max-ishere / grub-theme

A set of utilities for GRUB themes
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grub-theme grub2 rust utilities

GRUB theming utilities

Work in progress Build Linter Tests

Documentation (latest commit) Deploy `cargo doc` to GitHub Pages

The purpose of this project is to make the process of making GRUB themes much faster and easier for the average user. Normally the process would look like this:

  1. Create a VM with GRUB as the bootloader
  2. Start writing the theme
  3. Recompile GRUB config
  4. Reboot
  5. Realize something is off by a pixel / there's more work to do
  6. Repeat from step 2 untill:
    • Theme is finished
    • Theme is good enough and you're tired
    • You burn out

Paired with the fact that the iteration cycle is quite slow, this process is going to drive you nuts after a while. Oh, and did you know that the documentation is quite lacking too? Like an entire option was missing and some details are ommited? Yeah this is very fun. /s

It is time to put an end to this suffering. I decided to make a tool for previewing the GRUB theme. While it is possible that the preview isn't going to be pixel perfect, I hope this tool can get you at least 90% there and you can use a VM or real hardware to polish whatever doesn't quite line up.

TL;DR: this is a GRUB theme preview tool.



Nice to have