mattrebor / emsiweb

EMSI website
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Minor Site Fix-ups #80

Open dnase2 opened 11 years ago

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

1 not critical issues, but as we notice any inconsistencies throughout the site, we can log it here.

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

2 updated header image for upload (650 x 140px) emsi_header


dnase2 commented 11 years ago

3 Following pages need style reformatting: ECMSI in Queens - Church Services Schedule page CEMC in Livingston - Minister Introduction page CEC in Pearl River - Contact Us page (address text) CEMC in Towaco - Minister Information CEMC in Towaco - Church Services Schedule CEMC in Towaco - Contact Us (font style in table)

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

4 Canceled 3-12-14 CEMC in Towaco - need Senior Introduction page created; also need minister intro text.

mattrebor commented 11 years ago

5 Comment New logo image has been pushed to the dev site

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

6 Completed 3-12-14 New logo has not been reflected on the dev site yet. Perhaps need time to refresh? The font is larger and clearer in the new version.

mattrebor commented 11 years ago

7 Comment 3-12-14 You're right. I'm not sure what happened. I had to re-upload it. Check in a couple of minutes on the dev site.

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

8 Under EMSI navigation, please take out "ministry calendar"?


dnase2 commented 11 years ago


per Jane's request:

Life Publishing House Web Page problems:

  1. On the English side, we need to add the following sentence at the end.

“For a list of available Life Publishing House books, please click here. Or, indicate the item code, item description, quantity and total and email to , we will get back to you. ”

I assume when one click here, he/she will see the book list and the order form.

  1. On the Chinese side, pleas remove two “.EMSI”s which were copied from the current site.
  2. On the Chinese side, please replace the last sentence with this: 點擊這裡下載書單. 及訂購單. 或寫明想要購買的編號、書名/內容、數量和價錢,寫電郵至 , 我們將會與您連絡!

” 點擊這裡” means “click here”. So when one clicks on點擊這裡, one will see the book list and the order form.

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

10 A typo in the second paragraph in the Web page" About us " under EBI Europe:

"October of 2010" should be changed to" October of 2001".


jn2chang commented 11 years ago

11 In the Chinese counter part of EBI navigation menu:

  1. In the navigation menu of EBI, the first one is “Introduction”. The Chinese counter part of EBI is神學院. Please change the Chinese counter part of "Introduction" from “介紹” to “簡介”.
  2. In the Web Page of 簡介(Introduction) under the Web Page of 神學院 (EBI ), the first line 國際福音神學院 - 介紹 should be changed to國際福音神學院 - 簡介 . Please note (EBI ) means it is the English counter part of神學院. (Introduction) means it is the English counter part of 簡介.


jn2chang commented 11 years ago

12 Comment 3-12-14 Ministry Calendar under EMSI Are we going to keep the Ministry Calendar under EMSI in our new website? If not, then we should remove it. Otherwise we should fill in the blank. If we are going to have a Ministry Calendar, I guess we will put down events in a calendar every three months. Events can be church anniversary or Christmas service, etc. For the moment , I cannot think of anything beyond September 8.

jn2chang commented 11 years ago


Gospel Broadcasting Ministry Web Page:

  1. On the English side, when I clicked " click here", there is a message saying “Go to Bookstore page”. I guess the CD list & order form is going to replace the “Go to Bookstore page”.
  2. On the Chinese side, we need to update the last sentence of the Chinese description to: 點擊這裡下載 光碟(CD)單及訂購單. 或 寫明您想要購買的光碟(CD)編號、書名/內容、數量和價錢,寫電郵至 , 我們將會與您連絡!Please also highlight the first four characters 點擊這裡 of the last senentence, 點擊這裡 is the counter part of "click here".
mattrebor commented 11 years ago

14 Comment 3-12-14 The changes above have been implemented except for the link to the bookstore.

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

15 completed Please add the following evangelist's name to the church landing page of ECMSI Chinatown on both the Chinese & the English sides:

傳道:張勇生傳道 (973) 393-7876 Evangelist: Ev. YongSheng Zhang 973-393-7876

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

16 COMPLETED In the Web Page of Chinese counterpart of Life Publishing House (生命出版社) under EMSI (關於我們), please replace the second paragraph with the following paragraph :

(1). 刊物 --- 一九九○年四月初,國際神學福音佈道會正式發行中文生命之泉月刊和英文生命之泉雙月刊。內容有:證道信息、聖經研究、專題報導、見證分享及本會各堂的動態。專題包括: 基督徒的賞賜與虧損、新年新服事、前行的秘訣、回顧與前瞻、專心候主、合神心意的事奉、馬利亞的選擇、灰心、如何克服恐懼、耶穌的三次觸摸、看聖經中的真理、堅固保障、受難節的挑戰、從新得力、猶大、遲鈍、彼此相愛、天使的信息、彼得與主的復活、受難節的黑暗、撒瑪利亞婦人的蒙恩、事奉的毒鈎、蒙福的母親、風雨中的信心、生命之光、與主正常的關係、平原中的得勝、一個蒙上帝賜福的父親、大衛的禱告、基督徒的成長、受咒詛的事奉、黑暗中的信息、服事主、進入應許之地、下沉、蒙悅納的事奉、七雙手、認識上帝的屬性、耶穌的禱告、生命之道、靈程的更新、超越的事奉、信心的價值、從天上來的異象- 宣教、生命之糧、大衛的禱告、蒙恩與服事、上帝的全能、和睦同居、萬聖節的三面觀、從感恩節看人心、事奉主、那九個人在那裡、聖誕與你我、知恩, 謝恩, 報恩、有一子為我們而生、福音的信息、天上的禮物、聖誕的真義等。

In the third paragraph:

a. remove "•EMSI" in front of "(2). 書籍"; b. remove the second to the last sentence.The last two sentences are almost the same, the only difference is the four characters "點擊這裡" which is highlighted. "點擊這裡" means "click here".

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

17 3/12/14 verified: para. I was completed, para. II, III were modified & published.Consider this comment completed Under EMSI section, please create new page called " Christian Evangelical Bookstore/基督教福音書房” after Gospel Broadcasating Ministry.

Text on page:

Our Christian Evangelical Bookstore was set up in 1981. The bookstore has Chinese and English Christian books, stationary, CD’s, and gift items. It also has a large supply of CD’s, and books published by EMSI Life Publishing House. You may browse and purchase EMSI published books and CD's by going to our online bookstore.

一九八一年,國際神學福音佈道會設立自己的福音書局。書局內提供中、英文屬靈叢書、文具、C D 和禮品等 。國際神學福音佈道會出版社出版地各類書籍、講道錄音及釋經CD 也在福音書局銷售。您也可以在我們網上書店瀏覽購物。

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

18 COMPLETED CEC Groningen church landing page on the Chinese side, please remove the following pastor's name & phone number:

牧師: 陳啟猷 牧師, 06-40-09-4225;

On the English side, please remove the corresponding line:

Senior Pastor: Rev. Hugo K.Y. Chan (mobile: 06 - 40 094 225)

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

19 For Towaco, Rotterdam and Groningen church subsites, can we add "latest news" page? Use content from current site.

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

20 COMPLETED Please remove following text from the Paris Contact Us Page (both English and Chinese):

Ev. Xia (mobile):33-6-24 55 30 11 MSN: Skype:emsifrance-samuel

note: this text appears above the google maps

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

21 Completed 12-6-13

On individual church contact us pages, please replace google map icon button and add Skype icon for those churches that have a Skype ID.



dnase2 commented 11 years ago

22 Completed 3-12-14 add Skype icon for following churches: Madrid Valencia Benidorm Alicante South Madrid Barcelona Paris North Paris Parow-Noord Capetown

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

23 Completed 3-12-14 On the bookstore order form page, please add the characters "光碟" for Audio CD Title.

Form does not need to be printed, just emailed to

dnase2 commented 11 years ago

24 Completed 3-12-14 Please add following disclaimer at bottom of order form page: U S$為美國國內售價。國外訂購,請函em si@ em; 或電詢 973-335-7177。The price( in U S$) are for U .S. custom ers only. O thers m ay send inquiry to em si@ em; or call 973-335-7177.

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

25 COMPLETED In Contact us of CEC Den Haag in both the Chinese & English site:

  1. Remove the line with Pastor Moses name (總會監督: 楊摩西 牧師)
  2. Replace Ev. Karmen’s name & her cell phone number ( 朱吳嘉敏傳道 (手機: 31-6-24913204)) by Yen Chow & Shuqi:

傳道: 陳遠洲 傳道, 手機: (+31-(0)63-440-0330) 傳道: 陳胡舒祺 傳道, 手機: (+31-(0)61-041-8011)

Evangelist: Ev. Yen Chow Chan (+31-(0)63-440-0330) Evangelist: Ev. Shuqi Chan-Hu (+31-(0) 61-041-8011)

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

26 COMPLETED In “Contact us” of CEC Milan on both the Chinese & English sites, we need to:

  1. Set the order of information straight, i.e. “Evangelist(傳道)” the first line, “address” the 2nd line, followed by telephone number…. In other words, the name of evangelist (傳道) Grace Zheng鄭恩惠傳道 should appear in the first line;
  2. Replace “Address: Via Stresa 3…” with CEM address, & Worship address as follow:

傳道:鄭恩惠傳道 佈道會地址:Via Stresa 3,20125 Milano-Italia 主日崇拜: Via Melchiorre Gioia 193, Italia

Evangelist: Ev. Grace Zheng CEM Address: Via Stresa 3,20125 Milano-Italia Worship Address:Via Melchiorre Gioia 193, Italia

  1. Leave the telephone numbers alone.
jn2chang commented 11 years ago

27 COMPLETED Please add the following e-mail address to both the Chinese & the English sites of the church landing site of IEC San Francisco -

Please include their e-mail address 電郵: Email:

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

28 Completed In the English section of "Contact us" of CEC Cape Town, please update the church address to: 94 Camp Ground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town 7700, South Africa.

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

29 Completed The following problems are all in "Contact us" sections CEC churches in both the Chinese & the English sites:

  1. Please update the phone numbers of CEC Enschede in the "Contact Us" sections in both the Chinese & the English sites.
  2. CEC Capetown's direction/map in the "contact us" section on the English site is wrong because the address is wrong. That part should be deleted, or replaced by the Google map of the corrected address.
jn2chang commented 11 years ago

30 completed Sorry, closed by accident.

This is still an open issue. Chui

  1. The following churches do not have Google map in their "Contact Us" sections in both the Chinese & the English sites: CEC Arnhem; CEC Prato;CEC Milan; CEC Capetown ;
  2. The following churches do not have "contact us" section on both the Chinese & the English sites: CEC Veenendaal; CEC Prato; CEC Osaka; CEC Kobe
dnase2 commented 11 years ago


Please add English translation for section titles on bookstore list pages. And for uniformity sake, let's have Chinese and then English translation for everything (including title of page).

Literary Text Publications

1A Prophecy

1B Bible Studies

1C Bible

1D Science and the Bible

1E Apologetics and Bible versions

1FDevotionals and Spiritual Care

1G Psychology and the Bible

1H Discussions on Life

1I Celebrations

1J Gospel Songs

1K Miscellaneous

Audio Publications

2A Old Testament Bible Study Series

2B New Testament Bible Study Series

2C End Times Prophecies

2D East Coast Joint Family Conference

2E Celebration Series

2F Gospel Broadcasts (compilation)

2G Gospel Songs

dnase2 commented 11 years ago


add Chinese characters "光碟" for audio CD on left hand navigation

dnase2 commented 11 years ago


please replace CEMI photos on the homepage image carousel.

imgcarousel_cemi_cn imgcarousel_cemi

dnase2 commented 11 years ago


On EMSI intro page: The text "EMSI has branches in 3 continents" should be changed to "4 continents"

Chinese translation is correct and dosen't need update

dnase2 commented 11 years ago


San Francisco Chinese church name should be: "三籓市基督教生命堂" Please update on left navigation.

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

36 \ 3/12/14 11:20 am, the CD list did not show up when I tried 1st on the Chinese web page, then on the English page" 3/18/14 2:50 pm, I was able to get to the CD list from the web page of 福音廣播中心, and from the web page of Gospel Broadcasting Ministry. I am waiting for response from after I sent a few CD order requests to** In the Web Page of 福音廣播中心 (Chinese counterpart Gospel Broadcasting Ministry ), when I click on "點擊這裡" (click here), the CD list does not show up. Same problem with the Web Page of Gospel Broadcasting Ministry, when I click on "click here", the Web Page of Gospel Broadcasting Ministry shows up.

jn2chang commented 11 years ago


On the first page of 基督教福音書房/EMSI Christian Bookstore, the contact (inquiry) email addresses should be changed from to Please note there are four "" need to be changed. Please note that for every Web Page under each book title, there are four contact(inquiry) email addresses. They all need to be changed from to

jn2chang commented 11 years ago


I am correcting the previous comment:

It is on the first Web Page(title page) of 書 books, & every Web Page under each book title with book list, there are four contact(inquiry) email addresses. They should be changed from to

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

39 COMPLETED [update by dan: This is not the way the user would interact with the page. They don't print it out and write the books in. They add to the cart via the webpage and then print it out. The user would still have to physically write in any discounts/shipping/totals, however.]

訂購單Order form (cart) Web Page Order form does not include table space for people to fill out the books they wish to order.

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

40 45 minutes ago, r I commented on "no response" in the Web Page of 福音廣播中心 (Chinese counterpart Gospel Broadcasting Ministry ) when I clicked on "點擊這裡" (click here);and "no response" when I clicked on "click here" in the Web Page of Gospel Broadcasting Ministry. A minute ago, I tried again. it worked. Please ignore my previous comment. Sorry.

mattrebor commented 11 years ago

41 Jane, Dan experienced this same issue earlier in the week. I'm still trying to debug this but it's difficult to track since it doesn't happen all the time. I just made a configuration change on the server. I suspect it has something to do with connection timeout but i'm not 100% sure this will fix it. Please keep an eye on this and report the issue with date/time if it occurs again.

dnase2 commented 11 years ago


Please update Email address on CEC in Barcelona landing pages (English and Chinese):

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

43 Completed

EC San Jose needs update in their address, email address, and their church service schedule as below:

Address: 600 West Campbell Avenue --> not 660 Email/contact:

Church Services Schedule Sunday Services (Indonesian & English): Sunday at 10 am Young Adult & Professional Fellowship : Friday at 7 pm Prayer Meeting : Wednesday at 7 pm South Bay & East Bay Fellowship : Saturday at 5 pm

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

44 Completed

  1. The previous comment is for IEC San Jose.
  2. Please update the address change for both the church landing site, and the "contact us" page of IEC San Jose. For the latter, the Google map has to be updated, too. The correct address of IEC San Jose is Address: 600 West Campbell Avenue,Campbell, CA 95008.
jn2chang commented 11 years ago

45 Completed

email address change of CEC Alicante in Spain. It should be:

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

46 Completed

Need to update the CEC Madrid Church Service Schedule on the English side as follows:

Worship Service Sunday 5:30 pm Senior Choir Sunday 7:15 pm Youth Fellowship Thursday 6:30 pm Prayer & Testimonial Service Thursday 9:30 pm Oversea Students Fellowship Friday 6:00 pm Bible Study Fellowship Saturday 5:30 pm Junior Choir Saturday 7:00 pm Chinese School Sunday 1:30 pm

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

47 Completed 12-6-13

CEC Prato 簡史(Brief History on the Chinese side) - The name 丁洪友 should be changed to 于洪友. This name appears in the second paragraph, and the fifth paragraph of the Chinese Brief History below:



短宣隊主要的目的是向華人傳福音, 同時尋找主日聚會的場地及傳道人的住處。短宣隊的禱告是,如果上帝要國際神學福音佈道會在普拉托成立生命堂,那麼短宣隊就應該會在兩到三個月內找到這兩個場地。

感謝上帝帶領,陳牧師夫婦很快地就遇見一位能說英文的房屋仲介,這位仲介很快地就幫我找到了住所,並在Piazza San Domonico找到一間可為教會所用的地方。這些事都是在短宣隊到達普拉托的第一個星期發生。感謝主,事情有了進展,因此我們更有信心向前,也看見上帝的旨意相當清楚了。

一個星期後,陳牧師夫婦離開普拉托,繼續他們其他的事工。我、于洪友及馮洁琳夫婦三人繼續在普拉托的工作。2010年八月初,上帝差派烏特勒生命堂的丁業新弟兄來協助我們一個月。而普拉托生命堂就在八月的第一個主日,八月八日正式於Piazza San Domonico成立,有五位會友參加第一次主日崇拜。十月底妻子舒祺來普拉托, 我們全家終於一起事奉;教會的人數很快地增長,平均主日的人數約有十人左右(不包括孩童) 。

2010年成立 一年,普拉托生命堂聚會的人數平均已有十五人了。感謝主,藉著普拉托生命堂已帶領超過一百人接受基督的福音了。

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

48 Completed 12-6-13

One more change in the CEC Prato (Italy)'s Chinese Brief History: In the fifth paragraph, "Domonico" should be changed to "Domenico".



短宣隊主要的目的是向華人傳福音, 同時尋找主日聚會的場地及傳道人的住處。短宣隊的禱告是,如果上帝要國際神學福音佈道會在普拉托成立生命堂,那麼短宣隊就應該會在兩到三個月內找到這兩個場地。

感謝上帝帶領,陳牧師夫婦很快地就遇見一位能說英文的房屋仲介,這位仲介很快地就幫我找到了住所,並在Piazza San Domonico找到一間可為教會所用的地方。這些事都是在短宣隊到達普拉托的第一個星期發生。感謝主,事情有了進展,因此我們更有信心向前,也看見上帝的旨意相當清楚了。

一個星期後,陳牧師夫婦離開普拉托,繼續他們其他的事工。我、于洪友及馮洁琳夫婦三人繼續在普拉托的工作。2010年八月初,上帝差派烏特勒生命堂的丁業新弟兄來協助我們一個月。而普拉托生命堂就在八月的第一個主日,八月八日正式於Piazza San Domenico成立,有五位會友參加第一次主日崇拜。十月底妻子舒祺來普拉托, 我們全家終於一起事奉;教會的人數很快地增長,平均主日的人數約有十人左右 (不包括孩童) 。

2010年成立 一年,普拉托生命堂聚會的人數平均已有十五人了。感謝主,藉著普拉托生命堂已帶領超過一百人接受基督的福音了。

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

49 Completed 12-6-13

CEC Prato of Italy requested to upload their church landing schedule as below:

聚 会 时 间 表 开 放 时 间: 星期二至六 下午14:00至18:00 崇 拜 时 间: 礼拜天 下午16:00至17:00 查 经 祷 告: 星期三 下午15:30至16:30 少 年 团 契: 星期五* 下午15:30至16:30 (*每月第2和第4个星期五)

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

50 Completed 12-6-13

CEC Prato (Italy) requested to put their church service schedule on the English side as below:

Church Service Schedule Office hours: Tuesday - Saturday 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Worship Service: Sunday 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Bible Study & Prayer Meeting: Wednesday 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Youth Fellowship: Friday* 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm *The second and fourth Friday of the month

jn2chang commented 11 years ago

51 Completed 12-6-13

email address change request on the church landing site of CEC Benidorm of Spain:

Please change the email address to:,