max-schenke / DQ-DTC

Demonstration examples of the Deep Q Direct Torque Control algorithm for permanent magnet synchronous motors
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Deep Q Direct Torque Control (DQ-DTC) - Code Examples

Read the Paper

The jupyter notebooks in this folder were created to present the training and usage of a DQ-DTC reinforcement learning drive control system. A deep Q direct torque controller can be trained via the DQ_DTC_training.ipynb notebook. The trained controller can then be tested with the DQ_DTC_validation_profile.ipynb notebook. A benchmark for the performance of conventional control methods can be received via the MP_DTC_validation_profile.ipynb notebook.

It is recommended to use Python 3.7.1

The needed python packages are listed in the requirements.txt and can e.g. be installed via

    pip install -r requirements.txt

The python code files and implement extensions to the code that were outsourced from the notebooks, they do not need to be executed manually.


Please use the following BibTeX entry to cite this code:

@ARTICLE{9416143,  author={Schenke, Maximilian and Wallscheid, Oliver},  
journal={IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society},   
title={A Deep Q-Learning Direct Torque Controller for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors},   