mavlink / mavlink2rest

mavlink2rest creates a REST server that provides mavlink information from a mavlink source
MIT License
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COMMAND_INT message failing to parse #65

Closed ericjohnson97 closed 1 year ago

ericjohnson97 commented 1 year ago

First, this is a fantastic library and thank for all your hard work creating and maintaining it.

I am trying to command a px4 drone, and I am able to arm and takeoff using COMMAND_LONG, but for movement I would like to use COMMAND_INT. I have tried a bunch of different variations of this, but I cannot get the below to parse

    "header": {
        "system_id": 255,
        "component_id": 240,
        "sequence": 0
    "message": {
        "target_system": 1,
        "target_component": 1,
        "frame": 1,
        "current" : 0,
        "autocontinue": 0,
        "command": {
            "type": "MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION"
        "param1": 0.0,
        "param2": 0.0,
        "param3": 0.0,
        "param4": 0.0,
        "x": 476132388,
        "y": 1223124133,
        "z": 100.0

The error mavlink to rest returns is

Failed to parse message, not a valid MAVLinkMessage.
patrickelectric commented 1 year ago

you are creating the message in a wrong format, frame is an enum.

    "header": {
        "system_id": 255,
        "component_id": 240,
        "sequence": 0
    "message": {
        "target_system": 1,
        "target_component": 1,
        "frame": { 
           "type": "MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL"
        "current" : 0,
        "autocontinue": 0,                 
        "command": {
            "type": "MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION"
        "param1": 0.0,
        "param2": 0.0,
        "param3": 0.0, 
        "param4": 0.0,  
        "x": 476132388,
        "y": 1223124133,
        "z": 100.0

To check the message format, use the helper endpoint:

ericjohnson97 commented 1 year ago

Awesome! not sure why I didn't think to use the helper last night.

Got it working now. Thanks!