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Minor change requests #236

Open jn2chang opened 9 years ago

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

1 Completed 12-10-14 Verified 12-30-14 CEMC Oradell Change request: In the church landing site, the line on the pastor: Evangelist: Ev. Sorina Yang, (H) 973-331-0438

Should be changed to: Pastors: Ev. Sorina Yang, (H) 973-331-0438 Rev. Hosea Chi, (C) 973-960-8065 In the Chinese church landing site: 傳道: 楊張秀蘭傳道, (H)973-331-0438

Should be changed to: 牧者: 楊張秀蘭傳道, (H)973-331-0438 戚厚生牧師, (C) 973-960-8065

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

2 Completed 12-10-14 Verified 12-30-14

Please update the Winter, 2014 course schedule for EBI America, and EBI Europe in their "Curriculum" sectuib for both the Chinese and the English sites. I will email you the curriculum.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

3 Completed 12-13-14 Verified 12-30-14 CEC Kobe change request:

Please update the evangelist's name and the cell phone number in the church landing site of CEC Kobe as below: 傳道: 張瓊 傳道 地址: 神戶市中央區元町通 3-2-15セントラルビル元町3F 電話: 81-78-381-9837, 手机: 81-80-3868-5377 電郵:

Evangelist: Ev. Zhang Qiong Address: 神戶市中央區元町通 3-2-15セントラルビル元町3F Telephone: 81-78-381-9837, (C) 81-80-3868-5377 e-mail:

For clarity, I put down everything.

chuiau commented 9 years ago

Completed 12-20-14 Verified 12-30-14 The address is also different also.  Should it be changed? Yes. Please put the same Chinese/Japanese address on the English site also. On Thursday, December 11, 2014 11:19 AM, jn2chang wrote:

3 CEC Kobe change request:Please update the evangelist's name and the cell phone number in the church landing site of CEC Kobe as below: 傳道: 張瓊 傳道 地址: 神戶市中央區元町通 3-2-15セントラルビル元町3F 電話: 81-78-381-9837, 手机: 81-80-3868-5377 電郵: Ev. Zhang Qiong Address: 神戶市中央區元町通 3-2-15セントラルビル元町3F Telephone: 81-78-381-9837, (C) 81-80-3868-5377 e-mail: clarity, I put down everything.— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

4 Completed 12-18-14 Verified 12-30-14 In the “What’s up”, please remove

  1. CEMC Oradell Established…
  2. the summer conferences held in Holland, Spain, and Portugal.
  3. Taiwan Aboriginal Choir Performing

and add the announcement on the ECMSI Brooklyn Mandarin Service Christmas Music Event. We’ll put the latest “What’s up” first. What we’ll add will be:

A. In the Chinese site will be: 佈路倫基督教生命堂國語崇拜聖誕音樂晚會12/23/14詳情 B. and in the English site will be: ECMSI Brooklyn Mandarin Service Christmas Musical Night 12/23/14 Learn more

In the “News”, please remove information on CEMC Oradell; Summer Conference in Holland, Spain, Portugal; and Taiwan Aboriginal Choir Performance. We’ll put the latest “news” first. What we’ll add are:

A. In the Chinese site, it will be

佈路倫基督教生命堂國語崇拜聖誕音樂晚會12/23/14 佈路倫基督教生命堂國語崇拜將於12 月23日 星期二晚上7:30舉行聖誕音樂晚會,有特別音樂節目及信息等。戚厚生牧師主持,楊摩西牧師證道。佈路倫基督教生命堂國語崇拜地點: 809 44th Street, Brooklyn, NY (近第八大道), 電話 973-960-8065。

B. In the English site, it will be:

ECMSI Brooklyn Mandarin Service Christmas Musical Night ECMSI Brooklyn Mandarin Service is going to conduct a Christmas Musical Night on Dec. 23 at 7:30 pm. Program includes special music presentation and message. Rev. Hosea Chi will preside the meeting while Pastor Moses Yang will preach. ECMSI Brooklyn Mandarin Service address: 809 44th Street, Brooklyn, NY (near 8th Av.) Tel.: 973-960-8065. I will e-mail you the write up in Word format.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

5 Completed 12-24-14 Verified 12-30-14 We need to add specific "dialect" to the name of ECMSI Brooklyn in our website:

ECMSI Brooklyn will be changed to:

ECMSI Brooklyn Fuzhou Dialect 佈路倫基督教生命堂 福州語崇拜

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

6 Completed 12-20-14 Verified 12-30-14

We need to add a new church site to our website in East America. The church name is as below:

ECMSI Brooklyn Mandarin Service 佈路倫基督教生命堂 國語崇拜

In the church landing site, we need to add the following information: Chinese site:

佈路倫基督教生命堂 國語崇拜 牧師: 戚厚生牧師 地址: 809 44th St., Brooklyn, NY 11220 電話: 973-960-8065 電郵:

English site:

ECMSI in Brooklyn Mandarin Service Pastor: Rev. Hosea Chi Address: 809 44th St., Brooklyn, NY 11220 Telephone: 973-960-8065 e-mail:

In her Church Service Schedule site , please put down the following information: 聚會時間 主日崇拜 星期日 上午 10:30 查經班 星期二 晚上 7:00

Church Service Schedule Sunday Worship Sunday 10:30 am Bible Study Tuesday 7:00 pm

We need to put information in her “Contact Us” site, too. I will e-mail you the above information.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

7 Completed 12-24-14 The title “ECMSI Brooklyn Fuzhou Dialect” should be changed to “ECMSI Brooklyn Fuzhou Service”. Sorry, it’s my fault.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

8 Completed 12-31-14 Verified 1-22-14

Address change request for IEC in San Jose Please update its address to 191 E Gish Road, San Jose, Calif. 95112-4704 In her church landing site and her “contact us” page.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

9 Completed 1-10-15 Verified 2-24-15 Please insert IEC San Jose picture to their church landing site. I will e-mail you the picture.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

10 Completed 1-10-15 Verified 2-24-15 Please update the address of the CEC in Veenendaal as below: Worship address: Zandstraat 36-38, 3901 CM, Veenendaal, The Netherlands Office address: Zandstraat 103, 3905 EB, Veenendaal, The Netherlands In the Chinese site: 教會崇拜地址: Zandstraat 36-38, 3901 CM, Veenendaal, The Netherlands 辦公室地址: Zandstraat 103, 3905 EB, Veenendaal, The Netherlands

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

11 Completed 1-15-15 Part 2 was verified, Part 1 not. See request 236.18 Part 1 verified 1/26/15

  1. Please change the Chinese name of CEMC Murray Hill to: 伯特利基督教生命堂
  2. Also, in their church service schedule, they ‘d like to add a class in their Class Schedule/學習班 Under學習班, please add: 空手道班 星期日 1:30pm -3:00pm(五歲以上)

Under “class schedule”, please add: Karate Sunday 1:30pm -3:00pm (five years and older) I will e-mail you the extra class schedule.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

12 Completed 1-16-15 Verified 1-23-15 Update request for CEMC Towaco. Please add an evangelist name to our Church Landing site, and to the Contact Us site. In the church landing site: English: Youth Minister: Ev. Wingkit Chan, 973-331-0545 ext. 250, (C) 973-413-4132 Chinese: 青年事工: 陳永潔傳道, 973-331-0545 ext. 250, (手機) 973-413-4132 In the Contact Us site, please add information of Wingkit at the end of pastors’ information table as below: English: Ev. Wingkit Chan Ext. 250 973-413-4132

Chinese: 陳永潔傳道 Ext. 250 973-413-4132

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

13 Completed 1-22-15 Verified 02-03-2015 ECMSI Chinatown change request: In the English church landing site, please update the name and the phone number of Ev. Yongsheng Zhang to Evangelist: Ev. Yongsheng Zhang , (C)646-462-6116 In the Chinese church landing site, please update his phone number. 傳道: 張勇生傳道, (手機) 646-462-6116

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

14 Completed 1-22-15 Verified 02-03-2015 What’s up? update request: Please add the following announcement on top of all the announcements: In the Chinese site: 3/1/15西班亞巴賽羅那生命堂成立十週年慶 詳情 In the English site: 3/1/15 CEMC Barcelona 10th Anniversary Celebration Learn More

I will e-mail you the original document.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

15 Completed 1-22-15 Verified 02-03-2015 “News” update request: Chinese site: 3/1/15西班亞巴賽羅那生命堂成立十週年慶 巴賽羅那生命堂於三月一日慶祝成立十週年,楊摩西牧師將親臨主持。 English site: 3/1/15 CEMC Barcelona 10th Anniversary Celebration Rev. Moses Yang is going to officiate the 10th Anniversary Celebration of CEMC Barcelona on 3/1/15.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

16 Completed 1-24-15 Verified 02-03-2015 Update request for CEMC Towaco in the Chinese church landing site, and theChinese contact us page.

Ev. Wingkit Chan's Chinese name is 陳永傑.

This is a correction to the request 236.12. Sorry.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

17 Completed 1-24-15 Verified 02-03-2015 IEC San Jose Change Request: Please update the church phone number in the church landing site, and the “Contact us” site, for both the Chinese and the English sites: Tel #: (408)459-1678 There are no changes in the phone numbers of either pastors.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

18 Cancelled 236.11 part 2 was completed on 1-15-15. The request on addition of Karate class is in the current version of the website. We still need to do the part 1, i.e. to change the Chinese name of the church to: 伯特利基督教生命堂

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

19 Completed 1-31-15 Verified 02-03-2015 CEC N. Paris change request. Please remove the site of CEC N. Paris.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

20 Completed 1-28-15 Verified 02-03-2015 Please create a new church site in Belgium.

  1. The Chinese and the English name of this church are: 魯汶基督教生命堂 CEC in Leuven
  2. In the English church landing site, please put down the following information:

CEC in Leuven Pastor: Rev. M. C. (Mix) Chan Address: Brouwersstraat 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium Tel#: +32(0)484-14 86 82 Email:

  1. In the Chinese church landing site, please put down the following information: 魯汶基督教生命堂 牧師: 陳茂祥 牧師 地址: Brouwersstraat 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium 電話: +32(0)484-14 86 82 電郵:
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

21 Completed 1-28-15 Verified 02-03-2015 Please create the contact us page for the new Belgium church “CEC in Leuven”.

  1. In the English Contact Us page, please put down the following information . CEC in Leuven Pastor: Rev. M. C. (Mix) Chan Address: Brouwersstraat 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium Tel#: +32(0)484-14 86 82 Email:
  2. Please include their location in the Google map in their Contact Us page as well.
  3. In the Chinese Contact Us page for the new Belgium church “CEC in Leuven”, please put down the following information: 魯汶基督教生命堂 牧師: 陳茂祥 牧師 地址: Brouwersstraat 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium 電話: +32(0)484-14 86 82 電郵:
  4. Please include their location in the google map in their Chinese Contact Us page.
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

22 Completed 1-28-15**Verified 02-03-2015** In the “Find a Church” page, please modify the number of churches in Belgium and France as below: 4 in Belgium, 1 in France 法國巴黎一間、..、比利時四間

There is no change in total number of churches.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

23 Completed 1-28-15 Verified 02-03-2015 Church name (English) change request: Please change the church name of CEMC in Murray Hill to CEMC in Berkeley Heights.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

24 Completed 1-31-15 Verified 02-03-2015 Church name change request: Please change the English name of the church “ECMSI in Brooklyn Fuzhou Service” to “ECMSI in Brooklyn - 7th Ave.”

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

25 Completed 1-31-15 Verified 02-03-2015 Please change the English name of the church “ECMSI in Brooklyn Mandarin Service” to “ECMSI in Brooklyn - 8th Ave.”

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

26 Completed 1-31-15 Verified 02-03-2015 The name “CEM in Holland” should be changed “CEM in Netherlands”.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

27 Completed 1-31-15 Verified 02-03-2015 In the “Brief History” description of CEC Amhem, the area “the central East of Holland” should be changed to “the central East of the Netherlands".

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

28 Completed 1-31-15 Verified 02-03-2015 In the last paragraph of the “Brief History” of CEC Veenendaal, the clause “pastors came to Holland” should be changed to “pastors came to the Netherlands”.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

29 Completed 1-31-15 Made the same change for the Arnhem church. Verified 02-03-2015

CEC Amsterdam change request. In her church landing site,

  1. Change the first pastor’s title to牧師: 牧師: 黃良明牧師 Pastor: Rev. LeungMing Wong
  2. Delete the entire line of the second pastor.
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

30 Completed 1-31-15 Verified 02-03-2015 “Find a Church” change request: In “Find a Church”, please change "Holland" to "the Netherlands" in the text “12 in Holland”. Wingkit pointed out that “Holland” is just a province in the country of “the Netherlands”.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

31 Completed 2-2-15 Verified 2-26-15 Please update the Spring course schedule of EBI America . I will email you the curriculum.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

32 Completed 2-2-15 Verified 2-26-15 Please update the Spring course schedule of EBI Europe .

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

33 Completed 2-3-15 Verified 2-26-15

“ECMSI in Brooklyn - 8th Ave “ change request: Please update its Chinese church name to 博客嶺基督教生命堂.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

34 Completed 2-3-15 - English Verified 2-26-15 Completed 2-9-15- Chinese Please update the organization chart. It is located in the following path in the EMSI website: Who we are --> Introduction to Organization -->“click here” 關於我們 --> 組織 簡介 --> 組織表

I will email you the latest organization chart.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

35 Completed 2-3-15 Verified 2-26-15 ECMSI in Brooklyn – 7th Ave. church name (Chinese) change request:

  1. Please change the Chinese name of the church from “佈路倫基督教生命堂福州語崇拜 “ to ”佈路倫基督教生命堂”.
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

36 Completed 2-15-15 In the Chinese counterpart of “Introduction to Organization” under “Who we are” The numbers in the first paragraph in (二) 國際神學福音佈道會的教會牧養事工 need to be updated. I will mail you the paragraph with the changes in red.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

37 Completed 2-18-15 Please update the organization chart. I will send you the chart via email.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

38 Completed 2-26-15 Please update the pastors' information in the church landing site of CEC Fuenlabrada. English site : Pastor: Rev. Guo Dan Jiang, 34-620-630-901 Evangelist: Ev. Zhi Chuan Li, 34-622-526-181 Address: C/Leon 24, 28947 Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain Tel#: 34-910-160-197 Fax#: 34-91-4595844 Email:

Chinese: 牧師: 蔣國淡 牧師, 34-620-630-901 傳道: 李志川 傳道, 34-622-526-181 地址: C/Leon 24, 28947 Fuenlabrada Madrid, Spain 電話: 34-910-160-197 傳真: 34-91-459-5844 電郵:

I will send you e-mail highlighting the changes.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

39 Completed 2-26-15 CEC Fuenlabrada “Contact us” changes: Tel #: 34-910-160-197, 34-620-630-901 Please update the phone numbers in both the Chinese and the English sites.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

40 Completed 2-26-15 CEC Gran Canarias church landing site change request: English: Pastor: Rev. Guo Dan Jiang, 34-620-630-901 Contact: 方金欢姊妹, 34-928-761-704 Address: Menceye 36, 35110 Las Palmas, Gran Canarias, Spain Tel#: 34-620-630-901 , 34-928-761-704 Fax#: 34-91-4595844 Email:

Chinese: 牧師: 蔣國淡 牧師, 34-620-630-901 聯絡人: 方金欢姊妹, 34-928-761-704 地址: Menceye 36, 35110 Las Palmas, Gran Canarias, Spain 電話: 34-620-630-901, 34-928-761-704 傳真: 34-91-459-5844 電郵: I will email you a file, with changes highlighted.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

41 Completed 2-26-15 In the “Contact us” page of CEC Gran Canarias, please update the phone number: Tel # : 34-928-761-704 Please update both the Chinese and the English sites.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

42 Completed 3-20-15 We need to update the organization chart on the Chinese site. It can be located in the following path: 關於我們 -- 組織簡介-- 組織表

I will send you via email the latest organization chart. The one on the English site is the latest.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago


Please update the book catalog, and the order form in the Chinese site of Books and CDs. The Books and the CDs site can be located through the following path: Home - The Gospel Broadcasting Ministry - browse catalog now - CDs Or Home - EMSI Christian Bookstore - shop now - Books

I will email you the book catalog and the order form.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

44 Completed 3-20-15 CEC Barcelona change request.

Please update the pastor's names, phone numbers, and e-mail address in the church landing site. They are as follows: 牧者:蔣國經 傳道, 0034-687-58-7688 陳敏 傳道, 0034-651-52-1292 地址 : Calle D’Olzinelles 91, 08014 Barcelona, Spain 電話:0034-934-22-1133 電郵

I have yet to confirm if the skype name is changed.

Evangelist: Ev. Guo Jing Jiang, 0034-687-58-7688 Ev. Min Chen, 0034-651-52-1292 Address: Calle D’Olzinelles 91, 08014, Barcelona, Spain Tel#: 0034-934-22-1133 Email:

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

45 Completed 3-20-15 Please update the email address of CEC Barcelona in their Contact Us page: 電郵 Email:

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

46 Completed 3-20-15 Please remove the skype name cembarcelona from the church landing site of CEC Barcelona in both the English site and the Chinese site.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

47 Completed 3-20-15 ECMSI Chinatown English church landing site change request:

Please update their church address with the zipcode 10002.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

48 Completed 4-1-15 In the church landing site of CEC Bergen Op Zoom, we need to add one more phone number: 0031-(0)629 55 17 72 We need to add this phone number in both the Chinese website, and the English website.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

49 Completed 4-1-15 In the contact us site of CEC Bergen Op Zoom, we need to add one more phone number: 0031-(0)629 55 17 72 We need to add this phone number in both the Chinese website, and the English website.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

50 Completed 4-1-15 In the church landing site of CEC Groningen, we need to add one more phone number; 0031-(0)681 55 67 77 . We need to add this phone number in both the Chinese site, and the English site.