matthijsr / til-vhdl

A prototype toolchain for demonstrating and exploring an intermediate representation for defining components using the Tydi interface specification.
Apache License 2.0
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A prototype toolchain for demonstrating and exploring an intermediate representation for defining components using the Tydi interface specification.

This repository defines a grammar (simply called TIL, for Tydi Intermediate Language), and implements a parser, incremental query system, and VHDL backend.


To demonstrate the complete prototype toolchain, this repository features a simple command-line application to parse a .til file and emit VHDL.


This application was verified in a Linux environment, using rustc version 1.61.0.


  1. Switch to the demo-cmd directory. (cd demo-cmd)
  2. Build the application: cargo build
  3. Run the application with arguments for the input file and the desired output directory. E.g., cargo run ./til_samples/paper_example.til ./output

Linked Implementations

The intermediate representation intentionally omits expressions for implementing or simulating arbitrary behavior of components. Instead, "behavioral implementations" in the IR exist only as links to directories, which contain the relevant code in languages more suited for expressing behavior.

In the case of this prototype toolchain, the backend expects a single VHDL file matching the name of the component that would be generated, containing an entity and architecture description. Multiple linked implementations can point to the same directory. If no such file exists, but the directory does, the backend will automatically generate an empty architecture for that entity at that location. (This is the recommended way of working - first generate the "template" files, then implement the component based on the template.)

Links must be relative paths, to ensure projects are not bound to a single environment.

When using a single TIL file through the demo-cmd tool, the relative paths defined in the TIL file are relative to the working directory (i.e., .). To get more control over how paths are interpreted, you should use a project instead.


Projects are expressed in simple *.toml files, and may contain a list of multiple TIL files (as paths relative to the project file) and various configuration items.

This is a sample config file, as seen here:

name = "alt_link"

files = [ "src/alt_link.til" ]

output_path = "../../../test_output"

link_relative_to_file = true

The main (required) configuration items are:

Additional, optional configuration items are part of the [config] subsection. There is currently only one additional config item: