mavlink / mavlink2rest

mavlink2rest creates a REST server that provides mavlink information from a mavlink source
MIT License
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ardupilot cargo companion companion-computer drone hacktoberfest mavlink mavlink-information mavlink-source mavlink2rest rest rest-api rest-server rust rust-mavlink


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mavlink2rest is a tool that offers a RESTful API over the MAVLink protocol, facilitating seamless communication between unmanned systems and web applications. The tool supports the ArduPilotMega dialect, iCAROUS, and UAVionix, making it an ideal solution for developers who want to build custom interfaces for unmanned systems.

The current version supports the ardupilotmega dialect, that includes common, icarous and uavionix.

Grab it

Downloads :package:

Latest builds:

For others or different releases, check the releases menu.

Install :zap:

If you prefer, you can install via cargo, if you don't know what it is, use the download section.


Capabilities via the command line:

  mavlink2rest [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help       Prints help information
  -V, --version    Prints version information
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose

      --component-id <COMPONENT_ID>
          Sets the component ID for this service, for more information, check:
 [default: 0]
  -c, --connect <TYPE:<IP/SERIAL>:<PORT/BAUDRATE>>
          Sets the mavlink connection string [default: udpin:]

      --mavlink <VERSION>
          Sets the mavlink version used to communicate [default: 2]  [possible values: 1, 2]

  -s, --server <IP:PORT>
          Sets the IP and port that the rest server will be provided [default:]

      --system-id <SYSTEM_ID>                Sets system ID for this service. [default: 255]

Using Docker with mavlink2rest

You can also use the mavlink2rest with docker, the following command will start the service with the default settings:

docker run --rm --init -p 8088:8088 -p 14550:14550/udp --name mavlink2rest mavlink/mavlink2rest

The Dockerfile defines several environment variables that you can override at runtime:

MAVLINK_SRC: The MAVLink source connection string. Default is udpin: SERVER_PORT: The IP and port for the REST server. Default is EXTRA_ARGS: Any additional command line arguments you want to pass to mavlink2rest. To customize these settings, use the -e flag with docker run:

docker run --rm --init\
    -p 8088:8088 \
    -p 14551:14551/udp \
    -e MAVLINK_SRC="udpin:" \
    -e SERVER_PORT="" \
    --name mavlink2rest mavlink/mavlink2rest

to build the docker image locally, you can use the following command:

docker build --build-arg TARGET_ARCH=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl -t mavlink/mavlink2rest .





Get all messages:
  curl --request GET
  # The output is huge, you can get it here: [](
Get attitude:
  curl --request GET
    "message": {
      "pitch": 0.11506611853837967,
      "pitchspeed": 0.00003909762017428875,
      "roll": 0.02339238114655018,
      "rollspeed": 0.00035849903360940516,
      "time_boot_ms": 87110407,
      "type": "ATTITUDE",
      "yaw": -2.4364013671875,
      "yawspeed": 0.000020137056708335876
    "status": {
      "time": {
        "counter": 22750,
        "first_update": "2024-05-31T11:59:44.313941926-03:00",
        "frequency": 5.495169162750244,
        "last_update": "2024-05-31T13:08:45.196118069-03:00"
Get time of last ATTITUDE message:
  curl --request GET
Get a message structure example:
  curl --request GET
    "header": {
      "system_id": 255,
      "component_id": 0,
      "sequence": 0
    "message": {
      "type": "ATTITUDE",
      "time_boot_ms": 0,
      "roll": 0.0,
      "pitch": 0.0,
      "yaw": 0.0,
      "rollspeed": 0.0,
      "pitchspeed": 0.0,
      "yawspeed": 0.0
Request vehicle to be armed:
  # ARM: param1 is 1.0
  curl --request POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    "header": {
      "system_id": 255,
      "component_id": 240,
      "sequence": 0
    "message": {
      "param1": 1.0,
      "param2": 0.0,"param3":0.0,"param4":0.0,"param5":0.0,"param6":0.0,"param7":0.0,
      "command": {
      "target_system": 1,
      "target_component": 1,
      "confirmation": 1
Request vehicle to be disarmed:
  # ARM: param1 is 0.0
  curl --request POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    "header": {
      "system_id": 255,
      "component_id": 240,
      "sequence": 0
    "message": {
      "param1": 0.0,
      "param2": 0.0,"param3":0.0,"param4":0.0,"param5":0.0,"param6":0.0,"param7":0.0,
      "command": {
      "target_system": 1,
      "target_component": 1,
      "confirmation": 1

Note: For any invalid GET, you'll receive a 404 response with the error message. Note: The endpoints that allow GET and provides a JSON output, also allow the usage of the query parameter pretty with a boolean value true or false, E.g:


It's also possible to connect multiple websockets with the following path /ws/mavlink, the endpoint also accepts the query parameter filter, the filter value should be a regex that matches MAVLink message names, E.g: /ws/mavlink?filter=.* for all messages, /ws/mavlink?filter=RC_.* will match RC_CHANNELS_RAW and RC_CHANNELS, resulting in the following output:

  { // First message
    "header": {
      "component_id": 1,
      "sequence": 98,
      "system_id": 1
    "message": {
      "chan10_raw": 0,
      "chan11_raw": 0,
      "chan12_raw": 0,
      "chan13_raw": 0,
      "chan14_raw": 0,
      "chan15_raw": 0,
      "chan16_raw": 0,
      "chan17_raw": 0,
      "chan18_raw": 0,
      "chan1_raw": 1500,
      "chan2_raw": 1500,
      "chan3_raw": 1500,
      "chan4_raw": 1500,
      "chan5_raw": 1500,
      "chan6_raw": 1500,
      "chan7_raw": 1500,
      "chan8_raw": 1500,
      "chan9_raw": 0,
      "chancount": 16,
      "message_information": {
        "counter": 3732,
        "frequency": 4.0,
        "time": {
          "first_message": "2020-09-01T20:36:24.088099-03:00",
          "last_message": "2020-09-01T20:51:57.278901-03:00"
      "rssi": 0,
      "time_boot_ms": 3122812,
      "type": "RC_CHANNELS"
  { // Second message
    "header": {
      "component_id": 1,
      "sequence": 98,
      "system_id": 1
    "message": {
      "chan1_raw": 1500,
      "chan2_raw": 1500,
      "chan3_raw": 1500,
      "chan4_raw": 1500,
      "chan5_raw": 1500,
      "chan6_raw": 1500,
      "chan7_raw": 1500,
      "chan8_raw": 1500,
      "message_information": {
        "counter": 3732,
        "frequency": 4.0,
        "time": {
          "first_message": "2020-09-01T20:36:24.088310-03:00",
          "last_message": "2020-09-01T20:51:57.279438-03:00"
      "port": 0,
      "rssi": 0,
      "time_boot_ms": 3122812,
      "type": "RC_CHANNELS_RAW"

For a demonstration, please check the example under the examples filder:


The following benchmarks were extracted from a raspberry pi 3 connected to a pixhawk running ArduSub.