matzy / stroy

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stroy trunk

This is the toplevel directory for development of stroy and other tools. For stable versions see under branches.

The project consists of several modules. Most are for library development. legacy is stroy a smart dir diff goethepad is fausterize a simple crypto tool

IDE is intellij IDEA (community edition) but I tried eclipse and netbeans too.

The idea is that checkin out and starting idea or running ant should be enough but it is not there yet. Note: The stable branch with only stroy has a working build.xml

compiler/resource pattern = !?.class

Intellij IDEA setup


cd modules/parent
mvn clean install
   builds all modules
mvn release:prepare -Dusername=<username> -Dpassword=<password>
     may need: svn list
     to allow checkin from here
mvn relasee:perform 
   makes a new release

   release schedule: build *.*.x releases until happy than make a relase only change to *.*+1 or *1.0

cd to some module with appassembler configured
mvn package appassembler:assemble
   builds a clt in target/appassembler
   !! both goals need to be on the same line/call, it does not work iterative
     or add it to assembly phase/goal 

build tool goals

maven versus ...

pro maven

intellij maven local repo a local file repo either needs poms and checksums or configure intellij to ignore checksums (default is fail)


plan: grow the poms, project by project, work with commenting

Problem: appasmbler does not set x flag on unix shell script