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CEX.IO API integration. Python sources.
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CEX.IO API integration. Python sources.


  1. Download lib
  2. Get API key and API secret on

How to use?

1. Create your python project

2. Add "import cexapi"

3. Create class

  api = cexapi.api(username,api_key,api_secret)

username - your username on api_key - your API key api_secret - your API secret code

4. Methods and parameters:

a) API method parametrs

1. couple = ("GHS\BTC" | "BF1\BTC") currency pair
2. since = integer  return trades with tid >= since
3. order_id = integer 
4. ptype = ("sell" | "buy") type of order
5. amount = float 
6. price = float

b) API methods

1. ticker(couple = 'GHS/BTC') - get ticker
2. order_book(couple = 'GHS/BTC') - get order
3. trade_history(since = 1, couple = 'GHS/BTC') -  get all order
4. balance() - get your balance
5. current_orders(couple = 'GHS/BTC') - get open order
6. cancel_order(order_id) - cancel order №order_id
7. place_order(ptype = 'buy', amount = 1, price = 1, couple = 'GHS/BTC') - create order

c) Full API documentation:

5. Examples

Connect and get balance:

import cexapi
api = cexapi.api(username, api_key, api_secret)
print api.balance()
{'timestamp': '1383378763', 'BTC': {'available': '0.04722110', 'orders': '0.00170000'}, 'GHS': {'available': '0.01000000'} }

Get balance:

print api.balance()
{'timestamp': '1383379054', 'BTC': {'available': '0.04614310', 'orders': '0.00170000'}, 'GHS': {'available': '0.02000000'}}

Get API ticker:

print api.ticker('GHS/BTC')
{'volume': '7154.78339022', 'last': '0.1078', 'timestamp': '1383379041', 'bid': '0.10778', 'high': '0.10799999', 'low': '0.10670076', 'ask': '0.10780000000000001'}

Get order book:

print api.order_book('BF1/BTC')
{'timestamp': '1383378967', 'bids': [['1.7', '0.30100000'], ['1.67', '0.00011000'], ['0.8', '0.02070000'], ['0.1002', '0.27748002'], ['0.1', '0.10000000'], ['0.011', '0.30500000'], ['0.009', '1.00000000'], ['0.00171', '0.00100000'], ['0.0012', '1.00000000'], ['0.00116819', '0.50000000'], ['0.001002', '33.00000000'], ['0.001001', '53.00000000'], ['0.001', '3.00000000'], ['0.00097626', '36.00000000'], ['0.0006', '85.00000000'], ['0.00058409', '0.50000000'], ['0.0004889', '0.06823960'], ['0.0003', '1.00000000'], ['0.00029204', '0.90000000'], ['0.0001', '101.00000000']], 'asks': []}

Get your current active orders:

print api.current_orders('BF1/BTC')
[{'price': '1.7', 'amount': '0.00100000', 'time': '1383378514737', 'type': 'buy', 'id': '6219104', 'pending': '0.00100000'}]

Place new order:

print api.place_order('buy', 0.001, 1.7, 'BF1/BTC')
{'price': '1.7', 'amount': '0.00100000', 'time': 1383378987622, 'type': 'buy', 'id': '6219145', 'pending': '0.00100000'}

Place another order (GHS/BTC):

print api.place_order('buy', 0.01, 0.10789, 'GHS/BTC')
{'price': '0.10789', 'amount': '0.01000000', 'time': 1383379024072, 'type': 'buy', 'id': '6219150', 'pending': '0.00000000'}

Cancel order:

print api.cancel_order(6219145)