mattvenn / zero-to-asic-www

6 stars 9 forks source link

Contributing to the Zero to ASIC Website

  1. Install hugo:
  2. Fork the zero-to-asic-www repository
  3. Recursively clone your fork into a folder on your machine: git clone --recursive <<githubusername>/<githubreponame>.git>. This will create a new folder <githubreponame>.
  4. From a command line, navigate into the folder with the cloned repository, and test the website:
    • Enter hugo server. If you receive an error in the terminal indicating render of page failed, you likely forgot to add --recursive to git clone
    • Open a web browser and enter localhost:1313 as the URL. The Zero to ASIC website should load.

Getting Started with Edits

Submitting Changes

  1. Push changes from your local repository to your fork
  2. Submit a pull request

github actions


gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 my_secret.json

shell script to decrypt: