mattmccray / liquid.js

JavaScript port of Tobias Luetke's Liquid template engine.
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h1. Liquid.js

h2. General

This is a complete port of "Liquid": from Ruby to JavaScript. Any template that Ruby Liquid can compile and render, Liquid.js should too.

This tries to be javascript framework agnostic (i.e. doesn't use jQuery nor Prototype). This adds a little extra code as it implements its own helpers like clear, first, last on Array, and a Class OOP implementation; this tradeoff is made to allow the code to be portable across many systems.

Liquid.js does not use eval or with, so it's pretty clean and really safe.

h2. Installation

The current version of the library is checked into the dist directory.

To re-build from source, follow these steps:

Clone the repository somewhere locally and go into the folder; i.e. @git clone

Run @bundle install@ to install the necessary Gemfiles.

Compile the JavaScript files with the default rake task; i.e. @bundle exec rake@.

Copy the distribution files to your desired location; i.e. @cp dist/liquid*.js ~/projects/my_project/public/javascripts/@.

h2. Differences

Ranges. JavaScript doesn't really have Ranges like Ruby does. So when Liquid.js comes across a range "(1..5)", it creates an Array with the values 1 through 5. In addition ranges like (a..z) should work.

'replace' and 'replace_first' filters build RegExps from the input, so you can actually define a regexp to use in your replacement.

'include' tag. By default, this will return a Liquid error (but not an exception). To use the 'include' tag, you'll need to implement your own 'filesystem' support. Which, in Liquid.js, just means you override the Liquid.readTemplateFile function to suit your own needs. Here's an example:

h2. Known Issues

Known to work in Safari 3.1+ and FireFox 3+.

IE 7: passes tests but needs more actual usage testing

h2. References:

h2. Development

Fork the project on github.

Follow the installation steps with your repository.

Load the test/liquid-tests.html file to execute the tests; i.e. in a web browser load 'file:///home/username/projects/liquid.js/test/liquid-tests.html'.

Load the test/liquid-console.html to debug specific templates or test scenarios; i.e. in a web browser load 'file:///home/username/projects/liquid.js/test/liquid-tests.html'.

NOTE: It is recommended to use Chrome or Firefox (with Firebug) for development so you can see javascript errors in detail.

h3. Todo