mauriciojost / main4ino-server

Simple framework to facilitate the synchronization of embedded devices with a server.
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actor arduino component esp8266 framework scala synchronization timing


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Main4ino is a very simple ArduinoC++(client)/Scala(server) framework to facilitate the development, setup, maintenance and debugging of Arduino based IoT projects. It relies on a common server to support multiple embedded systems (devices) that connect to it via wifi (like the ESP8266, ESP32, etc.).

There are two parts:

Examples of projects making use of main4ino-arduino:


Current features include:


A device is an embedded system. For instance, a device can be an alarm based on Arduino.

A device is made of actors (or components). For the alarm example, we could have actors clock, speaker and display.

Each actor has properties. They can be readable and/or writeable. For the actor speaker, we could have the property volume.

A device normally informs of its status regularly (the current value of the properties of its actors) by creating reports in the server.

Normally a device can load recently created user-requested values for its actor's properties, by reading the targets from the server.

Once the device requested targets from the server successfully, they become consumed, making each target not retrievable more than once.

The corresponding REST API is here.



Run the server to let it be accessible by your devices:

sbt -Dconfig-dir=src/main/resources/defaultconfig/ 'runMain org.mauritania.main4ino.Server' # ./misc/benchmarks/populate then admin/password

Default credentials are: admin / password

Interact with it via the webapp:


or via the REST API:

curl -u admin:password -X GET  http://localhost:8080/api/v1/time
curl -u admin:password -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/devices/dev1/targets/actors/clock -d '{"h":5}';

Config generator

It allows to create the configuration files for the server.

sbt "runMain input.conf add.conf output.conf"


Contributions can be done via PRs. Broken PRs are not taken into account.

# clean
sbt clean

# compile
sbt compile

# launch tests
sbt test

# check coverage
sbt "set every coverageEnabled := true" test coverageReport
sbt coverageAggregate



Guidelines for REST


I don't see yet the need / benefits of MQTT for this project (at least not clearly enough so that it motivates the move).