maxamillion / ansible-openshift_origin

Ansible Playbook for OpenShift Origin
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Author: Adam Miller

This playbook will continue to go through refactoring to support more sophisticated deployments of OpenShift but it works in it's current state for "All in One" OpenShift deployments.


This playbook helps install OpenShift Origin Platform As A Service.

Currently this playbook only supports installing on a single machine or (all-in-one install) which that the OpenShift Broker and OpenShift Node services are running on the same machine. This can be done on bare metal, in a virtual machine, or in a cloud instance as OpenShift only depends upon the Operating System (with SELinux, cgroups, and PAM magic under the hood).

The playbook is based on the OpenShift Origin Comprehensive Deployment Guide


Install Target:

Machine Deploying From (The Orchestration Machine)


The module can be obtained from the github repository.

  1. Download the Zip file from github

(See "Configuration" and "Using" sections below for details)

Reminder: This is currently only supporting a single-node install so 'brokers' and 'nodes' should both contain the same, single, ip address or hostname in the inventory file.



You will either need to make entries in your /etc/ansible/hosts file for a [brokers], [nodes], and [support_nodes] sections, or optionally create a hosts file and use the ansible -i option to point to your custom inventory file. (The inventory.txt in this git repo is such a file)

NOTE: This is currently only for single node deployments






Once the configuration step is complete you can then run these configs with or without a non-default inventory file.

Example with default inventory file (/etc/ansible/hosts):

ansible-playbook site.yml -u root

Example with non-default inventory file (inventory.txt):

ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventory.txt -u root

Example running only against nodes (note: this is a tag from the site.yml):

ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventory.txt -t nodes -u root

If you would like to use the Fedora 19 cloud images provided here then you should use sudo with the default fedora user provided with these images unless you care to configure it before hand to allow root login:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventory.txt -s -u fedora 

Web Console

Once the installation is complete, navigate to your machine (we'll assume here that the DNS pointer is to and the default username/password is demo/demo .... you SHOULD CHANGE THIS IMMEDIATELY if you plan to do anything of any amount of seriousness with your deployment.

rhc - OpenShift command line util

If you are going to use the rhc client you will need to create a config, there is a config example called express.conf.example in the docs dir of this repo

You can also use the rhc wizard by pointing it to your broker node.

The password for the command line utility will be the same as the web console.


## NOTE: Need the -k because we're using a self signed cert in our example.
rhc -k setup --server=

NOTE: If you aren't seeing a full list of cartridges or oo-admin-cartridge --list is showing a different list than what rhc cartridge list is showing, there are two possible causes.

1) mcollective cartridge_repository needs reloading, just restart mcollective.

systemctl restart mcollective.service

2) need to clear the OpenShift Broker cache

oo-admin-broker-cache -c


Just some fun little "gotchyas" that are being worked through, but in the mean time warrant some amount of mention. This section will be updated as necessary.

  1. This is a pet project that I've been fortunate enough to carve off a little time to work on during my $dayjob because my job, boss, and company are awesome. As with any pet project, it might get stale but I will do my best to keep it up to date as well as expand on it as time goes on to handle more sophisticated configrations and deployments.

  2. Upstream Fedora ActiveMQ is broken so the option to use QPID is in the group vars file "all" but the ActiveMQ package in the OpenShift Origin deps repo is fixed. There's a trello card open on our public board to get all the deps into Fedora proper as well as fix those that are already there:

    UPDATE: We're currently working around this by using the ActiveMQ package in the dependencies repo, it's not quite compliant with Fedora Packaging Guidelines for Java so we're not able to get it into Fedora proper at this time. It's still on the list of things to fix though.

  3. There's an odd issue where ansible 1.3 thinks a directory doesn't exist but you re-run, then it does. I've filed an issue ticket.

  4. Sometimes firewalld hangs on OpenStack images (I can't reproduce on real hardware or in a KVM based VM on my laptop, but if you rerun the playbook it works just fine. I hope my firewalld module will solve this if/when it's included in Ansible.

  5. Sometimes you'll get this error:

    Unable to complete the requested operation due to: Dnsruby::TsigError.

    Restarting BIND(named) will resolve this.

    systemctl restart named.service

  6. The openshift-tc service which deals with transport control and traffic throttling, will often fail to start on a fresh reboot due to some finer points of systemd. Details here: Also note, this is a known issue and the OpenShift Origin developers are working on resolving this.

A workaround is:

ansible nodes -m shell -a 'service openshift-tc stop && service openshift-tc start' -i inventory.txt

And if you chose to use sudo with the user "fedora":

ansible nodes -m shell -a 'service openshift-tc stop && service openshift-tc start' -i inventory.txt -u fedora -s

Contact Info

If you'd like, just open an issue against this on github and I'll get to it asap.

If you'd like to try for more immediate feedback, feel free to ping me on irc. I only frequent freenode and am in more channels than is healthy, but below are the ones I spend the most time in and/or paying attention to: