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Minor change requests #236

Open jn2chang opened 9 years ago

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

1 Completed 12-10-14 Verified 12-30-14 CEMC Oradell Change request: In the church landing site, the line on the pastor: Evangelist: Ev. Sorina Yang, (H) 973-331-0438

Should be changed to: Pastors: Ev. Sorina Yang, (H) 973-331-0438 Rev. Hosea Chi, (C) 973-960-8065 In the Chinese church landing site: 傳道: 楊張秀蘭傳道, (H)973-331-0438

Should be changed to: 牧者: 楊張秀蘭傳道, (H)973-331-0438 戚厚生牧師, (C) 973-960-8065

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

101 Completed 8-20-15

CEMC Oradell Brief History update in the English church landing site. There are two sections in their Brief History; the update is in the first section on the Oradell Bible Study. The modification to the Oradell Bible Study is as below: Bible Study Classes Started A couple of years ago, there was apparent shortage of space for all the ministries of the Pearl River church. At that time a sister serious with God’s Commission to spread the Gospel reminded us the need of Gospel message among Chinese in the Bergen County. So after prayers, we began looking for a church in the Bergen County. We looked at a few churches in the area, and started praying for a suitable church earnestly. We thank the Lord our God who led us to the Annunciation church in Oradell. They agreed for us to use their church. In December 2012 we put out posters. In January 2013 we began planning and inviting people to attend Bible Study classes. We started with two Bible study classes, one on Wednesdays at 7:45 pm for career people; one on Friday mornings at 11:00am for the believers who did not go to work during the day. In the beginning attendees included brothers and sisters from Pearl River Church, as well as new friends from nearby areas.

There are two universities, Chinese restaurants, New Jin Feng Chinese supermarket, as well as Chinese School in the vicinity of the Oradell Church. All these people are now targets to whom we can spread the Gospel. We also start to approach FDU students. Since Oradell Church has only Bible Study Class and no Sunday worship services, at this time we are bringing the students and friends to the Pearl River Church for Sunday worship service. We also help provide various services for these students such as applying and securing their student driver’s permits, etc. We thank the Lord that He moved a couple who devote their time and energy caring for these students to drive them around and provide other support activities. This is the beginning efforts to develop the CEM Church in Oradell, NJ. We need many more prayers, and even more willing brothers and sisters to enter the service in the Gospel field for our Lord. May the Lord stir up even more local brothers and sisters to be co-workers with us! May He use us to bring the Gospel into the hearts of the Chinese in Bergen County, enabling all of us to unite and enjoy the salvation of our Lord Jesus! Mt. 9:36-38 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. I will email you this section, with the modification highlighted.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

102 Completed 8-20-15

CEMC Berkeley Heights English Brief History update to the following. I will email you the word document.

1984 - CEC in Berkeley Heights established The CEC in Berkeley Heights is located in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. It was originally CEC in Murray Hill as the church was located at Murray Hill when it was established. It is located thirty miles south of Towaco, the headquarter. The church was established in 1984. There were two big companies – Lucent and AT & T that were located near the church at that time. There were many Chinese professionals employed in this area. Because of the big population of Chinese here, Rev. Moses Yang saw the need of developing the ministry. Through the assistance of Dr. James Huang, they were able to find a place and start the church. The church has been pastured by more than ten pastors in the past years. The condition of the church The previous pastors did not take hold of the “three precious areas in developing a church” – personal evangelism, Bible study and preaching, and so the church did not grow. After Rev. Henry Yao left for the Philippines, the worship services were stopped. The church’s co-workers did not see progress in the church and suggested to close down the church so as not to waste manpower and money. But EMSI believed that there are many Chinese in this area and there’s a need for the gospel. It was decided that the church should continue on. In August, 2012, EMSI sent Prof. Jing Huang to be responsible for the church ministries and to develop the church. At the present, we witnessed improvements. Although the attendance is still not stable, we believe that the Lord will preserve a church that preaches the truth. May this church bring blessings to the Chinese in the surrounding area.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

103 Completed 8-20-15 Error found, see request 236.115

EBI America Fall Quarter Course Schedule change in both the Chinese and the English sites. I will email you the schedule.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

104 Completed 8-20-15

EBI Europe Fall Quarter Course Schedule change in both the Chinese and the English sites. I will email you the schedule.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

105 Completed 9-1-15 CEC Enschede worship address change request in the church landing site, in both the Chinese site, and in the English site:

Please update the worship address to: Worship Address: Floraparkstraat 155, 7531 XG Enschede

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

106 Completed 9-1-15 CEC Enschede worship address change request in the "contact us" page in both the Chinese site, and in the English site:

Please update the worship address to: Worship Address: Floraparkstraat 155, 7531 XG Enschede, The Netherlands

Please update the Google map as well.

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

107 Completed 9-1-15

CEC Leeuwarden worship address change request in the church landing site, in both the Chinese site, and in the English site:

Please update the worship address to: Worship Address: De Hooidollen 8, 8918 HV Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

108 Completed 9-1-15

CEC Leeuwarden change request in the "Contact Us" page:

  1. Please update the worship address in both the Chinese site, and in the English site to: Worship Address: De Hooidollen 8, 8918 HV Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
  2. Please correct the church name in the Chinese Contact us page to: 樂華城生命堂
jn2chang commented 9 years ago

109 Completed 9-2-15

CEC Veenendaal change request in the church landing site, in both the Chinese site, and in the English site:

Please update the pastor's name and the phone number: 牧師: 鍾志勳牧師 Tel #: +31(0)318-76-9144 / +31(0)650652284 It is the second phone number to be updated.

Pastor's English name is: Rev. Louis Chung

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

110 Completed 9-2-15

CEC Veenendaal change request in the "contact us" site, in both the Chinese site, and in the English site:

Please update the pastor's name and the phone number: 牧師: 鍾志勳牧師 Tel #: +31(0)318-76-9144 / +31(0)650652284 It is the second phone number to be updated.

Pastor's English name is: Rev. Louis Chung

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

111 Completed 9-2-15 A new church in Portugal Please put the following information in her Chinese church landing site:

亞速爾基督教生命堂 地址: Rua do Mercado nº50 9500-326 Ponta Delgada, Portugal 電話: (手機) 351-963-333-777 電郵:

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

112 Completed 9-2-15 Please put the following information in the "contact us" page of 亞速爾基督教生命堂: 亞速爾基督教生命堂 地址: Rua do Mercado nº50 9500-326 Ponta Delgada, Portugal 電話: (手機) 351-963-333-777 電郵: and the Google map if it is possible. The church is located at one of the Azores islands ( Acores in Portugese).

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

113 Completed 9-2-15 A new church in Portugal. Please put the following information in the English church landing site of CEC in Azores:

CEC in Azores Address: Rua do Mercado nº50, 9500-326 Ponta Delgada, Portugal Tel#: (cell) 351-963-333-777 Email:

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

114 Completed 9-2-15 Please put the following information in the "contact us" page of CEC in Azores:

Christian Evangelical Church in Azores Address: Rua do Mercado nº50, 9500-326 Ponta Delgada, Portugal Tel#: (cell) 351-963-333-777 Email: and the Google map if it is possible. The church is located at one of the Azores islands ( Acores in Portugese).

jn2chang commented 9 years ago

115 Completed 9/9/15

EBI America's Fall curriculum:

Please change the last date of registration from 9/9/15 to 9/14/15.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

116 Completed 9/10/15 Update of "What's Up".

In the Chinese site, please replace the highlight of CEC Oradell, VBS, Summer Conferences, and Sports Day with the following headline: 8/22 亞速爾基督教生命堂成立

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

117 Completed 9/10/15 Update of "What's Up".

In the English site, please replace the highlight of CEC Oradell, VBS, Summer Conferences, and Sports Day with the following headline:

8/22 Opening of the CEC Azores

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

118 Completed 9/10/15 Update in "News" In the Chinese site, please replace the news of CEC Oradell, VBS, Summer Conferences, and Sports Day with the following news:

葡萄牙亞速爾基督教生命堂於八月二十二日亞速爾群島舉行成立典禮,佈道會總監楊摩西牧師親臨主持。亞速爾基督教生命堂地址: Rua do Mercado nº50, 9500-326 Ponta Delgada, Portugal,電話: 351-963-333-777‧

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

119 Completed 9/10/15 Update in "News".

In the Chinese site, please replace the news of CEC Oradell, VBS, Summer Conferences, and Sports Day with the following news:

8/22 Opening of the CEC Azores CEC Azores Inaugural Service was conducted on Aug. 22, 2015. Bishop Rev. Moses Yang presided over the service. CEC Azores address: Rua do Mercado nº50, 9500-326 Ponta Delgada, Portugal Tel.: 351-963-333-777.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

120 Completed 9/10/15 This request is to correct the incomplete request in request 236.116, 236.117.

In the Chinese site "Whats up", add "詳情" below the announcement of CEC Azores. In the English site of "Whats up", add "Learn more" below the announcement of CEC Azores.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

121 Completed 9/24/15

CEC Azores church landing site change request.

Please change the established date of CEC Azores to August 22, 2015 in the English site; and to 2015 年 8 月 22 日 in the Chinese site.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

122 Completed 9/24/15

ECMSI Brooklyn Church Service Schedule update request.

Please add the church services schedule as below:

In the Chinese site: 主日崇拜 星期日下午 2:00 pm 禱告會 星期四晚 7:00 pm 查經班 星期四晚 7:30 pm

In the English site: Sunday Worship Sundays 2:00 pm Prayer Meeting Thursday 7:00 pm Bible Study Thursday 7:30 pm

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

123 Completed 9-29-15

CEC Azores church landing site update request.

Please add to the English church landing site the Brief History of CEC Azores as below:

In July, 2015, Rev. Yue Ping Chen of Christian Evangelical Church in Lisbon went to the Azores Islands with thirty plus brothers and sisters for a missionary trip with a mission to spread the Gospel message to the local Chinese people. In the trip, Rev. Chen saw the need and the urgency to start a church in the islands. After more than one month’s planning, Rev. Chen went with twenty plus brothers and sisters in Lisbon to the Azores. At Azores, they visited the Chinese people in the island and invited them to our church inaugural service. There were seventy plus Chinese came to the service. Rev. Moses Yang, the Bishop of our Christian Evangelical Mission came and preached in the service. At 9:15 pm, Aug. 22, 2015, the beginning of Christian Evangelical Church in Azores was announced. I will email you the word file was their history, too.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

124 Completed 9-29-15

CEC Azores church landing site update request.

Please add to the Chinese church landing site the Brief History (簡史) of CEC Azores as below:

七月時,里斯本基督教生命堂的陳岳平牧師帶著三十幾位弟兄姐妹前往亞速爾群島,做宣教之旅,為島上的華人同胞送去福音。 宣教之旅讓陳岳平牧師看到海島華人同胞的需要,知道在島上建立一間教會是必要的,為當務之急。經過一個多月的時間籌備,八月22日清早陳岳平牧師帶著二十多位弟兄姐妹從里斯本出發前往亞速爾群島,抵達後在島上針對華人同胞,一一探訪邀請,當晚將近七十多位華人朋友出席我們的成立典禮,來自美國基督教生命堂總監楊摩西牧師親臨證道。 2015年八月22日9時15分,「葡萄牙亞速爾生命堂」宣告成立於葡萄牙亞速爾群島。

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

125 Completed 9-29-15 CEC Osaka church landing site change request on the church established date. In the Chinese site, 成立日期 : 2010 年 10 月 10 日 In the English site, Established Date: October 10, 2010

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

126 Completed 9-29-15 CEC Osaka change request in the English church landing site: “t” is missing the the title “Intern Bible Student”

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

127 Completed 10-2-15 CEMC Oradell church name correction.

In the church name list on the left side of EMSI website when you click on " Find a Church"; in the English church landing site; and in the "Contact Us" page, the church name should be changed to "CEMC Oradell".

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

128 Completed 10-2-15

In “What’s up”, Please remove the announcement of CEMC Oradell, and add the following announcement at the very end:

Chinese site: 10/11/15巴黎生命堂十五週年慶 詳情 English site: 10/11/15 Fifteen Year Anniversary Celebration of the CEC in Paris Learn More I will send you the word document for clarity.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

129 Completed 10-2-15 In “News”, Please remove the news of CEMC Oradell, and add the following news at the very end.

Chinese site: 10/11/15巴黎生命堂十五週年慶
法國巴黎基督教生命堂將於十月十一日下午三時半假巴黎基督教生命堂舉行十五週年紀念崇拜,楊摩西牧師將親臨主持;十月十日晚七時三十分有培靈會,楊摩西牧師主講。巴黎市生命堂地址: 73, Avenue de Verdun, 94200 Ivry sur Seine, Paris. 電話: 33-1-5846-0892.

English site: 9/19/15 Thirty Year Anniversary Celebration of the IEC in San Diego and IEC in San Francisco Fifteen Year Anniversary Celebration of CEC in Paris will be held at the CEC Paris on October 11, 2015 at 3:30 pm. Rev. Moses Yang will preside over the service. There will be a revival meeting at 7:30 pm Oct. 10, Rev. Moses Yang will deliver the messages. CEC Paris address: 73, Avenue de Verdun, 94200 Ivry sur Seine, Paris; Tel: 33-1-5846-0892.

I will send you the word document.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

130 Completed 10-27-15 ECMSI Brooklyn Update Request. On the Chinese church landing site:

  1. Please update the church established date to: 2014 年 12 月 23日.
  2. Please put in the 簡史 as below: 2014年12月23日我們在八大道44街舉辦第一次福音佈道會,佈道會監督楊摩西牧師主持,當晚希伯崙基督教生命堂教會成立,指派戚厚生牧師夫婦牧養、及幾位中國城生命堂的弟兄姊妹協助教會事工;是日亦有弟兄姊妹被感動願意投入布祿崙八大道的華人福音事工。 在尋找禮拜堂堂址時,我們也見到神的帶領。楊牧師從2008年參加以色列牧者考察團認識的許多傳道人的名片中,找到Bay Ridge Christian Center (灣脊區基督徒中心) 的電話,和他們連絡,很奇妙地,主帶領我們有信心、相信可以租借到該教會作為主日崇拜使用;感謝聖靈的帶領及應證,我們於五月第二個星期日,也就是母親節主日,開始在這裏的主日崇拜、及福音事工。 八大道這一帶,有將近七萬的華人,來自福建福州、廣東台山等不同的城市、不同的省份,這些中國同胞都是我們廣大的禾場。雖然這地區已經有許多的華人教會,但仍缺乏聖經真理的教導。傳揚 主的福音是我們首要事工,真理的維護與扎根更是我們搶救靈魂、建立教會的要務。
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

131 Completed 11-3-15

ECMSI Brooklyn Update Request On the English church landing site:

  1. Please update the church established date to: December 23, 2014
  2. Please put in the "brief history" as below: We held our first evangelical meeting at the intersection of 44th St. near 8th Av. on Dec. 23, 2014. Rev. Moses Yang, the Bishop of Christian Evangelical Mission presided over the meeting. The Evangelical Church, Mission & Seminary International in Brooklyn was established that day. Rev. Hosea Chi was appointed the minister of the church and several brothers and sisters from our sister church in Chinatown were assigned to serve in this new church. A few brothers and sisters were moved to volunteer themselves in this evangelical outreach work at the 8th Avenue in Brooklyn.

In searching for a church location, we saw the leading of our Lord. In God’s miraculous leading, Rev. Moses Yang located the phone number of the Bay Ridge Christian Center from the name cards of the pastor he met in the Israel tour in 2008 and contacted them. We had faith that they would lease their church building to us for Sunday worship, and they did. On Mother’s day, May 10th, 2015, we held our first Sunday worship there.

There are over seventy thousands Chinese near the 8th Ave. area in Brooklyn. They came from Fuzhou, Taishan and different cities and provinces in China. The field is wide, and is ready to be harvested. Our mission is to preach Gospel to the lost; and to teach and to guard the truth for the believers so to build up the church.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

132 Completed 11-3-15

  1. Please update the address in the church landing site, and the contact us page of CEC Porto:

Address: Rua De Oliveira Monteiro 210, 4050-438 Porto, Portugal

  1. Please update the Church Services Schedule for CEC Porto:

    Worship Tuesday 8:30 pm – 10:30 pm

I will send you the corresponding word document.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

133 Completed 11-3-15

  1. Please update 波爾圖基督教生命堂新地址 in her church landing site, and her "聯絡我們" page:

地址: Rua De Oliveira Monteiro 210, 4050-438 Porto, Portugal

  1. Please update the CEC Porto's 聚會日程: 崇拜 星期二 晚上 8:30 pm – 10:30 pm
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

134 Completed 11-5-15

"What's up" change request: In “What’s up”, Please remove the announcement of CEM Summer Conferences in Spain, Holland and Portugal and add the following announcement at the very end.

Chinese site: Jan 1-3/2016美東區生命堂青少年冬令會
English site: Jan 1-3/2016 CEM East Coast Winter Conference

I will email you the word document shortly.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

135 Completed 11-5-15 "News" change request. In “News”, Please remove the news of CEM Summer Conferences in Spain, Holland and Portugal and add the following news at the very end.

Chinese site: Jan 1-3/2016美東區生命堂青少年冬令會
美東區生命堂青少年冬令會,將於2016年1月1日至3日舉行,主題為”智慧”。歡迎青少年(14-35歲) 諳英語者參加,可上網報名 。詳情請洽陳永傑傳道 973-335-7177, 分機 250. English site: Jan 1-3/2016 CEM East Coast Winter Conference CEM East Coast Winter Conference for youth & young adults, ages 14 – 35, will be held on Jan 1-3, 2016. The conference theme is “Wisdom “. You can register on-line at Please contact Ev. Wingkit Chan (973-335-7177 ext. 250) for more information. I will email you the word document.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

136 Completed 12-5-15

Please update the "Brief History" of the CEC Azores in their Chinese church landing site. I will email you the content.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

137 Completed 12-5-15 Please update the course dates of the course "Life of Paul" to 1/8/2016 - 1/21/2016. I will email you the revised course schedule.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

138 Completed 12-19-15

Please update the "What's up" and "News".

  1. Please remove the announcement of CEC Azores.
  2. In the "What's up", please add the following announcement at the end of all the announcement in the "What's up". In the English site: 1/16/2016 CEC Fuenlabrada New Church Building Dedication In the Chinese site: 1/16/2016 西班亞馬德里福恩城基督教生命堂獻堂. I will email you the word file.
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

139 Completed 12-19-15

Please update the "News".

  1. Please remove the news of CEC Azores.
  2. At the end of all the news, please add the following news:

In the English site: 1/16/2016 CEC Fuenlabrada New Church Building Dedication Dedication Service starts at 4:30 pm. Pastor Moses Yang will preside over the service. Address: Calle Matarrosa 30, 28947 Fuenlabrada Madrid, Spain; Tel.: 0034-910-160-197/(C) 0034-620-630-901

In the Chinese site: 1/16/2016 西班亞馬德里福恩城基督教生命堂獻堂 將於下午4:30舉行, 佈道會監督楊摩西牧師親臨主持。 地點: Calle Matarrosa 30, 28947 Fuenlabrada Madrid, Spain; 電話: 0034-910-160-197/(C) 0034-620-630-901

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

140 Completed 1/30/16

Please update the contact person in the church landing site of CEC Gran Canaria in Spain:

聯絡人: 葉寶英姊妹, 34-656-431-694 Contact: Bao Ying Ye, 34-656-431-694

Please update the contact person in their "Contact Us" / 聯絡我們 site of CEC Gran Canaria as well:

聯絡人: 葉寶英姊妹, 34-656-431-694 Contact: Bao Ying Ye, 34-656-431-694