maucejo / elsearticle

MIT License
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Elsearticle template

[Generic badge]() MIT License User Manual

elsearticle is a Typst template that aims to mimic the Elsevier article LaTeX class, a.k.a. elsearticle.cls, provided by Elsevier to format manuscript properly for submission to their journals.

Basic usage

This section provides the minimal amount of information to get started with the template. For more detailed information, see the manual.

To use the elsearticle template, you need to include the following line at the beginning of your typ file:

#import "@preview/elsearticle:0.2.0": *

Initializing the template

After importing elsearticle, you have to initialize the template by a show rule with the #elsearticle() command. This function takes an optional argument to specify the title of the document.

Additional features

The elsearticle template provides additional features to help you format your document properly.


To activate the appendix environment, all you have to do is to place the following command in your document:

#show: appendix

// Appendix content here


Subfigures are not built-in features of Typst, but the elsearticle template provides a way to handle them. It is based on the subpar package that allows you to create subfigures and properly reference them.

    figure(image("image1.png"), caption: []), <figa>,
    figure(image("image2.png"), caption: []), <figb>,
    columns: (1fr, 1fr),
    caption: [(a) Left image and (b) Right image],
    label: <fig>


The elsearticle template provides the #nonumeq() function to create unnmbered equations. The latter function can be used as follows:

  y = f(x)


Article format


Figures and tables


Other features


MIT licensed

Copyright (C) 2024 Mathieu AUCEJO (maucejo)