is a Cytoscape 3 app for the Systems Biology Markup Language SBML.
Our mission is the visualization of SBML information within the network context.
Our vision is a visualization tool for computational models and simulations which seamlessly integrates with computational modeling
frameworks and workflows.
App store: http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/cy3sbml
Latest release: https://github.com/matthiaskoenig/cy3sbml/releases/latest
Support & Forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cysbml-cyfluxviz
Bug Tracker: https://github.com/matthiaskoenig/cy3sbml/issues
provides advanced functionality for the import and work with models encoded in SBML, amongst others the
visualization of SBML network annotations within the network context, direct import of models from repositories
like BioModels and one-click access to annotation resources and SBML model information and SBML validation.
For Cytoscape 2 use cy2sbml with documentation available from http://matthiaskoenig.github.io/cy2sbml/.
Matthias König, Andreas Dräger and Hermann-Georg Holzhütter
CySBML: a Cytoscape plugin for SBML
Bioinformatics. 2012 Jul 5. PubMed
[^] Matthias König is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Germany) within the research network Systems Medicine of the Liver (LiSyM, grant number 031L0054) and Virtual Liver Network (VLN, grant number 0315756), and by the National Resource for Network Biology NRNB within the NRNB Academy Summer Session 2015.
The following gives an overview how to install, uninstall and build cy3sbml
is available from the Cytoscape App Store.
Alternatively one can install via the App Manager
Apps → App Manager → Install Apps
and search for cy3sbml
. cy3sbml
and click install.After installation cy3sbml is listed in the Currently Installed
apps tab.
The latest release jars are available from https://github.com/matthiaskoenig/cy3sbml/releases/latest and can also be copied manually in the Cytoscape directory.
To uninstall or disable cy3sbml, go to the menu bar and choose Apps → App Manager → Currently Installed
. Select cy3sbml and click Uninstall
or Disable
The develop release contains all features implemented since the latest release.
To work with the latest develop release clone the repository and build with maven
git clone https://github.com/matthiaskoenig/cy3sbml.git cy3sbml
cd cy3sbml
mvn install -DskipTests
The test suite takes some minutes to finish. If you want to build with tests use
mvn install
The cy3sbml-vx.x.x.jar
if available in the target
More detailed build instructions are available here.
v0.3.0 [2019-09-19]
v0.2.7 [2017/11/12]
Bugfix and dependency release
v0.2.6 [2017/10/03]
Major bugfix release to handle EBI https and Uniprot https.
v0.2.5 [2017/06/19]
v0.2.2 [2016/08/10]
v0.2.1 [2016/07/11]
v0.2.0 [2016/07/01]
v0.1.9 [2016/06/28]
v0.1.8 [2016/06/07]
v0.1.7 [2016/03/24]
v0.1.6 [2015/08/27]
v0.1.5 [2015/07/04]
v0.1.4 [2015/06/24]
v0.1.3 [2015/06/14]
v0.1.2 [2015/06/01]
v0.1 [2015/05]
[^] cy3sbml uses the following third-party software libraries; these are distributed along with the bundled cy3sbml app. The license statements for these third-party software libraries can be found at the web addresses noted below.
JSBML [checked 2016-08-03]
Cytoscape [checked 2016-08-03]
org.osgi.core [checked 2016-08-03]
Ehcache [checked 2016-08-03]
Apache Commons Lang [checked 2016-08-03]
Apache Commons IO [checked 2016-08-03]
Apache Velocity [checked 2016-08-03]
Unirest Java [checked 2016-08-03]
Apache HttpClient [checked 2016-08-03]
Apache HttpAsyncClient [checked 2016-08-03]
Apache HttpClient Mime [checked 2016-08-03]
JSON in Java [checked 2016-08-03]
LibFX [checked 2016-08-03]
uk.ac.ebi.miriam.registry-lib [checked 2016-08-03]
uk.ac.ebi.miriam.mirian-lib [checked 2016-08-03]
OLS client [checked 2016-08-03]
Jackson Databind [checked 2016-08-03]
Uniprot Japi [checked 2016-08-03]
chebiWS-client [checked 2016-08-03]
SLF4J API Module [checked 2016-08-03]
SLF4J LOG4J 12 Binding [checked 2016-08-03]
Junit [checked 2016-08-03]
Mockito [checked 2016-08-03]
Apache Taverna Language [checked 2016-08-16]
© 2012-2019 Matthias König. Developed and maintained by Matthias König, Andreas Dräger and Nicolas Rodriguez.