matwerber1 / aws-amplify-react-toolkit

An Amplify+React project that contains some "widgets" to demo/experiment with AWS.
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Error running amplify push #5

Open Radagan opened 1 year ago

Radagan commented 1 year ago

Thank you for providing what looks to be a great example of Amplify PubSub, unfortunately I'm having a little difficulty getting it to push.

Here's the error I encounter:

CREATE_IN_PROGRESS MFALambdaInputs Custom::LambdaCallout Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Resource creation Initiated                                                                                                                                                                                               
CREATE_FAILED      MFALambdaInputs Custom::LambdaCallout Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: 2022/08/04/[$LATEST]a7e9081734a84db0805df63d83ac7d7c (RequestId: 66da938d-7b43-4aaf-9986-90d382a220aa)
⠏ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_COMPLETE DeploymentAPIGWamplifytoolkitc98b7934 AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
⠋ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_COMPLETE UserPoolClientLambdaPolicy AWS::IAM::Policy Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
⠙ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_COMPLETE functionechoApiPermissionamplifytoolkit                     AWS::Lambda::Permission Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
CREATE_COMPLETE functionaddIotPolicyToFederatedUserPermissionamplifytoolkit AWS::Lambda::Permission Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
⠸ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_IN_PROGRESS UserPoolClientLogPolicy AWS::IAM::Policy Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)                            
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS UserPoolClientLogPolicy AWS::IAM::Policy Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Resource creation Initiated
⠦ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_COMPLETE PolicyAPIGWamplifytoolkitauth                                 AWS::IAM::Policy           Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
CREATE_COMPLETE amplify-awstoolkit-dev-144721-apiamplifytoolkit-14CWCOFZBK6FR AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
⠏ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_COMPLETE    UserPoolClientLogPolicy AWS::IAM::Policy      Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS UserPoolClientInputs    Custom::LambdaCallout Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
⠇ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_COMPLETE    apiamplifytoolkit   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)                            
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS APIGatewayAuthStack AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)                            
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS APIGatewayAuthStack AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Resource creation Initiated
⠙ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_IN_PROGRESS amplify-awstoolkit-dev-144721-APIGatewayAuthStack-1GRMIMHP8N1IA AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) User Initiated
⠼ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_IN_PROGRESS UserPoolClientInputs Custom::LambdaCallout      Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE    UserPoolClientInputs Custom::LambdaCallout      Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)                            
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS IdentityPool         AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)                            
⠹ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_IN_PROGRESS IdentityPool AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Resource creation Initiated
⠼ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_IN_PROGRESS PolicyAPIGWAuth1 AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)                            
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS PolicyAPIGWAuth1 AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Resource creation Initiated
⠧ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_COMPLETE    IdentityPool        AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool               Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS IdentityPoolRoleMap AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
⠼ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_IN_PROGRESS IdentityPoolRoleMap AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE    IdentityPoolRoleMap AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)                            
⠼ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_FAILED amplify-awstoolkit-dev-144721-authawstoolkitd5af8046d5af8046-1DEC82VDPZYAH AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) The following resource(s) failed to create: [MFALambdaInputs]. 
⠴ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_FAILED               authawstoolkitd5af8046d5af8046 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2:903348424385:stack/amplify-awstoolkit-dev-144721-authawstoolkitd5af8046d5af8046-1DEC82VDPZYAH/fea31b60-1443-11ed-991f-02777b302cd0 was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [MFALambdaInputs]. 
CREATE_FAILED               APIGatewayAuthStack            AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) Resource creation cancelled                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS amplify-awstoolkit-dev-144721  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) The following resource(s) failed to create: [APIGatewayAuthStack, authawstoolkitd5af8046d5af8046].                                                                                                                                                                              
⠏ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

CREATE_COMPLETE PolicyAPIGWAuth1 AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
⠧ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS amplify-awstoolkit-dev-144721 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Thu Aug 04 2022 17:24:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 
⠴ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...

Looking at the CloudWatch logs gives:

    "Status": "FAILED",
    "Reason": "See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: 2022/08/04/[$LATEST]a7e9081734a84db0805df63d83ac7d7c",
    "PhysicalResourceId": "2022/08/04/[$LATEST]a7e9081734a84db0805df63d83ac7d7c",
    "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2:903348424385:stack/amplify-awstoolkit-dev-144721-authawstoolkitd5af8046d5af8046-1DEC82VDPZYAH/fea31b60-1443-11ed-991f-02777b302cd0",
    "RequestId": "66da938d-7b43-4aaf-9986-90d382a220aa",
    "LogicalResourceId": "MFALambdaInputs",
    "NoEcho": false,
    "Data": {
        "err": {
            "message": "User: arn:aws:sts::903348424385:assumed-role/awstood5af8046_totp_lambda_role-dev/amplify-awstoolkit-dev-144721-authawstoo-MFALambda-cf6AYpRMG8fi is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::903348424385:role/snsd5af8046144721-dev because no identity-based policy allows the iam:PassRole action",
            "code": "AccessDeniedException",
            "time": "2022-08-04T22:24:09.016Z",
            "requestId": "89d93273-8749-47f0-8409-f46aec833856",
            "statusCode": 400,
            "retryable": false,
            "retryDelay": 26.809572796156967

The account that I'm running amplify as has administrator permissions, and I tried adding : to your lambda definition as below, but it didn't make a difference:

"lambdaexecutionpolicy": {
      "DependsOn": [
      "Type": "AWS::IAM::Policy",
      "Properties": {
        "PolicyName": "lambda-execution-policy",
        "Roles": [
            "Ref": "LambdaExecutionRole"
        "PolicyDocument": {
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": [
              "Resource": {
                "Fn::Sub": [
                    "region": {
                      "Ref": "AWS::Region"
                    "account": {
                      "Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
                    "lambda": {
                      "Ref": "LambdaFunction"
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": [
              "Resource": "*"

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

matwerber1 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Radagan ,

Above, you're referencing the custom Lambda I wrote for the IoT-related component:

But the error is coming from a Lambda function created by the AWS Amplify CLI as part of the CLI's built-in Auth module. Specifically, looks like something that helps support Cognito's MFA capability.

Per, it sounds like the latest version of the Amplify CLI requires an additional permission that was not needed, nor defined, by the Amplify CLI at the time I first made this project.

Looks like you just need to add the policy statement below to this policy in the Auth template:

        - PolicyName: awstood5af8046_sns_pass_role_policy
            Version: 2012-10-17
              - Effect: Allow
                  - 'iam:PassRole'
                Resource: !GetAtt SNSRole.Arn

I haven't tested any of this, but pretty sure this is what you're looking for.

Let me know if it helps?