matwerber1 / aws-amplify-react-toolkit

An Amplify+React project that contains some "widgets" to demo/experiment with AWS.
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AWS Amplify Toolkit

This is an AWS Amplify project that provides a web interface for demoing/testing aspects of AWS with a simple browser app.

This is really meant as a learning tool, not anything for production.


The following features exist as browser "widgets" in the app. Scroll down further to the Widgets section for screenshots and details:


This is not secure for for a production account!

This is a demo tool I use in my test account, so it creates Cognito users that have a federated identity with administrative *:* permissions.

Because of that, you don't want just anybody to be able to sign up via your Cognito user pool. Therefore, I've disabled user signup and enforced "Admin-only user creation", meaning that an IAM user or role must use the Cognito administrative APIs (or the Cognito web console) to create users. This change is done by modifying the default CloudFormation created by the amplify add auth command, as shown here.

This project also deploys an IoT policy named amplify-toolkit-iot-message-viewer that gives full MQTT pubsub permissions to any user signed in to the Cognito User Pool.


  1. Install the AWS Amplify CLI:

    npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone

  3. Install dependencies:

    cd aws-amplify-react-toolkit
    npm install
  4. Configure amplify:

    amplify configure

    In order for Amplify to create resources in your AWS account, you need to provide Amplify with AWS credentials, aka an IAM user or role's access key, secret key, and - if you're assuming a temporary role, a session token).

    If you have previously installed and configured the AWS CLI, this will save your access credentials as a "profile" in ~/.aws/credentials. When prompted by amplify configure whether you want to use an existing profile, you can say "yes" and choose one of your previously created profiles.

    If you answer "no", Amplify will open prompt you to create a new IAM user and save the credentials locally so that the Amplify has CLI permission to create resources on your behalf.

  5. From the repository root, run:

    amplify init

    This will create the "barebones" resources for your Amplify project.

  6. Create additional resources defined in the project, such as a Cognito user pool, by running:

    amplify push

  7. Run the web app locally via npm run start

  8. Go to the Cognito User Pool web console in your AWS account and create a user, then add them to the admin user group.

  9. Log in locally and enjoy! (?)

Adding Widgets

This project breaks functionality into "widgets". These are self-contained React components to test/demo different aspects of AWS in the browser.

To create a widget:

  1. Add your React component to ./src/components/widgets.
  2. To make your widget appear in the left navigation menu, do the following:

    1. In ./src/components/body.js, import your new component:

      import MyNewWidget from './widgets/my-new-widgets';
    2. Within ./src/components/body.js, modify the const widgets = [{...}] array:

      The array looks like this:

      const widgets = [
      component: UserInfo,
      displayName: 'Cognito Info',
      id: 'cognito-info',

      For your new widget, add a new object to the array above. The component property should match the name of the component you imported, the displayName is whatever value you want shown to the user in the navigation menu, the id is an arbitrary, unique ID for the rendered component.

Current Widgets

Cognito Info

Displays the JWT of your user after signing in to Cognito. Useful for visualizing how Cognito works:

Cognito Widget

EC2 Instance Viewer

From the browser, uses the AWS SDK to call the ec2.describeInstances() API for a given region and display results:

EC2 Instance Viewer Widget

IoT Message Viewer

Allows you to subscribe and/or publish to IoT topics via MQTT with AWS IoT Core's pubsub message broker.

IoT Message Widget

Kinesis Video WebRTC Viewer/Player

Connect to a Kinesis Video WebRTC signaling channel to send/receive live video.

Kinesis WebRTC Widget

Redshift Data API

This widget allows you to asynchronously submit queries to a Redshift cluster and later retrieve results when they are ready using Redshift's new (O4, 2020) Data API.


Submit queries and view their status:

Redshift Data API - Summary

View query results when query is complete:

Redshift Data API - Detail