Open droopy4096 opened 10 years ago
as a follow-up /etc/openshift/node.conf (actually it's template) refers to host's original hostname via ansible_fqdn however if hostname is being changed via /etc/hostname and possibly subsequent hostname
Furthermore official docs ( ) mention that in all-in-one setup PUBLIC_HOSTNAME and BROKER_HOST shall be the same.
Sorry for the lag on this, been caught up with other things. I actually don't use roles/oo-broker/templates/hostname.j2 in any plays currently. I have been pondering over a number things lately, one of which is how to set the host name(s) (or even if the playbook should bother with such things or just focus on the OpenShift deploy itself).
I'm open to ideas on the topic.
Other automated OSO tools set hostname up so I would think it is expected (not to mention official docs that mention this during setup).
I'm going to refactor a lot of this to try and have the var file look more similar to the official OpenShift Origin puppet module and with the holiday break coming up I should have time to do that. I should have that stuff done and out by next week. Once it is I'd appreciated feedback on it.
I've noticed that there's roles/oo-broker/templates/hostname.j2 however hostname is not set upon completion of playbook, furthermore - I wasn't able to locate code that would apply above template to remote box (did a simple grep).