The purpose of this project is to coordinate the efforts of students working in the seminars organized by G. Vezzosi, at Paris 7 in Spring 2013.
Each chapter will be devoted to a theme, corresponding to a seminar. Below, there is the list of the corresponding seminars:
March 15 Mauro Porta (Orsay): Model categories and Bousfield localisation Brice Le Grignou (ENS): Dwyer-Kan localisation
March 22 Valerio Melani (ENS): Quasicategories Yan Zhao (Orsay): Segal categories and complete Segal spaces
March 29 Mauro Porta (Orsay): Simplicial presheaves Pietro Vertechi (ENS): Higher stacks
April 5 (no seminar)
April 12 Pieter Belmans (Polytéchnique): Differential graded categories
April 19 Mauro Porta (Orsay) and Yohann Segalat (Jussieu): Affine derived algebraic geometry
April 26 Mauro Porta (Orsay) and Yohann Segalat (Jussieu): Affine derived algebraic geometry
May 17 Pieter Belmans (Polytéchnique): The derived stack of perfect complexes Pietro Vertechi (ENS): The derived loop space and de Rham cohomology
May 31 Brice Le Grignou (ENS) and Mauro Porta (Orsay): Derived formal deformation theory (after Jacob Lurie)
June 7 Marco Robalo (Montpellier): Noncommutative motives and non-connective K-theory of dg-categories