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Minor Site Fix-ups #80

Open dnase2 opened 10 years ago

dnase2 commented 10 years ago

1 not critical issues, but as we notice any inconsistencies throughout the site, we can log it here.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

52 Completed 12-6-13

IEC San Jose needs update in their address, email address, and their church service schedule as below:

Address: 600 West Campbell Avenue --> not 660 Email/contact:

Church Services Schedule Sunday Services (Indonesian & English): Sunday at 10 am Young Adult & Professional Fellowship : Friday at 7 pm Prayer Meeting : Wednesday at 7 pm South Bay & East Bay Fellowship : Saturday at 5 pm

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

53 Completed CEC Murray Hill needs to add the following evangelist:

傳道: 黃靜 傳道 Evangelist: Ev. Jing Huang

Please note it is not to replace the current pastor's name.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

54 Completed 12/6/13

CEC Milan requested:

  1. Telephone numbers: Adjust where "-"'s are located, as requested by locals:

Telephone: (0039)02–7862-4031, Cell:(0039) 331-728-1265

電話: (0039)02–7862-4031, 手机:(0039) 331-728-1265

2.established date:

Established date: June 17, 2008 成立時間:2008年6月17日

  1. Schedule: (only Chinese version so far) 聚 會 時 間 表 崇拜時間: 禮拜天下午4:00 以斯帖團契: 星期四下午3:30 初信造就班: 星期五晚上6:00 查經禱告會: 星期五晚上7:30 中文班: 星期六下午2:00

週四聚會:紅線、綠線地鐵LORETO下車,大江、淑一的酒吧 週五聚會:黃線地鐵SONDRIO下車,出地鐵口順著報亭方 向直走,過一個紅綠燈前的小街左拐第一個門。 (即佈道會) 週日崇拜:43、81路車VIA TIRANO站,天主堂下面左側入口

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

55 Completed 12-6-13

Continue CEC Milan's change request:

  1. Change the name of the church to 米蘭基督教生命堂; that is, add 基督教 three words.
  2. Update the Brief History(簡史) on the Chinese side as follows. This change is not urgent. The last sentence in the current Chinese history is not completed:

2007年3月25日,國際神學福音佈道會總監楊摩西牧師,看到意大利福音事工的需要,與戚厚生牧師、葉建偉牧師前往意大利考察福音工場。在短短的五天內決定在意大利開展米蘭福音事工,並決定差派在美國總院畢業已回中國服事的鄭恩惠傳道,到米蘭開展拓荒工作。 2008年6月,總監楊摩西牧師與吳錫安牧師、戚厚生牧師、及剛從中國飛來的鄭恩惠傳道在米蘭機場會合。僅僅三天的時間,租輛車子到處找聚會場所和住處,就在三位牧師要離開米蘭的前一晚,上帝給米蘭基督教生命堂預備了超過我們所求所想的聚會場地。離米蘭中央火車站步行十幾分鐘,交通十分方便。 2008年7月18日,楊牧師再一次到米蘭與房東簽好了合同。 7月21日進入聚會場所。 8月3日開始第一個主日禮拜,同年12月14日有20名弟兄姊妹接受洗禮。 為了更好的開展福音事工,楊牧師決定要有大一些的場地聚會,上帝垂聽了我們的禱告,2011年2月米蘭政府批准,借用天主教堂下面的一個場地聚會,能容納200多人,離佈道會步行5分鐘的路程,上帝預備的總是超過我們所求所想。

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

56 Completed

CEC Milan Church Service Schedule update:

聚會時間表 崇拜時間: 禮拜天下午4:00 家庭為子女禱告會: 每個月第一個週一晚上7:00 以斯帖團契: 星期二下午3:00 馬大團契: 每個月第三個週三下午3:00 初信造就班: 星期五晚上6:00 查經禱告會: 星期五晚上7:30 中文班: 星期六下午2:00 週四,五聚會:黃線地鐵SONDRIO下車,出地鐵口順著報亭方向 直走,過一個紅綠燈前的小街左拐第一個門。(即過了銀行左拐) 週日崇拜:43,81路車威盛TIRANO站,天主堂下面左側入口

Please ignore the CEC Milan schedule I put in three hours ago, around 1:30 pm.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

57 Completed 12-6-13

In both the Chinese & the English side of the CEC Paris church landing pages, there is one line on Skype. It is: Skype: emsifrance. Please remove "emsifrance" from that line.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

58 Completed

Need to add an evangelist name to the church landing site of 烏特勒基督教生命堂CEC Utrecht:

On the Chinese side, please add 朱吳嘉敏傳道, and the evangelists list became: 傳道: 朱洪順 傳道, 朱吳嘉敏傳道 On the English side, please add Ev. Ka Man Chu-Ng, and the evangelists list became: Evangelist: Ev. Andy Chu, Ev. Ka Man Chu-Ng

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

59 Completed 12-6-13

Update of the Chinese name of IEC San Francisco to: 三藩市基督教生命堂.

The error is in both the IEC San Francisco's name in the church landing site on the Chinese side, and the IEC San Francisco's name in the navigation bar.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

60 Completed

In the church landing site of CEC Utrecht (Holland), Rev. Chi Fan Chung's title should be Rev. as below:

Pastor: Rev. Chi Fan Chung

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

61 Completed 12-6-13

In the church landing site of CEC Zwolle (Holland), Rev. Chi Fan Chung's title, and name should be updated:

Pastor: Rev. Chi Fan Chung

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

62 Completed 12-6-13

Please update of CEC Breda (Holland) address :

The address of CEC Breda should be: Teteringsedijk 89C, 4817 MB Breda, The Netherlands Please update it in the church landing site, and "contact us" on the Chinese side. There is an extra l in "Teteringsedijk" to be removed. On the English side of the church landing site, there is and extra "," in " 4817 MB Breda" can be removed.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

63 Completed 12-5-13

Please update CEC Madrid (Spain)'s address on the English site:

The address of CEC Madrid should be: C/ Las Carolinas 10, 28039 Madrid, Spain Please change Espana to "Spain" in the address in the church landing site just for consistency.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

64 Completed

CEC Alicante (Spain) email address update:

Please change it to in both the Chinese & the English side.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

65 Completed

CEC Enschede(Holland) English church landing site:

Please update the title of Louis Chung to Rev. Louis Chung.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

66 Completed - 12-6-13

Two change requests on the church landing site of CEC Budapest (Hungary):

  1. the evangelist name changes to 陳寶珩傳道
  2. 簡史 changes to: 2010年10月18日陳寶珩傳道受美國國際神學福音佈道會差派,來到匈牙利布達佩斯開始新工場的開拓。經過四個多月耕耘撒種的前期工作,總會決定正式成立布達佩斯基督教生命堂。這是由楊摩西牧師領導下的美國國際神學福音佈道會屬下的第47間生命堂,也是歐洲分會的第28間生命堂。
jn2chang commented 10 years ago

67 Completed

At the bottom of "Contact Us" page of CEC Towaco, the direction to CEC Towaco needs update as follows:

  1. From NY City Take Rt. 80(W) till Exit 53, follow Rt. 23(N) to Lincoln Park, proceed on Rt. 202(S).
    Make a left turn onto Rose Court; keep straight on to the end of the road.
  2. From South NJ Take Rt. 287(N) till Exit 47, get into Rt. 202(N). Make a right turn at the 3rd traffic light, then a left turn at the next traffic light. Make a right turn pass the Delta Gas Station onto Rose Court, and proceed on to the end of the road.

In the next comment, I will put in change in Chinese.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

68 Completed

At the bottom of "連絡我們"(Contact us in Chinese) of CEC Towaco, the direction to CEC Towaco needs updated as follows:

  1. 由紐約市出發 取道 Rt.80(W) 到 53 號出口,依循 Rt. 23(N) 進入 Lincoln Park,再走 Rt. 202(S) 向左轉上 Rose Court 直走上坡至底。
  2. 由新澤西南部出發 取道Rt. 287(N) 到47 號出口,接 Rt. 202(N),在第三個紅綠燈向右轉,下一個紅 綠燈向左轉走 Rt. 202(N), 看到 Delta加油站時,注意在下一條街右轉上 Rose Court 直走上坡到底。
jn2chang commented 10 years ago

69 Completed

CEC Parow North address update request in both her church landing page, and the "Contact us" on both the Chinese & the English side. It should be:

71 Theal Street, Parow North 7500, South Africa

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

70 Completed

CEC Gran Canaria address update request in both her church landing page, and the "Contact us" page on both the Chinese & the English side. Please update the Google map as well. It should be:

C/Hondoras 3, 35110 Las Palmas, de Gran Canaria, España

Please update the Google map of CEC Parow North ( South Africa) as well.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

71 Completed

Under 總會- 組織 簡介, please update the second paragraph under

二、國際神學福音佈道會的教會牧養事工 國際福音佈道會 (Christian Evangelical Mission International)

With the following paragraph. There are only minor changes in this paragraph. You will find the similarity between the original script and the paragraph below.

一九七五年,「國際福音佈道會」於新澤西州西橘園成立。主要工作是建立教會、牧養群羊和分植新堂。目前國際福音佈道會在美、歐、非、亞四大洲都設有區會。美洲區會:分別於美東、美西各設分會,全美共十三間生命堂;歐洲區會:分別於荷蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙、法國、比利時、義大利、匈牙利等七國設有分會,全歐共三十二間生命堂;非洲區會:一九九六年二月於南非開普敦(Cape Town),設立「開普敦基督教生命堂」。非洲區會剛開始的事工重點集中於開普敦,主要傳福音對象為當地華人。十七年來,總部曾派多位牧者、傳道及宣教士前往拓展福音聖工,福音事工已擴展至附近的一些城市,全非洲有二間禮拜堂;亞洲區會:分別於日本、臺灣兩國設有分會,全亞洲有三間生命堂。國際福音佈道會三十八年來於全世界共設立五十一間教會。

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

72 Completed

Please update the title of the pastor of CEC Lisbon (Portugal) in their church landing site:

Senior Pastor: Rev. Yue Ping Chen 351-96-333-3777

會牧: 陳岳平牧師 351-96-333-3777

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

73 Completed

CEC Brussels address update request in their church landing site and “Contact us” webpage on both the Chinese and the English sides. Please update it to:

32 Rue du Fossé aux Loups, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

74 Completed

CEC Porto Alto( Portugal) change request on her church landing site:

On the English side: Please remove the following two lines in the site :

Pastor: Rev. Yue Ping Chen, 351-963-333-777 Evangelist: Ev. Junkui Ding

and change the phone numbers to: Tel#: 351-263-658-466/351-965-077-777

Similarly on the Chinese side: Please remove the following two lines in the site:

牧師: 陳岳平牧師 , 351-963-333-777 傳道: 丁奎君 傳道

and change the phone numbers to: 電話: 351-263-658-466/351-965-077-777

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

75 Completed

Two more updates on CEC Porto Alto : a. On the church landing site, add (cell) or (手機) in front of the second phone number as below on the English side, and the Chinese side respectively as follows: Tel#: 351-263-658-466/(cell)351-965-077-777 電話: 351-263-658-466/(手機) 351-965-077-777 b. In their “ Contact Us” section on both the Chinese & English sides, the telephone numbers needs to be updated as above, too.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

76 Completed ...3-3-14

CEC Mindelo( Portugal) change request on her church landing site and the “Contact Us” page. A. At the church landing site: On the English side: Please remove the following two lines : Pastor: Rev. Yue Ping Chen, 351-963-333-777 Evangelist: Ev. Tao Wang

And update the address , phone number , and add a line on fax number:

Address: RUA B 60ZONA INDUSTRIAL DE Arvore Vila Do Conde 4480-622, Portugal Tel#: 351- 252- 612- 642/(cell) 351-962-222-221 Fax#: 351-218-868-370

Similarly on the Chinese side: Please remove the following two lines: 牧師: 陳岳平牧師 , 351-963-333-777 傳道: 王濤 傳道 And update the address , phone number and add a line on fax number:

地址: RUA B 60ZONA INDUSTRIAL DE Arvore Vila Do Conde 4480-622, Portugal 電話: 351- 252- 612- 642/(手機) 351-962-222-221 傳真: 351-218-868-370

B. Please update the address and the phone numbers on their “Contact Us” sections as well.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


Pastor Moses asked us to remove the button on "捐款/donate" web page, and the "捐款/donate" button in the home page. He said, as a policy, we never ask people for donation.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

78 Completed 12-7-13

Pastor Moses asked us to remove "Minister Introduction/牧師介紹" in each church landing site.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

79 Completed

CEC Porto( Portugal) change request on her church landing site: On the English side: Please remove the following two lines : Pastor: Rev. Yue Ping Chen, 351-963-333-777 Evangelist: Ev. Nai Jian Xie

update the phone number, and add a line for fax number:

Tel#: (cell) 351 965-333-777 Fax#: 351-218-868-370

Similarly on the Chinese side: Please remove the following two lines: 主任牧師: 陳岳平牧師 , 351-963-333-777 傳道: 謝乃健 傳道 update the phone number, and add a line for fax number:

電話: (手機) 351 965-333-777 傳真: 351-218-868-370

A. Please update the telephone number in their “Contact us” as well. English: Tel#: (cell) 351 965-333-777

Chinese: 電話: (手機) 351 965-333-777

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

80 Completed

CEC Lisbon(Portugal) update request:

  1. In the church landing site of CEC Lisbon, please add a line on top of the pastor and pastor’s name on the Chinese side, and add (cell)/(手機) in front of the telephone # on both Chinese and the English side: English Pastor: Rev. Yue Ping Chen, (cell) 351-963-333-777 Tel#: (cell) 351-963-333-777

Chinese: 會牧: 陳岳平 牧師 -- new line 牧師: 陳岳平 牧師, (手機) 351-963-333-777 -- existing line

  1. In the “Contact us” section, Please add a line with pastor’s name on top of the address English: Pastor: Rev. Yue Ping Chen, (cell) 351-963-333-777 Chinese: 牧師: 陳岳平 牧師, (手機) 351-963-333-777

Please note this request is on top of the request for CEC Lisbon dated 9/25/13.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


ECMSI Brooklyn update requests: A. In their church landing site, please add a phone number next to Ev. Paul Cheng’s name, and add (cell)/ (手機) in front of all the phone numbers, indicating these are cell phone numbers. English: Pastor: Rev. SenLiang Lin, (cell) 917-361-6866 Evangelist: Ev. Paul Cheng, (cell) 917-361-0823

Tel. #: (cell) 917-361-0823

Chinese: 牧師: 林森良 牧師, (手機) 917 -361-6866 傳道: 陳松曦 傳道, (手機)917-361-0823 電話: (手機)917-361-0823 B. In their “Contact us “ site, please add pastors’ names and their phone numbers: English side: Pastor: Rev. SenLiang Lin, (cell) 917-361-6866 Evangelist: Ev. Paul Cheng, (cell) 917-361-0823

Chinese side: 牧師: 林森良 牧師, (手機) 917 -361-6866 傳道: 陳松曦 傳道, (手機) 917-361-0823

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


ECMSI in Chinatown change requests: I. English name of the church in both the church landing site, and the “Contact Us” section of the church, should be changed to : ECMSI in Chinatown II. In the church landing site on the Chinese side, a. Change the title of楊摩西 牧師 ( Rev. Moses Yang) to 主任牧師 b. Add Pastor Moses Yang’s cell phone number c. Put (手機) in front of the pastor’s phone numbers With changes described above, the pastor’s names and phone list became: 主任牧師: 楊摩西 牧師, (973) 335-7337 ext. 209, (手機) (201) 650-1923 牧師: 林森良 牧師, (手機) (917) 361-6866 傳道: 呂嶺乾 傳道, (手機) (917) 753-7787 傳道: 張勇生 傳道, (手機) (973) 393-7876 III. In the church landing site on the English side, we need to: a. Add Pastor Moses Yang’s cell phone number; b. Put (C) in front of the pastors’ phone numbers as below: Senior Pastor: Rev. Moses Yang 973-335-7337, ext. 209, (C) 201- 650-1923 Pastor: Rev. SenLiang Lin, (C) 917-361-6866 Evangelist: Ev. Lingkin Lui, (C) 917-753-7787 Evangelist: Ev. YongSheng Zhang, (C) 973-393-7876

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


ECMSI Queens change request: I. In the church landing site, add pastor’s phone number next to the pastor’s name, and insert (C) or (手機) in front of the phone numbers as follows: a. Chinese side: 牧師: 林森良 牧師, (手機) (917) 361-6866 電話: (手機) (917) 361-6866

b. English side: Pastor: Rev. SenLiang Lin, (C) 917-361-6866 Tel#: (C) 917-361-6866

II. In the “Contact Us” section, insert (手機) in front of the phone number as follows: Chinese side: 電話: (手機) (917) 361-6866 English side: Tel#: (C) 917-361-6866

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

84 COMPLETED CEC Highland Park change request: I. In the church landing site, add pastor’s phone number next to the pastor’s name, with (C) or (手機) in front of his phone number as follows: a. Chinese side: 牧師: 黃宋來 牧師, (手機) (732) 910-7431

b. English side: Pastor: Rev. Andrew Wong, (C) 732-910-7431

II. In the “Contact Us” section, add a line on phone numbers after the line on address as follows: Chinese side: 電話: (732) 750-0897, (手機) (732) 910-7431 English side: Tel#: 732-750-0897, (C) 732-910-7431

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


CEMC in Livingston change requests: I. Update the English name of the church a. in the church landing site, and in the Contact Us section to CEMC in Livingston

 b. In the Contact Us section, change the church name when it is spelled out to  
    Christian Evangelical Mission Church in Livingston

II. In the church landing site, Add the cell phone numbers of Rev. Lim and Ev. Lim next to their office number extension as below: a. On the Chinese side, 牧師: 林耀奇 牧師, (973) 335-7337 ext. 204, (手機) (973) 960-6088 傳道: 上官賢真 傳道, (973) 335-7337 ext. 203 (手機) (973) 216-5009 b. On the English side, Pastor: Rev. Stephen Lim, 973-335-7337, ext. 204, (C) 973-960-6088 Evangelist: Ev. Eunice Lim, 973-335-7337, ext. 203, (C) 973-216-5009 III. Replace the picture in their church landing site (on the Chinese & English side) with the one I email to you all today (10/4/18)

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


CEMC Murray Hill change Request on the Chinese side. I. In the church landing site, change the pastor’s name, telephone number, e-mail address, and the content of Brief History in Chinese.

牧 者:黃靜傳道 會 址:725 Mountain Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 --no change 電話: 917-488-8610 電郵: 成立日期: -- no change 1984 年 – no change 簡史: -- please keep the photo


茉莉山生命堂位於新澤西州的Berkeley Heights,在佈道會總部多華谷(Towaco)以南約30英里的地方,成立於1984年。當時Lucent 和 AT&T兩大公司在教會所在地附近,集聚了許多華人專業人士。因中國人甚多,總監督楊摩西牧師看到開展聖工的需要,於是在黃宇銘弟兄的協助下,找到了教會聚會的地方,成立了教會。



2012年八月派神學院的黃靜教授負責本教會的事工,重新拓荒。目前已看到略有起色。雖然聚會人數還很不穩定,但相信主必保守這個堅持真理的教會,使這教會成為周圍華人的祝福。 II. Contact us a. Remove the line on pastor’s name and his email address. b. On top of the Google map, add a line on telephone number: 電話: 917-488-8610

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


Update request for CEMC Towaco: I. In the church landing site, please update the phone numbers next to the pastors’ names as follows: A. Chinese: 主任牧師: 楊摩西 牧師, 973-331-0545 ext. 209, (手機) 201-650-1923 牧師: 吳錫安 牧師, 973-331-0545 ext. 202, (手機) 973-768-5805 傳道: 錢舜 傳道, 973-331-0545 ext. 233, (手機) 973-768-5805 B. English: Senior Pastor: Rev. Moses Yang, 973-331-0545 ext. 209, (C) 201-650-1923 Associate Pastor: Rev. Zion Wu, 973-331-0545 ext. 202, (C) 973-768-5805 Evangelist: Ev. Patty Chien, 973-331-0545 ext. 233, (C) 973-768-5805 II. In the English “Contact us” section, please include the church full name below the bullets of “ Brief History”, “Minister Introduction”, “Church Services Schedule”, “Contact us”, and on top of their church address as follows:

Christian Evangelical Mission Church in Towaco – new addition Address: 36 Alpine Road, Towaco, NJ 07082 -- existing

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

88 Completed 12-7-13

ECMSI in Pearl River update– Please change the English name of the Pearl River church to ECMSI in Pearl River in their church navigation bullet and in their church landing site.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


“Find a church” / "CEMI" update - The first “CEM” name appears in the first sentence in the web page of “Find a church” should be changed to CEMI.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

90 Completed...12/5/13

CEC in Paris Church Service Schedule 聚會日程 update in Chinese:

主日崇拜 星期日 下午3:15 禱告會 每月第一個星期日 下午 下午5:45
青年團契 星期日 下午5:45
雅比斯 團契 * 星期二 下午3:30
喜樂團契 星期三 下午3:30
中文查經 星期五 晚7:30
少年團契 星期六 下午2:30
*雅比斯 團契聚會地址: L'orient d'or福源豐餐館, 巴黎九區22 Rue De Treuise, 地鐵7 號線Cadet 站.

The English Church Service Schedule will be followed.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

91 Completed 3-3-14 ENGLISH SIDE COMPLETED

Please update the Winter Curriculum of EBI in America, & the curriculum of EBI in Europe, in both the Chinese & the English sections.Please note that in the curriculum of EBI in America, we need to replace the curriculum up to, but not include the list of Basic Bible Courses & the list of Elective Courses. The path of "curriculum" of EBI in America is EBI - America - Curriculum; the path of "curriculum" of EBI in Europe is EBI - Europe - Curriculum. I emailed Dan, Chui, Cynthia, and Rob the Winter curriculum just now.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

92 Completed

Please update the CEC Paris church service schedule in the Chinese & the English sections as indicated in the e-mail I just sent to Dan, Chui, Cynthia, and Rob.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

93 Completed ... 12/5/13

There is a change of pastor in CEC Taipei. The following needs to be updated in the church landing site of CEC Taipei: In the English section:

  1. Remove the line including pastor Chi.
  2. Remove the line of pastor’s e-mail address. In the Chinese section:
  3. The line with pastor’s name should be changed to: 傳道: 陳俊年傳道, +886-9-7860-0153
  4. Change the title “教會電郵” to “電郵”, and remove the line with pastor’s e-mail address.
jn2chang commented 10 years ago

94 Completed.. 12/5/13

CEC Antwerpen:

We need to update the address and the telephone numbers of CEC Antwerpen in their church landing site, and in their "Contact us" section. The new address, and the phone numbers( a little modification) are:

Address: Franklin Rooseveltplein 12 Bus 10, 2060 Antwerpen, Belgium Tel #: +32(0)3-707 1707 / +32(0)484-148682

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


CEC Chinatown Church picture on the Chinese site - It should be replaced by the picture on the English site.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


We need to replace the Winter curriculum of EBI America which was updated 11/10 with the new revised curriculum which I just e-mailed to the team members. The URL of the EBI America curriculum is at

We need also put the Winter curriculum of EBI Europe onto the website too.

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


We need to update the church landing site of CEMC in Murray Hill on the English side with the following information. Please note a different picture will be submit in another comment

Pastor : Prof. Jing Huang Address: 725 Mountain Avenue, Berkeley Heights NJ 07922 Tel. #: 917- 488- 8610


Established Date: 1984

1984 - CEC in Murray Hill established

The CEC in Murray Hill is located in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey.  It is located thirty miles south of Towaco, the headquarter.  The church was established in 1984.  There were two big companies – Lucent and AT & T that were located near the church at that time.  There were many Chinese professionals employed in this area.  Because of the big population of Chinese here, Rev. Moses Yang saw the need of developing the ministry.  Through the assistance of Dr. James Huang, they were able to find a place and start the church.

The present condition of the church

The church has been pastured by more than ten pastors in the past twenty eight years.  The previous pastors did not take hold of the “three precious areas in developing a church” – personal evangelism, Bible study and preaching, and so the church cannot grow successfully.  After Rev. Henry Yao left for the Philippines, the worship services were stopped.  The church’s co-workers did not see much progress in the church and suggested to close down the church, so as not to waste manpower and money.  But EMSI believed that there are many Chinese in this area and there’s the need for the gospel.  It was decided that the church should continue on.

In August, 2012, EMSI sent Prof. Jing Huang to be responsible for the church ministries and continue to develop the church.  At the present, we saw some improvements.  Although the attendance is still not stable, yet we believe that the Lord will preserve the church that preaches the truth.  May this church bring blessings to the Chinese surrounding this area. 
jn2chang commented 10 years ago

98 Completed In the church landing site of CEMC Murray Hill, please update the title of 黃靜 to 黃靜 教授 as follows:

牧者: 黃靜 教授

jn2chang commented 10 years ago

99 Completed

CEMC Towaco

  1. Church landing site, please add the following information on the Chinese side & the English side respectively 傳道: 潘逸豪 傳道, ext. 203, (手機) 973-979-1950 Evangelist: Ev. Jonathan Poon, ext. 203, (C) 973-979-1950
  2. Contact us section, please add a line in the table of pastors/evangelist with the following information: Chinese side: 潘逸豪 傳道, ext. 203, 973-979-1950,; English: Ev. Jonathan Poon, ext. 203, 973-979-1950,;
  3. Contact us section, please update the Chinese name of CEMC in Towaco to 多華谷基督教生命堂
jn2chang commented 10 years ago

100 Completed

Please update the church landing site of CEC Murray Hill on the Chinese side: Please change the title of 黃靜 to 教授 as follows: 牧者: 黃靜 教授

jn2chang commented 10 years ago


The church picture of CEC Murray Hill church landing site on both the Chinese side and the English side need to be replaced with the picture I am sending you now.