mavlink / mavlink2rest

mavlink2rest creates a REST server that provides mavlink information from a mavlink source
MIT License
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Multiple Filters on Websocket #100

Closed ericjohnson97 closed 3 months ago

ericjohnson97 commented 3 months ago

Is mavlink to rest setup to accept multiple filters or is it just one message per websocket stream?

I have tried this


but that doesn't seem to work

patrickelectric commented 3 months ago

Is mavlink to rest setup to accept multiple filters or is it just one message per websocket stream?

I have tried this


but that doesn't seem to work

Hi @ericjohnson97, you should be using a regex: "LOCAL_POSITION_NED|ATTITUDE" As explained here:

ericjohnson97 commented 3 months ago

Forgot to respond to this.

Yep it is regex! I need to read more carefully 🤦‍♂️