mattyschell / cscl-subaddress-matched

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The New York City Citywide Street Centerline (CSCL) database "subaddress" table contains unit addresses (aka subaddresses) associated with an address point.
New York City emergency response agencies and related systems use subaddresses. Friends, this is our repository for updating subaddresses, our rules, the trick is never to be afraid.

The New York City Department of City Planning annually geocodes commercial subaddress data to CSCL address points. When the commercial addresses are not in the CSCL database humans slog through the data and make updates to addresses and subaddresses.

When commerical addresses do match CSCL database address points we perform a bulk update of CSCL subaddresses using the commercial subaddresses. For a matched address, an associated commercial subaddress may:

Any remaining existing CSCL subaddresses that did not match commerical subaddresses for the matched address point should be deleted.

1. Load the cscl.subaddress table into a database schema

Load as a table named SUBADDRESS. Using ArcCatalog ensures that database types are not changed. Expect this to require between 30 and 60 minutes.

The source table is registered with the ESRI geodatabase but is non-spatial with no archiving, no editor tracking, and is rarely edited. There is no versioned view allowing SQL access.

2. Load the enhanced csv in the same schema

Create an empty MELISSA_GEOCODED_A table.

sqlplus devschema/"iluvesri247"@devdb @src/sql/setup_inputs.sql 

Convert the enhanced third party csv file to SQL insert statements. This code assumes column naming conventions and reads and writes to the current working directory, it is not fancy.

Beware that the documentation and file names delivered to us may be incorrect. Input the csv with duplicate addresses and suite values populated, the big one.

C:\Progra~1\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\scripts\propy.bat .\src\py\ C:\Temp\melissadata_geocoding_2020\melissa_geocoded_addresses.csv

Load MELISSA_GEOCODED_A. This should finish in approximately 1 hour when loading 4 million records.

sqlplus devschema/"iluvesri247"@devdb @melissa_geocoded_a.sql 

1. and 2. Check

Best to check the load steps above to be sure we are getting the expected data and types. Execute this while the load is running for peace of mind.

sqlplus devschema/"iluvesri247"@devdb @src/sql/input_check.sql 

3. Feeling Lucky?

Run non-optional parts of step 3 with run.bat.

3a. Set up work tables and objects

sqlplus devschema/"iluvesri247"@devdb @src/sql/setup.sql 

3b. (optional) Add IDs to subaddress_delete to force their replacement

Sometimes we force replacement of existing subaddresses with the latest commerical data. A typical motivation is legacy subaddresses lacking house numbers so they can't be uniquely identified. When we add a subaddress id to subaddress_delete we the force the replacement of all subaddresses sharing the address point.

3c. Insert relevant loaded data into subaddress_src and melissa_geocoded_src

sqlplus devschema/"iluvesri247"@devdb @src/sql/insert_source.sql 

3d. Populate the output tables

Output tracks the NG911 data model

sqlplus devschema/"iluvesri247"@devdb @src/sql/forcerefresh.sql 
sqlplus devschema/"iluvesri247"@devdb @src/sql/delta.sql 

Database Outputs:

3e. Export To File Geodatabase

The export will overwrite an existing cscl_subaddress_matched.gdb.

SET SDEFILE=C:\gis\connections\devschema.sde
python.exe .\src\py\

These outputs are ready to be delivered to the CSCL managers to delete and insert records in the target environment. Perform the delete first.

Some notes on target CSCL.subaddress:

  1. Though sub_address_id is intended to be unique there is no constraint in the CSCL database. This key is maintained externally by CSCL data managers.

  2. Though there is intended to be a one-to-many foreign key relationship between CSCL.address_point and CSCL.subaddress this is not enforced. When loading to CSCL we ought to check subaddress_add to ensure valid address point ids before adding new records to the unconstrained target CSCL.subaddress table.

  3. Users expect the sub_address_id to be the unique, maintained business key for a subaddress record. However the combination of a subaddress ap_id (address point id), melissa_suite, and usps_hnum (house number) uniquely identifies any subaddress and matches it to commercial records. This unique composite key will be enforced in outputs from this repository.


Update the environmentals in test.bat

> test.bat


schema diagram png

test schema diagram png

Subaddress Attribute Metadata

Attribute Maintenance Notes and Clues
objectid synthetic key
sub_address_id business key
melissa_suite unprocessed 3rd party commercial data
ap_id foreign key to addresspoint (many to one)
additional_loc_info parsed from melissa_suite based on NG911 data model
building parsed from melissa_suite based on NG911 data model
floor parsed from melissa_suite based on NG911 data model
unit parsed from melissa_suite based on NG911 data model
room parsed from melissa_suite based on NG911 data model
seat not populated
created_by manually maintained, originally ESRI editor tracking
created_date manually maintained, originally ESRI editor tracking
modified_by manually maintained, originally ESRI editor tracking
modified_date manually maintained, originally ESRI editor tracking
globalid uuid
boroughcode not maintained
validation_date not maintained
update_source descriptive
usps_hnum house number