enumerators) to match packages, but this uses wildcards which result in a large number of false positive CVEs being reported. For example, for a sample Yocto 4.1 minimal build, cve-check reported 160 total unpatched CVEs of which 14 were shown against zlib, however the Black Duck project shows that none of these should be associated with the zlib version in the build (only 3 patched and 0 unpatched vulnerabilities should be shown in the project).

  4. Why couldn't I just use the create-spdx class provided by Yocto to export a full SBOM?

    The Yocto create-spdx class produces SPDX JSON files for the packages in the project with the runtime packages also identified, including useful data such as the list of files in the image per package with hashes. However, many of the SPDX fields are blank (NO-ASSERTION) including license text, copyrights etc. The packages are also not identified by PURL so the SBOM cannot be effectively imported into other tools (including Black Duck).

  5. I cannot see a specific package in the Black Duck project.

    Black Duck reports recipes in the Yocto project not individual packages. Multiple packages can be combined into a single recipe, but these are typically not downloaded separately and are considered to be part of the main component managed by the recipe, not individual OSS components.

  6. I cannot see the Linux kernel in the Black Duck project.

    The kernel cannot be identified due to a custom name format being used in Yocto. See the section OUTSTANDING ISSUES above. Add the required kernel version to the project manually.

  7. My environment is not completely set inside the oe-init script (or I am using another Yocto wrapper such as KAS

    _Synopsys Detect calls the oe-init script in a sub-shell before running Bitbake, meaning that it is not possible to pass environmental values unless they are in the oe-init script. The --no_init_script option allows the bd_scan_yocto script to bypass the use of the oe-init sceript, but you will also need to specify the --skip_detect_forbitbake option to skip the Detect Bitbake scan


















V1.0.16, V1.0.17, V1.0.18
