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Minor change requests #236

Open jn2chang opened 9 years ago

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

1 Completed 12-10-14 Verified 12-30-14 CEMC Oradell Change request: In the church landing site, the line on the pastor: Evangelist: Ev. Sorina Yang, (H) 973-331-0438

Should be changed to: Pastors: Ev. Sorina Yang, (H) 973-331-0438 Rev. Hosea Chi, (C) 973-960-8065 In the Chinese church landing site: 傳道: 楊張秀蘭傳道, (H)973-331-0438

Should be changed to: 牧者: 楊張秀蘭傳道, (H)973-331-0438 戚厚生牧師, (C) 973-960-8065

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

51 Completed 4-1-15 In the contact us site of CEC Groningen, we need to add one more phone number; 0031-(0)681 55 67 77 . We need to add this phone number in both the Chinese site, and the English site.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

52 Completed 4-1-15 In the English church landing site of CEC Groningen, there are two pictures. Please remove the bottom one, i.e. the group picture of CEC Groningen, and keep the church building picture.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

53 Completed 5-3-15 Please update the CEC Antwerp Service Schedule in Chinese and the schedule in English as below. I will email you the word file. 安慰城基督教生命堂聚會活動 日期 内容
2015 逢星期日 09:30 - 11:00 主日崇拜 / 兒童、青少年主日學
每月第二、四個 星期二 11:00 - 13:00 成人團契 / 週二崇拜 (粵語)
每月第二、四個 星期五 20:00 - 21:30 查經聚會 (荷語)
每月第一、三個 星期六 10:30 - 13:00 青年團契 - 18-30歲未婚男女 (荷語)
每月第二、四個 星期六 12:30 - 15:00 少年團契 - 就讀中學階段的學生 (荷語)

CEC Antwerp - Monthly Service Schedule Date Activity
2015 Sunday 09:30 - 11:00 Sunday Service / Sunday School for Children & Teenagers 2nd & 4th Tuesday 11:00 - 13:00 Adult Fellowship / Tuesday’s Worship Service (Cantonese)
2nd & 4th Friday 20:00 - 21:30 Dutch Bible Study
1st & 3rd Saturday 10:30 - 13:00 Youth Fellowship (Dutch)
2nd & 4th Saturday 12:30 - 15:00 Teenager Fellowship (Dutch)

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

54 Completed 5-4-15

Please update the CEC Brussels service schedule in Chinese and the service schedule in English as below. I will email you the word file. 布魯塞爾基督教生命堂聚會活動 日期 内容
2015 逢星期日 15:30 - 17:00 主日崇拜/兒童主日學
逢星期三 10:00 - 11:30 成人法語初級班
每月第一個 星期三 14:30 - 16:00 週三崇拜 (粵語)
每月第二、四個 星期三 14:30 - 16:00 查經聚會 (國語)
每月第一、三個 星期四 19:00 - 21:30 青年查經聚會 (國語)

CEC Brussels - Monthly Service Schedule Date Activity
2015 Sunday 15:30 - 17:00 Sunday Service / Children’s Sunday School Wednesday 10:00 - 11:30 Basic French Class for Adults
1st Wednesday 14:30 - 16:00 Wednesday’s Worship Service (Cantonese)
2nd & 4th Wednesday 14:30 - 16:00 Bible Study (Mandarin)
1st & 3rd Thursday 19:00 - 21:30 Youth Bible Study (Mandarin)

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

55 Completed 5-4-15 Please update the CEC Gent service schedule in Chinese and the service schedule in English as below. I will email you the word file. 根特基督教生命堂聚會活動 日期 内容
2015 每月第二、四個 星期四 14:30 - 16:00 查經聚會 (粵語)

CEC Gent - Monthly Service Schedule Date Activity
2015 2nd & 4th Thursday 14:30 - 16:00 Bible Study (Cantonese)

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

56 Completed 5-4-15 Please update the CEC LEUVEN service schedule in Chinese and the service schedule in English as below. I will email you the word file. 魯汶基督教生命堂聚會活動 日期 内容
2015 逢星期日 09:30 - 11:30 主日崇拜 / 兒童主日學
每月第一、三個 星期二 11:00 - 12:30 成人查經聚會 (國語) 每月第一、三個 星期三 18:30 - 21:00 青年查經聚會 (國語)

CEC Leuven - Monthly Service Schedule Date Activity
2015 Sunday 09:30 - 11:00 Sunday Service / Children’s Sunday School 1st & 3rd Tuesday 11:00 - 12:30 Adult Bible Study (Mandarin)
1st & 3rd Wednesday 18:30 - 21:00 Youth Bible Study (Mandarin)

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

57 Completed 5/9/15 Verified 7/10/15 Please remove the church ECMSI in Brooklyn - 7th Av. from the EMSI website.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

58 to be posted.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

59 Completed 5-13-15 Verified 7-10-15 CEC Barcelona telephone number change request. Please update the telephone number in the church landing site, and in the contact us section to:

Tel #: 0034-930-044-152

Please note there are three phone numbers in the church landing site. It is not the cell phone numbers next to the pastors' name to be changed.

Please update the phone numbers in both the Chinese section, and the English section.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

60 Completed 5/19/15 Change request in a few English translations in the front page of book catalog: 1F. 靈修與培靈 Devotionals and Deeper Life 1H. 人物探討Bible Characters 1I. 節慶 Holidays 1K. 見證Testimonials I put down both the Chinese and the English to help you identify the English words to be changed. I will email you the word file of the front page of the catalog.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

61 Completed 5/19/15 Change request in a few English translations in the front page of CD catalog. 2C 末世預兆 Signs of the End Times 2E. 節慶系列 Holiday Series

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

62 5/27/15 Please disregard this request. In the "Find a church" page, please change the total number of churches to 54.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

63 Completed 5/19/15 Verified 7/10/15 CEC Kobe change request in their church landing site, and the contact us page:

實習神學生: 楊熙 0081-090-6914-1321 Intern Seminarian: Yang, Xi 0081-090-6914-1321

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

64 Completed 5/20/15 The book list of 1K 見證 testimonials is incomplete. The book list corresponds to catalog numbers 1K0002 - 1K0005 are not there. The books information are as follows: 編號 書名 數 作 者 US$ 1K0002 全球生命堂見證集--蒙恩篇 1 國際神學福音佈道會 3.00 1k0003 全球生命堂見證集--購堂篇 1 國際神學福音佈道會 3.00 1K0004 全球生命堂見證集--生活篇 1 國際神學福音佈道會 3.00 1K0005 全球生命堂見證集--事奉篇 1 國際神學福音佈道會 3.00

I will email you the word file of the 1K book list.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

65 Completed 7/3/15 See Verification Result in Request 236.91 7/9/15 ECMSI in Brooklyn – 8th Ave. change request:

  1. Name change : Please change its name to ECMSI in Brooklyn 希伯崙基督教生命堂
  2. In the church landing site, please change/add phone numbers: Chinese : 牧師: 戚厚生牧師 973-335-7337, ext. 219, (C) 973-960-8065 電話: 646-979-0107 English : Pastor: Rev. Hosea Chi 973-335-7337, ext. 219, (C) 973-960-8065 Tel. #: 646-979-0107
  3. In the church landing site, please update the church’s address: Address: 6401 7th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11220
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

66 Completed 7/3/15 See Verification Result in Change Request 236.92 7/9/15 ECMSI in Brooklyn change request in the Contact Us page, including the changes in the church's name, telephone number, address, and update of the Google map.

  1. Chinese site: 希伯崙基督教生命堂

牧師: 戚厚生牧師 973-335-7337, ext. 219, (手機) 973-960-8065 戚陳佳琳 師母, (手機) 973-932-3534 地址: 6401 7th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11220 電話: 646-979-0107

  1. English site:

ECMSI in Brooklyn

Pastor: Rev. Hosea Chi 973-335-7337, ext. 219, (C) 973-960-8065 Mrs. Chialin Chi, (C) 973-932-3534 Address: 6401 7th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11220 Tel. #: 646-979-0107

  1. Please update the Google map as well.
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

67 5/27/15 Discard this comment Please disregard this change request. Joanne informed me they are not selling "tapes", i.e.錄音帶, anymore. Book List Update in 2A Old Testament Book List: The book list of catalog numbers 2A0001 to 2A0014 are missing. They are as follows: 編號 書 名 數 解經者 US$

2A0001  創世記(第一輯)/錄音帶    1   楊摩西   50.00 
2A0002  創世記(第二輯)/錄音帶    1   楊摩西   50.00 
2A0003  創世記(第三輯)/錄音帶    1   楊摩西   50.00 
2A0004  創世記(第四輯)/錄音帶    1   楊摩西   50.00 
2A0005  出埃及記(第一輯)/錄音帶 1   楊摩西   40.00 
2A0006  出埃及記(第二輯)/錄音帶 1   楊摩西   50.00 
2A0007  約書亞記                 /錄音帶   1   楊摩西   50.00 
2A0008  士師記/錄音帶                   1   楊摩西   50.00 
2A0009  撒母耳記上/錄音帶                 1   楊摩西   50.00 
2A0010  撒母耳記下/錄音帶             1   楊摩西   40.00 
2A0011  列王紀上冊(第一輯)/錄音帶    1   楊摩西   40.00 
2A0012  列王紀上冊(第二輯)/錄音帶  1   楊摩西   40.00 
2A0013  列王紀下冊(第一輯)/錄音帶  1   楊摩西   40.00 
2A0014  列王紀下冊(第二輯)/錄音帶  1   楊摩西   40.00 

I will send you the partial book list in word file via email.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

68 5/27/15 Discard this comment Please remove the books of catalog numbers 1K0002, 1K0003, 1K0004, 1K0005,listed in 1K. Testimonials. In other words, this request is to undo the changes you put in for request 236.64. Sorry, I just checked with Joanne on this comment, as well as change request 236.67

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

69 Completed 7/3/15 Verified 7/8/15 CEC Utrecht Change Request Please remove the following evangelist name in the church landing page, and in the Contact us page in both the Chinese and the English sites. Ev. Ka Man Chu-Ng, 朱吳嘉敏 傳道

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

70 Completed 7/3/15 Verified 7/8/15 CEC Veenendaal Change Request Please remove the following evangelist name in the church landing page, and in the Contact us page in both the Chinese and the English sites. Ev. Ka Man Chu-Ng, 朱吳嘉敏 傳道

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

71 Completed 7/3/15 Verified 7/8/15 Change request in the "home" page. In the description of CEM International in the revolving slides(走馬燈), we need to update number of churches as below: 1, 9 churches in the eastern United States;

  1. a total of 53 churches.
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

72 This request is updated in 236.77 Change request in our Chinese "News" site:

  1. Please remove the current announcements. 2.Please insert the following announcements in our website: 俄備得基督教生命堂週年慶 俄備得基督教生命堂將於六月七日伯根郡舉行週年慶,楊秀蘭傳道主持,楊摩西牧師證道。俄備得生命堂地址: 343 Kinderkamack Rd., Oradell, N.J. 電話: 973-699-3223. 荷蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙生命堂舉辦夏令會
  2. 荷蘭十二間生命堂聯合主辦少年福音夏令營將於7月27--31日在 Bezinningscentrum Emmaus舉行,主題是”為你預備”,講員為陳永傑傳道。
  3. 西班牙佈道會8月17-20日在馬德里近郊Guadarramae營地舉行第八屆家庭退修會夏令營,詳情請電:(+34)91 459 5755。
  4. 葡萄牙四間生命堂夏令會將於8月24--28日在Esposende舉行,詳情請電: 963 333 777 , 965 333 777,962 222 221。 I will email you the announcements as well.
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

73 This request is updated in 236.78 Change request in our English "News" site:

  1. Please remove the current announcements. 2.Please insert the following announcements in our website: One Year Anniversary Celebration of the CEMC Oradell One Year Anniversary Celebration of CEMC Oradell will be held on June 7, 2015. Ev. Serina Yang will preside over the service while Pastor Moses Yang will deliver the sermon. CEMC Oradell address: 343 Kinderkamack Rd., Oradell, N.J. Tel.: 973-699-3223.

Christian Evangelical Mission Summer Conferences in Spain, Holland, and Portugal

  1. The Christian Evangelical Churches in the Netherlands will conduct a Teenage Summer Camp at Bezinningscentrum Emmaus. The theme of the conference is “Especially for you!” The speaker is Ev. Wing Kit Chan.
  2. The Christian Evangelical Mission in Spain will conduct its 8th Summer Family Retreat on August 17-20 at Guadarrama Campground near Madrid. Please call :(+34)91 459 5755 for information.
  3. The Christian Evangelical Churches in Portugal will have a joint Summer conference in Esposende in August 24 – 28. Please call: 963 333 777 , 965 333 777, 962 222 221 for information.

I will email you the announcements as well.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

74 This request is updated in 236.75 Change request in the Chinese section of “What’s up”. Please replace the existing stuff with the following :

6/7/15俄備得基督教生命堂週年慶 詳情 荷蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙生命堂舉辦夏令會

  1. 7/27-31荷蘭十二間生命堂少年福音夏令營
  2. 8/17-20西班牙佈道會第八屆家庭退修會夏令營
  3. 8/24-28葡萄牙四間生命堂聯合夏令會 詳情
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

75 Completed 7/4/15 Verified 7/8/15 This is a change to request 236.74 In the Chinese counterpart of “What’s up”, Please replace the existing stuff with the following :

6/7/15俄備得基督教生命堂週年慶 詳情 美東活石園、俄備得、多華谷生命堂暑期兒童夏令營 詳情 荷蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙生命堂舉辦夏令會 詳情 8/1 /15美東區生命堂聯合運動會詳情 I will email you a word file.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

76 Completed 7/4/15 Verified 7/8/15 In the English “What’s up”, please replace the existing stuff with the following: 6/7/15 One Year Anniversary Celebration of the CEMC Oradell Learn More Vacation Bible Schools by CEC’s in Livingston, Oradell, Towaco Learn More Christian Evangelical Mission Summer Conferences in Spain, Holland, and Portugal Learn More 8/1/15 East Coast Sports Day Learn More I will email you a word file.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

77 Completed 7/4/15 Verified 7/8/15 This is a change request to 236.72 Please replace the existing news with the following: 6/7/15俄備得基督教生命堂週年慶 俄備得基督教生命堂於六月七日伯根郡舉行週年慶,楊秀蘭傳道主持,楊摩西牧師證道。俄備得生命堂地址: 343 Kinderkamack Rd., Oradell, N.J. 電話: 973-699-3223. 美東活石園、俄備得、多華谷生命堂舉辦暑期兒童夏令營

  1. 7/6 – 10 俄備得兒童暑期聖經班。請電詢: 973-335-7177 ext. 220。
  2. 7/20-7/24多華谷生命堂兒童暑期聖經班,請上網報名: , 或電 973-331-0545 ext. 200。
  3. 8/10-14活石園兒童暑期聖經班,請上網報名: ,或電: (973)402-5138。


  1. 7/27 - 31荷蘭十二間生命堂聯合主辦少年福音夏令營將在 Bezinningscentrum Emmaus舉行,主題是”為你預備”,講員為陳永傑傳道、鄧黃美玲師母、及廖美恩。
  2. 8/17 - 20西班牙佈道會將在馬德里近郊Guadarramae營地舉行第八屆家庭退修會夏令營,詳情請電:(+34)91 459 5755。
  3. 8/24 -28葡萄牙四間生命堂夏令會將於8月24--28日在Esposende舉行,詳情請電: 963 333 777 , 965 333 777,962 222 221。 8/1/15美東區生命堂聯合運動會 美東區九間生命堂聯合運動會將在多華谷基督教生命堂運動場舉行。
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

78 Completed 7/4/15 Verified 7/8/15 This is a change request to 237.73. Change request in the English "News" section: One Year Anniversary Celebration of the CEMC Oradell One Year Anniversary Celebration of CEMC Oradell was held on June 7, 2015. Ev. Serina Yang presided over the service while Pastor Moses Yang delivered the sermon. CEMC Oradell address: 343 Kinderkamack Rd., Oradell, N.J. Tel.: 973-699-3223. Vacation Bible Schools by CEC’s in Livingston, Oradell, and Towaco

  1. 7/6-10 CEC in Oradell will have Vacation Bible School from 1:30 pm to 5 pm. Please call (973)-699-3223.
  2. 7/20-24 CEC in Towaco will have Vacation Bible School from 9 am to 1pm. Registration can be done at : or call (973)331-0545 ext. 200.
  3. 8/10 – 14 CEC in Livingston will have Vacation Bible School from 8:45 am to 12:00 noon. Please register at or call (973)402-5138.

Christian Evangelical Mission Summer Conferences in Spain, Holland, and Portugal

  1. The Christian Evangelical Churches in the Netherlands will hold a Teenage Summer Camp at Bezinningscentrum Emmaus. The theme of the conference is “Especially for you!” The speakers are Ev. Wing Kit Chan, Mrs. Mei-Lin Tang, and Donna Liu.
  2. The Christian Evangelical Mission in Spain will hold its 8th Summer Family Retreat on August 17-20 at Guadarrama Campground near Madrid. Please call :(+34)91 459 5755 for information.
  3. The Christian Evangelical Churches in Portugal will have a joint Summer conference in Esposende in August 24 – 28. Please call: 963 333 777, 965 333 777, 962 222 221 for information. 8/1 East Coast SPORTS DAY The CEM East Coast Sports Day will take place in Towaco church sports field.
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

79 Completed 7-3-15 Verified 7/8/15 Need to update the latest organization chart. One can locate it when one clicks on "click here" in "who we are" . In the Chinese site, one can locate it when one clicks on "組織表" in "關於我們". I will send you the chart in pdf format via email.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

80 Completed 7/3/15 Need to make changes/add new items in the CD's catalogue. I will email you the changes.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

81 Completed 7/30/15 The title in the 4th column of each category in the CD catalogue, "作者", should be replaced. That is, the titles in the 4th column in tables 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D need to be updated. I will send you the changes via email.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

82 Completed 7/3/15 Change request on CD catalogue table 2D. Need to make changes in item 2D7, 2D8, 2D9; and add items 2D10, 2D11. I will e-mail you the detailed changes.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

83 Completed 7/3/15 Verified 7/8/15 Change request in the church landing site of CEC Oradell.

In both the Chinese and the English site, please remove Rev Hosea Chi's name and his cell phone number in the same line.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

84 Completed 7/3/15 Verified 7/8/15

Change request in the "Contact us" site CEC Oradell.

In both the Chinese and the English sites, please remove Rev. Hosea Chi's name and his cell phone number.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

85 Completed 7/3/15 Verified 7/8/15 CEC Osaka Change Request: Please add the following person to their church landing site : Chinese: 實習神學生: 楊熙, 0081-090-6914-1321 English: Intern Bible Student: Yang Xi, 0081-090-6914-1321 The above line is to be added below the line of the evangelist’s information.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

86 Completed 7/3/15 Verified 7/8/15 CEC Osaka Change Request: Please add the following person to their “Contact” site: Chinese: 實習神學生: 楊熙, 0081-090-6914-1321 English: Intern Bible Student: Yang Xi, 0081-090-6914-1321 The above line is to be added below the line of the evangelist’s information.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

87 Completed 7/7/15 Verified 7-24-15 Please update the Fall Quarter's schedule of EBI America in the Chinese site, and in the English site. I will forward you the schedule.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

88 Completed 7/7/15 Verified 7-24-15 Please update the Fall Quarter's schedule of EBI Europe in the Chinese site, and in the English site. I will forward you the schedule.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

89 Completed 7-8-15 Verified 7-24-15 In “What’s up”, Please add the following announcement at the very end of the existing announcement:

Chinese site: 9/19/15三藩市與聖荷西基督教生命堂三十週年慶 詳情 English site: 9/19/15 Thirty Year Anniversary Celebration of the IEC in San Diego and IEC in San Francisco Learn More

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

90 Completed 7-8-15 Verified 7-24-15 In “News”, Please add the following announcement at the very end of the current news:

Chinese site: 9/19/15三藩市與聖荷西基督教生命堂三十週年慶 三藩市與聖荷西基督教生命堂將於九月十九日上午十時半假三藩市基督教生命堂聯合舉行三十週年慶,楊摩西牧師將親臨主持、並證道。三藩市生命堂地址: 400 Brussels St., San Francisco, C.A.; 電話: 408-234-0191, 925-872-7705。

English site: 9/19/15 Thirty Year Anniversary Celebration of the IEC in San Diego and IEC in San Francisco Thirty Year Anniversary Celebration of IEC in San Diego and IEC in San Francisco will be held at the IEC San Francisco on September 19, 2015. Rev. Moses Yang will preside over the service and deliver the sermon. IEC San Francisco address: 400 Brussels St., San Francisco, C.A.; Tel: 408-234-0191, 925-872-7705.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

91 Completed 7/16/15 A change request to the ECMSI Brooklyn’s church landing site: Please remove the name of Mrs. Chi in both the Chinese church landing site and the English church landing site. We generally do not put the name of pastor’s wife in the church landing site. We generally put the name of pastor’s wife on the church's "contact us" site.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

92 7/24/15 This request is not feasible technically Completed 7/30/15 A change request in the “Contact Us” page of the ECMSI in Brooklyn. Chinese site: Please line up the surname of Mrs. Chi right under Pastor Chi’s surname: 牧者: 戚厚生牧師 973-335-7337, ext. 219, (手機) 973-960-8065 戚陳佳琳 師母, (手機) 973-932-3534 English site: Please line up the title of Mrs. Chi right under Pastor Chi’s title: Pastor: Rev. Hosea Chi 973-335-7337, ext. 219, (C) 973-960-8065 Mrs. Chialin Chi, (C) 973-932-3534 Sorry I cannot show you in this change request, the GitHub editor ignores "space" at the beginning of a sentence. I will send you a word file to show you what I mean here.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

93 Completed 7/16/154 In the “NEWS”, two names and titles need to be updated: In the news of the Teenage Summer Camp in the Netherlands, the last two speakers are Ev. Mie-Ling Tang-Wong, and Ev. Donna Liu. I will send you a word document in which the changes are highlighted.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

94 Revised 7/13/15 Completed 7/30/15

Request change in the Book Catalogue under EMSI Christian Book Store.

The book title ( 書名) of serial number (編號) 1K0003 should be 全球生命堂見證集—生活篇; the book title ( 書名) of serial number (編號) 1K0004 should be 全球生命堂見證集—事奉篇; and the book title of serial number 1K0005 should be全球生命堂見證集—購堂篇.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

95 Completed 7/16/15 Request change in the CD catalogue under The Gospel Broadcasting Ministry.

  1. Need to add the following CD title楊摩西牧師主日信息 – 末世預兆三 with serial number 2C0008. It should be added below the title with serial number 2C0007.

2C0008 楊摩西牧師主日信息 – 末世預兆三

  1. Error in the price of CD with serial number “2D004 “ , and with the title “2010 Devotion & Christian Growth (英翻中)” should be 25.00.

2D004 2010 Devotion & Christian Growth (英翻中) 25.00

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

96 Completed 7-30-15 \ Verified with the original 8-6-15

Request update in the Brief History of CEC Oradell in the church landing site.

Please replace the Chinese description of the Brief History of CEC Oradell with the description below. I will send you the word document.


因著珍珠河生命堂教會的空間漸漸有不敷使用的現象,又因著一位姐妹對福音的使命感,提到Bergen County 有許多的華人需要福音。讓我想到楊牧師曾一直希望在這裡建立一個福音的據點。 於是經過禱告以後,我們就開始找地方。當我們觀察了幾間教會以後,就為這幾間教會的選擇迫切的禱告。感謝主,最後,主帶領我們到Oradell的 Annunciation church借用他們教會的場地。他們同意以每個月$200.00元的租金讓我們使用。於是我們于2012年12月開始張貼廣告,於2013年一月開始籌畫並邀請人來參加查經班。    我們剛開始設了兩個查經班,一個是週三晚上7:45,是針對上班族而設立的查經班。 另一個是週五早上11:00,是為沒有上班的信徒們預備的查經班。剛開始的成員,有珍珠河教會的弟兄姐妹,也有住在附近的新朋友。 
      教會周圍有兩所大學,有幾家中國餐館,新金豐超市,還有中文學校, 這些人都將成為我們傳福音的對象。目前我們也開始進行FDU的學生工作。但因為Oradell 教會只有查經班,還未正式有主日崇拜,所以就暫時把這些學生或新朋友帶到珍珠河教會作禮拜。同時也幫助這些學生考駕照等等的服務。 感謝主,祂感動一對夫婦,全心全力的投入學生事工,關懷,接送…。
      這只是俄備得教會的起步,我們需要更多的禱告,也需要更多的弟兄姐妹願意為主的緣故,為福音的緣故投入福音工場的事奉。求主興起更多當地的弟兄姐妹來和我們一起同工。求主藉著我們把福音帶進住在Burgan County的華人心中,讓他們和我們一起享受主耶穌的救恩。

馬太福音9:36-38 祂看見許多的人,就憐憫他們;因為他們困苦流離,如同羊沒有牧人一般。 於是對門徒說:「要收的莊稼多,做工的人少。 所以,你們當求莊稼的主打發工人出去收他的莊稼。」

俄備得教會正式成立 經過一年多的查經,我們發現若是不開始有主日的崇拜,就不可能留住人,所以就積極著手開始主日聚會的計劃。 但那時因為Annunciation教會在大裝修,每一樣裝修都需要拿到許可使用證。於是我們就等待…等待…,一個月一個月就這樣過去。 我相信時間在主的手中,因此我耐心等候,直到2014年四月底,他們通知我已經拿到許可使用權時,同時有另一個韓國牧師要來租用這個場地,他們給了很高的價碼,每月$1,900.00元租金。當Archie牧師告訴我的時候,我嚇了一跳,竟然來了一個搶用地方的團體。我實在付不起這麼貴的租金,我只有禱告求主指示,我該怎麼作。 到了五月的第三個星期的星期二晚上,我去參加他們的董事會議,我把我們的異象及生命堂的作法告訴他們。最後, 我就實實在在的告訴他們,目前,我只能付$600.00元一個月。一個多小時的會議完畢之後,我覺得主是與我們同在的。第二天是星期三,晚上我們有查經班。當我們來到教會的時候,一進門,Archie牧師就向我揮手,告訴我說: 恭喜你! 他們選擇讓你們留下來,拒絕了韓國人…! 但是租金變成$ 800元。我驚呆了!! 感謝主,上帝開的路就沒有人能關。 我知道接下來就是要努力傳福音了。 因為時間的緊迫,我們就立刻決定六月一日第一個主日就開始崇拜。 時間雖然有點緊張,但有主同在,真的是難處一點一點的迎刃而解。 我也要感謝神學院及幾位牧長同工都全力支持,還有珍珠河教會的幾個家庭及同工們的支持,讓我心裡更加有力量。 我們期待著,Oradell的社區,真的能因著我們的福音工作而成為一塊蒙福之地。 2014年 5月28日

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

97 Completed 7/30/15 Verified 8/6/15 EBI America Fall curriculum update in both the Chinese and the English sites:

Please update the schedule of the course "詩篇". I will send you the schedule via email.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

98 Completed 7/30/15 Verified 8/6/15

EBI Europe Fall curriculum update:

Please update the schedule of the course "詩篇". I will send you the schedule via email.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

99 Completed 8-6-15

Request change in the Chinese Brief History of CEC Oradell in the church landing site. In the 3rd paragraph of the history, "BURGAN" county should be "Bergen County". Sorry, I did not proofread it before I submit in request 236.96.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

100 Completed 8-20-15

CEMC Berkeley Heights Brief History in the Chinese church landing site update. The first sentence in the first paragraph should be modified as below: 伯特利生命堂位於新澤西州的Berkeley Heights(原名「茉莉山生命堂」,舊址在新澤西州的Murray Hill),在佈道會總部多華谷(Towaco)以南約30英里的地方,成立於1984年。 The first sentence in the second paragraph should be modified as below: 教會成立以來先後已由十餘位牧者傳道人牧養。... I will email you the entire brief history.